HELP!! Neighbor from Hatties

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by turtlepits, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Sorry, this is a long one. I need ANY advise you guys have. OK, here goes. I have been living at my present residence for 4 years now. We have a neighbor who is in her late 60's and boyfriend in his mid 30's. Well, we have had SO many problems with her and him for the last couple of years. It all stared when she was cursing at my children and when I asked her to come to me if there was a problem with my kids. Then she threatened to beat my ____ ____ ___. So, the police were called and we went to court, she had several people who were not even there to testify and the judge said there was not enough evidence so he found her not guilty. He did order her to leave us alone. Ok, things were quite for a while until one day another (new) neighbor had called me and said she was having problems with the same family and wanted to talk to me about the problems I had with her. (She had got my info off a police report). The new neighbor came to my house, sat in the front yard and we talked a little while. While we are talking the old lady rides by and stares us down. No problems that day. Well, we had a person from the neighborhood that doesn't even live near our home, knock on our door and say the old lady had told her that we were racist and that we had said we hope their house burns down. (Completely out of character for us!) So, we explain ourselves, shake hands and they go about their way. Well, the very next day a gentleman knocks on our door with the same comments. We explain ourselves again and tell him this lady obviously has issues. That evening I come home from work and hear a man and woman yelling. I go around back and this lady is fussing at my husband because my husband is working on his 4 wheeler. (We do have a 6' privacy fence around our yard. They exchange a few words and all is calm. So, we are all inside, husband is in the shower , and I am sitting down at the table with my two children for dinner. All of a sudden I hear a big boom and more cursing and yelling. I walk out on my back porch and the boyfriend is standing beside our privacy fence, rips his shirt off and continues to yell and threatening to beat everyone in our house. I walk right back inside and call the police. They arrest the boyfriend and all turns quite. Not even ten minutes after the boyfriend is arrested, the police come flying into my yard. The old lady claimed my husband had a gun and threatened to shoot her. (We don't even own a gun). The cops talk to us and we tell them we had been inside the entire time. So, the police leave and three days later my husband is served a warrant for communicating threats. (which NEVER happened). So, we have a court date set. This Monday night as I make my nightly rounds through the house to check on the kids and such, I notice the inside of my home is all bright inside as if I had a light on. I look out the window and I was blinded by a spot light they had put up on the corner of their back porch and aimed it directly into our windows. So, I call the police once again to just ask the lady to aim it more toward her yard instead of in my windows. After waiting 4 hours of calling the police I get a phone call from a police officer and his great advise was for me to hang some black plastic over my windows. That stupid comment just threw me into a state of shock. He told me it wasn't against the law and there was nothing he could do. I called the JC Magistrate and explain the situation, he tells me to hold on and tells me the best thing would be to talk to a lawyer. So I go surfing the Internet and found some advise. To take pictures for proof. I go out with my camera and take a couple of pictures of my house. (No flash to show the lights on our house). All of a sudden I hear a little girl ask, you like taking pictures? I ignore it and continue doing what I was doing and all of a sudden the old lady's 13 year old granddaughter is out there cursing at me and even threatened to "beat me up". Next here comes the old lady out there with her camera and takes a picture of me taking pictures of my house (big flash). I walk back toward my house laughing at how crazy they are . And to my surprise, she calls the police on me. They show up at her house and then they leave , not even coming by my house. So I went ahead to bed. Now, after this long explanation of my circumstance, is there anything I can do to stop this madness. I can't even let our kids play in our back yard without them being yelled at, cursed at and even threatened. Someone please help. I went and got a background check on this lady just to see if there was anything she is likely to be capable of and found out she just got off 5 years probation for Manslaughter of her husband. NOW I AM REALLY WORRIED and SACARED!
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Holy Crap! I would go and have a restraining order taken out on her and the boyfriend. That way when they start their mess you can call the cops and they could be arrested.
  3. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Turtlepits, my advice... MOVE!!!!! Your neighbors sound CRAZY! :shock:
  4. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    wow...just wow!

