Same Day Registration

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KDsGrandma, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    When dill pickles turn sweet, maybe. :mrgreen:

    Maybe people are tired of all the worthless, partisan investigations and over-the-top partisan actions coming out of Democrats.
  2. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    My beef is that there is no honesty, no integrity and no trustworthiness in some people these days. Some would do anything to get their candidate in...lie, cheat and even slash tires.

    People who are not legitimate citizens of the United States and/or of the locality for which they are voting...have no business voting. They do not qualify to vote. They do not have a right to vote...and they do not have a right to determine anything regarding the government of this nation and it's laws.

    Every one person that votes that isn't qualified to vote, cancels out someone's vote who IS qualified to vote.

    And that's a big problem.
  3. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Yeah....thank goodness for veto power. :mrgreen:
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    And that's a problem, don't you think?

    How would you feel if you went to vote and the poll workers came to the page in their little book that had your name and info...and told you that you couldn't vote because according to their records, you already voted?
  5. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Stop putting words in people's mouth,'s unattractive.

    Conservatives have no intentions of limiting the vote for the other party. We do, however, have plenty of intention of limiting the illegal votes that seem to always come through on the Democratic side.

    Democrats are known to cheat when it comes to voting and voter registration. Afterall, they have ACORN working for them. They've been caught slashing tires of conservative poll workers whose job it was to pick up elderly folks to bring them to the polls. They've been caught paying homeless people with cigarettes to vote. They've been caught forging voter registration cards. And have you forgotten the DNC notice telling members how to cheat the system?

    No conservative I've ever met, ever had a problem with qualified citizens voting. We do, however, have a problem with cheating the system.
  6. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    WA Woman Registers Her Dog to Vote
    Jun 22 04:58 PM US/Eastern

    SEATTLE (AP) - The second time Duncan M. MacDonald sent in an absentee ballot, an election worker in Federal Way called to ask about the paw print on the envelope. But it took three ballots before the prosecutor contacted the voting dog's owner.

    Jane Balogh said she registered the Australian shepherd-terrier mix to vote in protest of a 2005 state voter-registration law that she says makes it too easy for noncitizens to vote.

    She put her phone bill in Duncan's name, then used the phone bill as identification to register him as a voter.

    "I wasn't trying to do anything fraudulent. I was trying to prove that our system is flawed. So I got myself in trouble," she says.
  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Ummm, I did not "put words into anyone's mouth" as I used a direct quote.

    The same requirements hold true for however they register so what is the probelm with the same day registration ...other than the political aspect, of course.

    And the GOP is known to be totally honest? :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe you should not use such broad generalizations.

    Like destroying voter registration forms?

    A company called Voters Outreach of America has been operating in Nevada for the past several months. The company is largely, if not exclusively, funded by the Republican National Committee. VOA has hired scores, perhaps hundreds, of temporary workers and has been paying them to go out and sign up new voters. But the company doesn't really want just any voters. It only wants Republicans.

    Employees of the company say they were given special training in how to identify potential GOP voters, and how to avoid signing up any Democrats. Workers were told that if they signed up as many Democrats as Republicans, they would not be paid for the hours they spent in front of shopping malls, grocery stores or government offices. In a cold, harsh way, this makes sense. Why would the GOP put out a pile of cash to sign up Democrats? But it goes far beyond merely giving Democrats the brush-off.

    Two employees of VOA say they personally witnessed the managers of the company removing and destroying the voter registration forms of those who signed up as Democrats. The registration forms of Democrats were ripped into shreds and tossed into the garbage. The employees managed to retrieve some of the shredded papers from the garbage and handed them over to this reporter. The forms were completely filled out and were signed by people who thought their registrations would be filed with the county Election Department. That didn't happen.
  8. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Okay...who said this, then.

    "I believe this is the primary reason, politics, or more correctly the attempt to limit the vote for the other party"

    ...besides you?
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Try Pirate96, since this quote was also part of the post you seem to have missed. I am sure you can try to spin the quote, but that would be the extent ... trying to spin it that is.

    Originally Posted by Pirate96
  10. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I see nothing there that equates to anyone saying that anyone wants to "...limit the votes from the other party."

    Quit putting words in people's mouth,'s unattractive.
  11. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Playing ignorant is even more unattractive.

    When one discusses the opposite party wanting to change policies to attract more votes and one opposes those changes what IS the logical connection? Please feel free to go into as much detail as you like.

    Especially since the data provided showed the number of valid provisional votes being more often associated with the votes to one party ....

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2007
  12. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    It depends on what policies we are talking about. In this case, when the "one" party wants to change a policy and the obvious result of that change would be to make it easier for people to steal something as important as a vote, then the logical connection is that the party wanting the change wants to cheat and encourage people to break the law...and they want it bad enough to try to legislate it. And that's just pathetic.

    Look Wayne, I know you liberals just love to twist conservative's words and facts. That's why you guys love to throw around the word "racist"...ignoring the concept that facts can't be racist.

    But when you start that crap, you lose me as a sparring partner. Show me you can debate with facts instead of projecting...and we can continue.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    No, it does not because we were discussing only the one policy. The provisional ballot was brought up to show the suspected effect of that policy being implimented, which clearly indicated the motives behind the opposition when taken in context with the other posts.

    No, that is an opinion not supported by fact. The requirements are the same as now but there is not the extended waiting period as before. That by definition does not change the ease of anything except registration.

    No, that would not be logical as the opinion upon which this is based is critically flawed. It appears more and more like the inherent political dislike for one party is being manifested by whatever excuse can be found. Again, this view is supported by the context of the posts. If you will also note, I never made the generalization to any party on the views, but you have repeatedly done so. Which of us is dealing more with fact than opinion?

    Sorry, but your opinion os countered by an opposing opinion. The expansion to broad generalizations supports my opinion on the major reasons behind the opposition.

    But not ignoring that what is called "fact" may not be so or may be manipulated to be used in a racist manner. In any case, did you have a paticular point or just the standard anti-liberal rant?

    Because you cannot deal with the facts, the truth, or anything outside of the party line?

    I have and you have tried you best it ignore the fact by misrepresentation, broad generalization, and misdirection. How about you try using the facts instead of projecting? You can start off by not trying to generalize what all liberals, Democrats, or any other groups is doing, believes, or is thinking as you cannot know that.
  14. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Yeah I thought that part of the press release was total BS!!! Of the things to worry about terrorists doing, voting is sorta far down that list.
  15. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Republicans, being a minority party (in number), have always wanted to limit access to the polls because it favors them. Never mind that their strategies have always been un-American and often illegal. How hypocrtical it is for Repug's to whine about same-day registration and its potential abuses, when RNC and Bush campaign employees have confessed to illegal activities to restrict Democrat's access to the polls. These include (but I am sure are not limited to) jamming phone lines of Democratic campaign headquarters on election day so Democrats can't call for rides to the polls and having legimate voters disqualified because they aren't living at home by sending them letters marked "do not forward." These actions violate federal law and neocon Bush Repugnicans have confessed under oath to doing both.

    If you want to have sound footing when you complain about the rules, it would help to follow them once in awhile!:p
  16. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Not to mention the same coming from the Republicans.

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