Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by GarnerGirl2000, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Not according to as they have reported she was made an offer and turned it down ....

    (June 25) -- There's been a fair share of talk since Rosie O'Donnell left 'The View' that she could wind up as Bob Barker's replacement on 'The Price Is Right,' but it seems as if Rosie herself has nixed the deal.'s Roger Friedman reports that CBS made O'Donnell an offer to take over the hosting duties on 'Price,' but Rosie turned down their offer, as she didn't want to relocate to Los Angeles. Friedman says O'Donnell, who lives in New York and Miami, is so comfortable where she lives that "no amount of money can change it."
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Oh my god, they actually made her an offer!!! :shock:

    She has only brought ratings and brought up topics that we would prefer not to hear (whether right or wrong). How dare they!!
  3. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Oh Yes.....!!!!!

    <In my best Denny Crane voice>

    "Maximillion Thanksamillion, come one down. You're the next contestant because...I'm Denny Crane."

    [To be followed by strains of a really bad rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."] :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    She just doesn't fit the audience.
  5. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    They must have thought so to make the offer though ....
  6. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Those little old ladies would just never understand all the kisses she got from the ugly female contestants.
  7. Clif

    Clif Guest

    So, she knew that she would have relocated to LA but she was talking to them anyway? What, she just wanted to see if they would make an offer just so she could turn it down?

    I'd be willing to bet that Roger Friedman got the information that CBS made an offer from Ms. O'Donnell.
  8. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    I think she wanted the job, and with all the nasty emails that CBS got they turned her down. She didnt want to look like an *** so now shes making a big deal out of it.
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Maybe she seriously considered it, and finally decided not to make the move? Have you never considered something and then decided not to do it? I certainly have.
  10. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Rosie wanted things her way and CBS said NO... so it seems to me that now rosie was/is pouty about that and only now not interested. (only after being told no about taping multiple shows - and I am sure cbs got a lot of negative e-mails) Either way I am glad that she is not going to be on! She really does annoy me, she is like many people that feel their opinion is the ONLY way to believe.....
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  11. Clif

    Clif Guest

    She was all gung-ho up until "they made an offer".
  12. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    off the topic of you statement....but I LOVE YOUR go girl!!:mrgreen:

    (and yes I saw the latest of Rosie O'Dumbazz....she needs to vanish)
  14. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    thanks! (picture) that is my newset baby now LOL!!

    Yeah I just could not belive the photo... To each their own, but a little annoying! She just wants to stay in the media.
  15. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Its Rosie taking things to far to make her point and using her child in the process. I wonder if DSS will be called ?
  16. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    I was just looking at that on TMZ! What is her problem? I think she has very serious mental issues!
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    She has issues. She is intittled to her own beliefs but she trys to force them on everyone . I can not stand her I wish they would take her off tv completely. She acts like shes mother of the year and then uses her own child to make some kinda point. My heart goes out to her children . Theres no telling what they are exposed too. They will never be aloud to have any ideas or thoughts of their own because she can not handle any one who dosen't share her warped oppinions.
  18. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

  19. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    I just wish she'd be a little more diplomatic...that's saying a lot coming from me too.

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