School Violence

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by joannenc, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. momtothree

    momtothree Member

    I've read the posts about the school violence and wonder if putting my children (12 and 14) is a good thing? We homeschool now, but should I do that?
  2. ubergeek

    ubergeek Well-Known Member

    Why did everyone ignore this suggestion? I think it is a wonderful idea! My biggest problem is trying to be in three places at once - monitoring the bathrooms, the hall and my classroom. It would be wonderful if parents could volunteer to be hallway or bathroom monitors! Students very rarely do anything when an adult is watching. They know if they so much as shove someone in my presence, then there will be trouble for them.

    Volunteering at school a few hours a week sure would be easier than home-schooling...and it would probably be better for your child. Every child I know who has a parent who actively volunteers at school minds his/her little p's and q's.
  3. Shine

    Shine Guest

    Of course, let's place the blame on the teachers as usual. As an ex-teacher, after only 7 years of teaching, I can say teachers are overworked and abused. What other job is there where you are at your job for 10+ hours a day, then you bring 3+ hours of work home with you; you can't go to the bathroom, can't even eat lunch on some days??? I remember when I was in college 10+ years ago, the #1 most dangerous job was a teacher....not policeman, fireman, etc. but a TEACHER!

    My solution? Homeschool. Our schools are dangerous and unsafe. I have been to my principal on several occasions about a student who I felt would attack others. He had a hit list and everything. He got a "little talking to" by the principal about 3 or 4 different times, and that's it. We need mental health professionals, police (many), and who knows what else at our schools 24-7. And teachers need to be respected and taken more seriously. Your children are not learning in the public school system; and the private schools lie about what they can offer your child. They can't keep teachers long enough with their low pay to offer the enrichment electives that are needed.

    It is our duty as parents to protect our children and to prepare our children. Don't say you don't have time to provide the very best education for your child. It's your duty...not the government's.
  4. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    personal opinion......there are many benefits to home schooling
  5. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Which would not be a personal opinion? ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    of course it is....I was just pointing it out to clarify her opinion as she is a teacher.
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    The world is going to hell, nobody ever fought when we went to school!!!

    Another ridiculous statement was that it was the teachers fault for not paying attention. The one time, 25 years ago, I was suspended for fighting in the classroom started so quick the teacher did not stand a chance. Junior High and the kid behind me decided to empty his nostrils on my shirt, I immediately emptied my fists on his face. The teacher and others did separate us pretty fast though.
  8. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    BRAVO. Seems like a solution here.
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    If you can't stand the heat, get the 7734 out of the kitchen.

    If you don't like the working conditions, get a different job.

    There are places like that. They're commonly called prisons.
  10. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    You know, I was going to comment on the demeanor of the post.

    Her attitude of her work is why some teachers are so hateful. IMO.

    Hope she/he doesnt teach anymore. Thanks Cliff!!
  11. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    While I agree with Clif 100%, Shine does have a point. Even a nun could be pushed to a limit of patience with kids nowadays. ;)

    Schools in general expect ALOT more from teachers and parents than they did when I was in school. Yes, when thay signed on for a teacher job, they get what they get. Well, I signed on to be a paralegal and and do my job. BUT! That does not mean I have to take alot of BULL either from people. And neither should teachers. Teachers need the support in the discipline area from the parents. And I'm afraid that's NOT happening in alot of cases. As a parent of elementary and middle school students, I can say that more parental support in that area is needed. My kids know, if we hear a report about them acting like fools, they will pay the price at home as well as us giving the school FULL support on any measures the school feels necessary and discussed with us about. But discussion should not be all that necessary as the rules are given out at most open houses as to what is and isn't acceptable. "Bobby" and "Cindy" know from the get go and so do the parents. If they don't have sense enough to know to follow the rules then maybe they need to attend elsewhere or a school that deals with hard to deal with kids.

    My boys know that if they get to the point of just being complete jerks in school or at home, after they get punished at home, that Lake Waccamaw children's home is not far away.......AND Lake Waccamaw has program that you can do with the kids where they stay a weekend only and SEE how it is NOT to have the "fripperies" and "luxuries" they have at home.

    Yeah buddy.....I wish my sister-in-law would have done that with her youngest. I can guarantee he would not be in the shape he is in today........
  12. joannenc

    joannenc Guest

    And of course this is your opinion. Here's my two cents to that...

    I made this statement and still stand by it.
    I know for a fact of two instances teachers were not paying attention in class. In one instance the teacher was playing cards and in another chatting in the hall. At least 8 punches were thrown, plus a chair, before one teacher even realized what was happening. A phone call of apology to the parents, plus a letter of apology to the student was issued by the teacher... for not paying attention. In the other situation, there was a lot of egging on and taunting by one student to another and as the school put it “the rough housing got out of control. You know, boys will be boys.” This is a fact and I indeed hold the teacher partially responsible for NOT PAYING ATTENTION. This is not the situation all of the time, but certainly on some occasions.
  13. Shine

    Shine Guest

    If you actually paid attention to what I wrote, then you would see that I have quit teaching. And for the other comment that was said by another post referring to my is arrogant and ignorant parents such as the 2 of you that make teaching your little monsters absolutely unbearable. Walk into any teacher's lounge, and you will hear the filthiest trash being talked about you and your children that you have ever heard.

    And for your information...I know you can't tell it by my attitude in this post, but I was actually the sweetest, nicest teacher in the school. My classes always filled up first (parents could request at my school).

    I think a lot of people go into teaching with such passion and thinking they can change the world, and then their self esteem is lowered to dirt once they get into it.
  14. Clif

    Clif Guest

  15. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more!!!
  16. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    As a former teacher as well I have to agree with you on this posting. If parents would teach their children manners or whip their children when needed maybe the teachers would love their jobs more. Instead some parents just treat you like a pee-on and expect you to deal with the kid as is.
  17. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Exactly the light bulb that some people may need to understand the government will never be able to legislate a solution to our education crisis. We can spend any amount and if we do not solve the lack of parental involvement and discipline it will be wasted.
  18. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU! Exactly what I said above!!:)
  19. Clif

    Clif Guest

    As a former teacher, you should know the word is "peon"
  20. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    And as a former teacher I can tell that your kids were probably the smart *** ones too. Yes I know how to spell thank you very much, but since I am working while typing I dont always have a chance to read over my posting or spell check.

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