Teacher Question? National Board Certification

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by PoohBear, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    Actually, I enjoy my pay now that I have NBC. Your tax dollars gave me a 12% increase. I was never whining to begin with...I was simply responding to other people's whining. I feel the same way - -no one is forcing you to keep your kids in public school if you're so unhappy. Send them to private school. Also, just to let you know, Johnston County is among the highest in the state in test scores. That's the results you are complaining about.
  2. boo_radley21

    boo_radley21 Well-Known Member

    Just because they don't like to write, or are usually not grammatically perfect, that does NOT mean they cannot communicate. Teaching is about inspiring children to learn, and to challenge the future leaders of this country. I know some excellent writers who cannot communicate with someone to save their lives. Why do you think Thoreau became a hermit? Most well-known writers actually lead a solitary life. As a teacher, you have to know when to write, when to talk, when to show, when to tell, and when to just shut up. You can't judge a teacher solely on their writing skills.

    The education of a student rests in two locations - at school, with their teachers...and at home, with their parents. The educational responsibility should be shared 50/50. Unfortunately, there are quite a few lazy parents out there that expect teachers to not only teach their children, but to babysit them as well - and are quick to blame the public school system for all of their parental problems.

    It's not always the teacher's fault.

    I'm sure you weren't "nuts" about the peanut butter job, but you can't compare teaching to shovelling Jif. It is common knowledge that teachers do not get into education for the money. As a person who is leaving the journalism industry to become a middle school teacher, I'm doing it because I feel led to teach. I feel led to give back to the community some of what it has given to me. I feel a responsibility to share some of my knowledge and life experiences with students, in a way hopefully to improve their overall lves. If I help just one child during my career, then I've made the right decision.

    But, there will always be something negative in ANY job. If you find someone that says they are ALWAYS happy in their job, they're lying. With education, even though there will be good days and bad days, the good will always outweigh the bad.

    Thankfully so. I'm becoming a teacher out of compassion and a sense of duty. I feel this is where I need to be.

    We teachers, and soon-to-be teachers, appreciate the fact parents help their children at home. This is not a one-way street. Without parental support and respect for the system, kids will not receive the full benefit of an education. I firmly believe this is more of a partnership than a blame game. Parents have to find a way to become involved in their children's educational life, and to work with their teachers to create an environment conducive to consistent learning.
  3. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    No it does not have to be in the walls of a school at all.

    Thanks for sharing whatever life stories you decide. I believe that is a parents job alone.
    there is a way it is called home school. That way you are working with the teacher as you are the teacher.
  4. boo_radley21

    boo_radley21 Well-Known Member

    So, you are saying children cannot benefit in any way from the life experiences of a teacher who has "been there, done that?" I totally disagree.

    I will admit your other two points are valid, but using life experiences in a way that will connect a student to their educational goals is paramount to a well-rounded student.

    I'm not talking about standing in front of a class and saying, "Ya know, I went out to CDH last night and drank way too much. Then, I drove home. Don't drive drunk, kids." I'm talking about enabling a student to connect geometry or grammar to an actual life situation. If a student can make that connection, then they are more apt to retain that information.

    It's in the way that you use it...
  5. boo_radley21

    boo_radley21 Well-Known Member

    Without getting into a debate about home school, I just have one thing to say on the subject. What is good for one, may not be good for another.

    There are some tremendous home schoolers out there, and do a very good job in the education of their children. One should remember, however, that one does not, and cannot, replace the other in EVERY situation. There are plusses and minuses to both, depending on your situation...

    Just my opinion...


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