    Since you don't have a gun... I would suggest you get one. Or arm everyone in your house with a louisville slugger. 8)
  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Those we do have. Both my kids play baseball and husband plays softball!
  6. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I would most likely move if it was that bad. If your kids can not even play outside with out being threatened, thats no way to live.Then again I have alot of redneck in me so I would probably take her up on a fight. She sounds like a bully most the time you take them up on it they will back down.You could also try and ignore her she maybe a drama queen who if you argue back with her just fuels it.
  7. openminded

    openminded Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but have the same advice, move.
    Some fights are not worth fighting and I'd hate having to wake every single day of my life with worries about "what's going to happen today". I know it's easy for us to give advice about moving, we're not in your shoes. Retreat, stand to fight another day. Since she is telling lies about you to other people, could you get her for slander? But, still the best course would be to move unless you think she might be moving in the near future. Does she or the boyfriend own the house their living in? If their renting the house you might have an advantage in that area, talk to the owners.
    Good luck.
  8. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    One of the actual benefits of NOT owning your own home. You can gather your belongings and haul when you've got lousy neighbors.
  9. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I would video it also. Take the kids out to play or have your husband out working on the four wheeler and video the whole time daily and do not even reply back when they start talking crap just ignore them let it all get recorded and use it against her in court.If that dosen't work then get her in your yard and whoop her ***.Shes like 60 go for the knees first . They are always first to go. I learned in self defense to go for the eyes then throat . You can also stick your fingers in her nose get from behind her and rip and pull outward and up nasty but can be useful in getting her to the ground. Then it being a female kick and/or punch in lower abdomen also around rib area. If she has health problems such as heart hit in chest .Pay attention for health issues does she limp on a certain leg have asma things such as that can help you when you attack back.ear rings belly button rings exc. rip them out first. You have to yank straight down not to the side.You want to cause pain not just remove them.Don't pull hair thats just cat fighting and makes women look weak you do not want her to think you are weaker than far as eyeballs stick your finger in the corner of the eye closet to her nose dig and pull jabs do not work at most they just blacken the eyes.You should take a defense class you can learn alot.
  10. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    yes, we own. Yes, they rent. The property owner says its a law matter and he can do nothing.
    Yes we have cameras. We got him on camera hitting our fence .
    The boyfriend said he'd make a "deal" with us, he'd take that light down if we took our cameras down. We said NO! We'd be crazy ourselves to do that!
    And NO, I will not allow this "lady" to run me out.
    The sad thing , only 7 foot of her property is connected to ours.
  11. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Take her landlord to court.Sue him for allowing this to go on.
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    :lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :-D :shock: :shock: OMG That is hysterical....remind me not to mess wif YOU!!! I love it!!
  13. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I had 4 brothers and was a small child being the only girl in the house you pick up on stuff quick . They also wanted me to be able to defend myself when they were not around.
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    They also taught me fighting fare is bs nobody else fights fare to pay attention and look for the other persons weaknesses and pray on it. Sounds mean but it works.
  15. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I've taken kick boxing for a few years now. I know several painful places on people. I just rather not go to jail for assault on the elderly. I DO have to set an example for my children. This old lady has done enough damage toward my children.
  16. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    True, but if shes in your yard its self defense. No jail time.
  17. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    oh, I know and I just hope for the day. I think she knows it too! :)
  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I didn't mean to imply that I was anti-homeownership. Its a good thing in most cases. However, in close quarters (especially in town) or in tight subdivisions, houses are constantly on the market. It doesn't take but one homeowner in such a situation to move out and decide to rent or sell to anyone who doesn't have the neighborhood in mind. Good neighbors are a valuable asset, especially those who meld together as one tight-knit community.
  19. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Turtlepits, I would be scared too. She has killed before, she very well may kill again. Is "standing your ground" over a house worth having children that are left as orphans, or worse? :neutral: She is crazy, her boyfriend is crazy, her kids are crazy... y'all may think you're going to have a fist fight with them and find yourselves looking down the barrel of a gun. Personally, I WOULD GET THE HECK OUT OF DODGE ASAP! Even if the landlord evicted them, don't you think they would retaliate?
  20. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    The rest of my neighbors are great. We do the cookouts, they watch our hose and we watch their houses. It's just a few bad apples in one house.
    I love where I live all except the old lady.

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