Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    well I have never threatened to hurt anyone but theres one on this forum right now I would not mind B**** slapping right now and would be lieing if I said otherwise. and no its not you hught lol
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yep, I believe in our Constitution, too many have died for it.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Honestly Kaci, when it comes to stuff like this, I really can't have an intelligent debate either, there are some crimes in this world that I just can't wrap my brain around. :-(
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Hught, you know I respect your opinion, but your not changing mine when it comes to punishing child molesters. :cool:
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    OK, unfortunate, but OK
  6. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    IMO IF he did this hes a baby raper she was 3 thats still a baby. She could not defend herself she could not say no she was left in his care and he took advantage of that. That is sick ! Nobody knows the scars he has left with this child she will cary them with her forever!
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Reminder to self: do not get on Angeleyes wrong side:-D
  8. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    lol sorry I had 3 drinks tonight and my limits 2 ......Has anyone seen Anonymous99999 down there in the box viewing wonder who that is?
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    It's all good - i can relate:lol: There are a lot of people who just sign up to lurk, who knows who they really are - i am just glad i know enough people on here IRL to feel safe:-D
  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    No, you BEND the issues and argue your rhetoric when you don't want to deal with other opinions. . .

    Sigh. . .

    You stated: " Originally Posted by sue100
    ". . . In psychology and medicine both, 14 is not a child, but rather an adolescent which means they have become capable of reproduction. (Note there are three stages of human development - child, adolescent, and adult.) This was by mother nature's design - it can hardly be argued that it was not her intention for adolescents to mate, or in other words, that such behavior would be normal. . ." END QUOTE BY sue100


    So I pointed out this is not taking into account that 'Mother Nature' (GOD) likely intended, what we now call, adolescents to mate because when humans appeared on Earth, their life expectancy was very short.

    In other words - If humans could not reproduce while they were in their teens and they had a life expectancy of as young as 20, humanity would soon cease to exist. The human race would die out.

    Obviously, you didn't understand that when a quote thingy is placed in a response, the person replying is referrint to the text in that shaded box :roll:

    Then you get all smart with yourself and say "Gee, I was unaware that blood pressure medication extended life. Did our ancestors have much trouble with high blood pressure anyway?"

    If you were half as well-informed as you'ld like to think you are, you would know that High Blood Pressure is known as THE SILENT KILLER. It leads to heart attacks, strokes and a host of other not so nice things that can shorten ones life. The cuff was first invented in the early 1900's, but experiments on how to check ones blood pressure were done as early as the 1700's. If blood presure was as insignificant as you imply, I'd doubt health professionals would bother taking it and listing the readings under the title of "vital signs."

    I brought up the subject of blood pressure medication simply as one reason among many that humans have a longer life expectancy NOW, than those who lived in the centuries past. The mere fact that WE LIVE LONGER means that children who are 14 years old, while their bodies are able to reproduce, can actually take time to go to school and learn things and be KIDS - BEFORE they have to bear the burden of dealing with the stresses of intimate relationships, bearing children, and acting all grown up which isn't all that fun at times when you have to take care of your own children, pay bills, keep a roof over your head, clothes washed and all the other responsible junk we get to face for the last 50 years or more of our lives.

    As far as your Virgin Mary comment - it is ridiculous, has no bearing on the subject IF you comprehended what you read in the first place.

    You are so quick to hop on every comment anyone makes, take a moment to READ and THINK, maybe check out some reference material, other than the crap like AO's website - then click on 4042 and respond.

    You're here as a troll, plain and simple. Either become part of the 4042 "COMMUNITY", or leave. . .threads like this become BIG and INFLAMED and then guess what? They fizzle out.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2007
  11. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    In you criticism, you left out that there are more than 3 developmental stages. Those omitted include: embryo, fetus, neonate, toddler, and geriatric. You may also break down "adult" to young adult and middle age. I know quite a few psychologists. None of them would say that a 14 yr. old reproducing was anything close to being "normal" It's a reality that many 14 yr. olds are out there engaging in sexual activities, but I wouldn't recommend it, from a psychological developmental perspective.
  12. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Are you a psychologist?
  13. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    You quoted life expectancy millenniums ago which is speculative. I quoted 2000 years ago when your "God" impregnated the Virgin Mary. Relative speaking to the time frames you pulled into this, that was yesterday. Again, address the fact that your "God" never deemed that adolescents should not have sex and be reproducing.

    And since you are obviously not a true Christian, I warn you that topping the list of his ten commandments was not to use his name in vain - which you are doing by trying to present him.

    No I do not understand "thingy" and I cannot find it in an unabridged dictionary. Can you help me out here and give your created definition?

    If you knew how to eat properly which our ancestors DID, you would not have the problem of blood pressure my dear, which they had little of.

    If you are right that life is so hunkey dorey for teenagers, than why is teen pregnancy at such an alarming rate, and STDs, and the drop out rate, and their suicide rate? And why heaven forbid, are they getting in all these situations with sexual "predators"?

    The ONLY reason people live longer is due to antibiotics and the understanding of vitamins. Get some FACTS before you tout anything. We are actually much less healthier, much less physically strong, we are much smaller in bone statue, and our mortality rate from childbirth is higher. Please explain that if we are so superior. If it is God's scheme that adolescents mature later, then why is the average age of onset of puberty occurring at a younger age?

    Can you answer even one of these questions intelligently?
  14. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    Snuffeufogous - you are the first on this board to make me laugh. So what? Who would need psychologists if they told us we were normal? I mean how would they eat? Insurance companies do not want to pay for their bull**** anymore!! Take the hint.

    From a psychological developmental perspective (whoaa, big major term), do you think that teenagers should not babysit either?
  15. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Snuff I may need your professional help soon . I think the first step is admitting when you have a problem lol
  16. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    This is because you come from emotion and not intellect, and are easily manipulated. When you get to be as old as I am, hopefully you will have grasped some reality of the world around you and your common sense rules above all. The likelihood of some dude his age finding interest in a three old is highly (minutely) small. The likelihood of a false accusation generated by an estranged spouse or partner, nutty psychologist, or overzealous cop is actually fairly high.
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Sue you from around here?
  18. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    I don't know where "here" is. But I come from early early settlers to America, lots of contribution to this country, fought all the wars, landmarks in their names, very noteable names actually in the line. Started off as planters where the male ruled his plantation, his wife was second in charge. Yea so much for all that women lib garbage they taught you. Plantations were businesses, frequently financed by companies in Europe. My ancestors would be so ashamed of what is going on now and what this country has come to.

    I came from Texas soil after they came here running from Sherman's butchering of women and children, and burning of everything including churches because they dared to stand up against the crooked politicians running Washington. And no, Bush is not a native Texan - they were immigrant Yankees to here.
  19. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    Now Angel, I am not giving you my opinion. I think you are pretty cool and going to do just fine. You just need to be careful of who leads you where. You have a kid and want them to come out just fine too. So don't get pulled down the wrong path of inhumanity.
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    WTF ? Are you crazy? First do not go there with my having a kid was that a threat?
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