The Same Day Registration bill has passed the NC house and senate, in slightly different versions, so it has another step or two to go through before it becomes law. Many people have concerns about this law, based, I believe, on an incomplete understanding of how it works. This is an attempt to shed light on that. The bill as passed by the Senate yesterday, and previously by the House, provides the following: A person who is qualified to register to vote in NC may register and vote at an early voting site, with proper identification, by filling out the voter registration form and signing under oath. Requirements to register are: Note, the person signing is indicating they understand it is a felony to provide false information. The version passed by the Senate includes a requirement that all materials be in English. As far as I know, that is the only difference between the two versions of the bill. The bill also imposes duties on the local and state board of elections, to prevent fraud. The bill requires the ballot to be retrievable, so that if the BOE then is not able to validate the information given, the vote will not be counted. The board of elections is required to verify the information within 2 business days, and before the vote is counted. The bill also allows a person to change their registration at the one-stop voting site; for example, if you move from one precinct to another within the same county, etc. I hope this information helps in the understanding of this bill.
And we all know that the laws are enforced and people will be charged if guilty. See the illegal immigration and gun control laws already broken on a daily basis as proof.
I am confused. Are you against the same day registration because the voter is not charged and you believe they are more likely to be charged in the current registration system? I thought it was because the vote could be cast without the hassle of the prior registration, but I must have been mistaken. You would not oppose the same day registration if there was a way to ensure any fraud resulted in charges?
No the point is that this will be one more law that is on the books that will not be enforced. If this law makes it there will be rampant abuse and most likely no one will ever be charged.
Why would there be any more abuse with same day registration than there is with the kind we have now? Today, you can register to vote by mail. With same day registration, you have to appear in person. The same proofs are required with both kinds. The same penalties apply. The new registrant's vote is not counted until their information is verified and the BOE checks for duplication. If you have personal knowledge of voter fraud, I suggest you have a responsibility to report it to the BOE, and follow up to make sure it is handled. Otherwise, I suggest you are being a bit of an alarmist.
As in more ballots which are cast but not counted and none charged? That is an opinion that will have to be proven by experience.
How lovely. Anyone who lives anywhere, can open a bank account a month before the election, list their cousin's address for the bank, and then show up with the bank statement and vote. Heck, they could really live in Phoenix, for all we know. In fact, now that Bank of America is catering to illegals and they can open up bank accounts, seems we might have some illegals voting in the elections too since all they need is a phone bill or bank statement with their name and a local address on it. And of course, we know how "hard" it is for illegals to get a driver's license here in NC without the right papers. :roll: :evil:
Have no fear the Democrats are trying to ensure that everyone has the right to vote even if they can not register before hand or as you point out may not live here. I am sure that they will prosecute the violators to the full extent of the law because it is a felony as pointed out earlier........wonder if they will start enforcing the immigration laws too?
I would encourage you to vote for the Democrats and find out, clearly the parties who were in control did not address your needs. 8)
you must be right because the Democratically controlled NC system and the new Congress have been really effective. :lol:
Apparently the democrats in control now aren't addressing ANYONE's needs...,0,7184922.story?coll=la-home-center Approval of Congress lowest in a decade Only about a quarter of Americans approve of how it's doing its job, a poll shows; most see 'business as usual.' By Noam N. Levey, Times Staff Writer June 12, 2007 WASHINGTON — Fueled by disappointment at the pace of change since Democrats assumed the majority on Capitol Hill, public approval of Congress has fallen to its lowest level in more than a decade, according to a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. Just 27% of Americans now approve of the way Congress is doing its job, the poll found, down from 36% in January, when Democrats assumed control of the House and the Senate.
Don't forget, they still have to put their NCDL or SS number on the registration form, and the BOE has 2 business days to verify that the number matches the name. So, while fraud is theoretically possible, I just don't believe it's going to be a major problem. Voter registration information is public, and both major parties have the resources to check into it if they believe there is a problem.
Well Maggy I certainly would hope that you encourage more of your friends and family to vote Democratic. The current margins are so small in the Senate along with Vetoes from the executive branch it is near impossible to get the changes made that so many, including you based on your post, want. :mrgreen:
Noting that most of the vetoes for the current administration have happened since April of this year.
I believe this is the primary reason, politics, or more correctly the attempt to limit the vote for the other party:
No, that is the election of the President against the popular vote, what this objection was against is the provisional ballot, which are the closest to same day registration we have at present. The same day registration is viewed as the means to get more votes ofr Democratic candidates.
You are correct Wayne. Based on history the same day registration will bring out a more Democratic vote. The main problem I have with same day registration is that it caters to people that are not responsible and does not hold them accountable to prepare properly for the elections.
Depends on how you look at it, in my opinion those who don't even try to vote are the ones who "are not responsible".
DEMOCRAT LEGISLATION WILL WEAKEN OUR VOTING SYSTEM Same Day Voting without valid ID Opens System to Fraud and Abuse RALEIGH –The North Carolina Democrat Senate emboldened by the House will weaken our voting system by allowing same day registration with no photo identification. The Democrat legislation would open North Carolina’s voting system to fraud and abuse at a time when America is seriously concerned with terrorism, identity theft, and a huge influx of illegal aliens flooding over our porous borders. Linda Daves, Chairman, NC Republican Party made the following statement: “Although we applaud and support efforts to improve voter turnout and encourage all eligible citizens to register and vote, we are also concerned that the Democrats in the General Assembly have lost touch with the reality and concerns of NC’s citizens. They are attempting to pass legislation that opens our voting system unnecessarily to fraud and abuse and simply refuse to debate or consider any other legislative options. “This legislation does not take into account the concerns for the rise in identity theft, terrorism, and the large numbers of illegal aliens flooding over our porous borders. “The integrity of our election process is too sacred to be trusted to shortcuts that are vulnerable to fraud, and a verification process that unnecessarily strains local elections boards. It’s unfortunate that the Democrat leadership has not allowed a Republican bill requiring positive voter ID to be publicly debated and voted upon on the General Assembly floor. “The North Carolina Republican Party cannot support the Democrat-sponsored legislation that provides for same-day registration and voting that does not require the presentation of positive photo identification. This is a very serious violation of the public trust that relies on our legislators to do the right thing to protect us from fraud and abuse. This is a travesty on the people of NC. ********************************************************* Wonder why anyone would be opposed to showing a photo ID on same-day registration?????
I know of none, but to require it is another matter. I can see the terrorists sneaking in to try to vote in our elcetions to screw up our system of government.