The CIA was forced to release the "Family Jewels" this week. It is over 700 page long and they are still filtering it. Stunning example of why we need less government. They are trying to hide it as you can no longer serach for it but here is a link(that works for now) Let's see on one hand the FBI is using taxdollars to try and arrest a mobster and the CIA is using tax dollars to have same mobster arrange an assaination of Castro. Who gets hosed? The taxpayer!
I am sure someone will try and defend it. [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Top Ten Most Interesting "Family Jewels" Released by the CIA to the National Security Archive, June 26, 2007[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1) Journalist surveillance - operation CELOTEX I-II (pp. 26-30)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2) Covert mail opening, codenamed SRPOINTER / HTLINGUAL at JFK airport (pp. 28, 644-45)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3) Watergate burglar and former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt requests a lock picker (p. 107)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4) CIA Science and Technology Directorate Chief Carl Duckett "thinks the Director would be ill-advised to say he is acquainted with this program" (Sidney Gottlieb's drug experiments) (p. 213)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5) MHCHAOS documents (investigating foreign support for domestic U.S. dissent) reflecting Agency employee resentment against participation (p. 326)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6) Plan to poison Congo leader Patrice Lumumba (p. 464)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7) Report of detention of Soviet defector Yuriy Nosenko (p. 522)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8) Document describing John Lennon funding anti-war activists (p. 552) 9) MHCHAOS documents (investigating foreign support for domestic U.S. dissent) (pp. 591-93)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]10) CIA counter-intelligence official James J. Angleton and issue of training foreign police in bomb-making, sabotage, etc. (pp. 599-603)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Plus a bonus "Jewel": Warrantless wiretapping by CIA's Division D (pp. 533-539)[/FONT]
Just out of curiosity, since when did we start posting political threads in "Discussion Group" instead of "The Neighborhood"? "The Neighborhood" was created for these topics, since they tend to get a bit heated, and posts not meant for younger eyes can be made without fear of retribution of the webmaster.
Did not know I was violating the policies of the board. Webbie's guidelines don't think so. This thread should be where everyone can see it. Guess most people are more concerned about what Paris Hilton is up to than the shenanigans of their own government.
It's not a policy, just a general acceptence of those here. Those of us who have been here since the days of a single forum know what the purpose was for starting a second forum, that is to allow more adult oriented discussion and debate without being polluted by other threads about Paris Hilton (and vice versa). As to whether it's good or bad that some people prefer to discuss Paris Hilton's wardrobe is not my place to say. Personally I don't read those types of threads. But the point is that "The Neighborhood" is where we expect to see political discussion, and those that enjoy it would be more likely to go there.
That may be your interpretation, but It appears that I am in the clear. Here I was hoping to spark some people to question what their government is doing, but I am involved with the infamous "board police" that have no authority.
Where is the outrage? Our government continues to trample on our Constitution, and as long as we let them get away with it, the transgressions only get more blatant.
Grace, I'm no expert, I was not even a member at the time the Neighborhood was established. I don't believe there are actually "rules" about what is posted where, but I can tell you that one thing to remember when deciding which forum to post in, is that this forum, the Discussion Group, is open for anybody to read. The Neighborhood is only open to registered users. When I signed up last summer, it seemed like most of the political discussion took place in the Neighborhood. Jokes that are a little bit risque are usually posted in the Neighborhood, as is information about our occasional get-togethers, where not just anybody can stumble upon the information. Pirate's point in posting this topic to the Discussion Group is to make it available for guests to read, as well as members. If guests decide to comment on it, they will need to register, to do that; but if it were on the Neighborhood, they would not be able to see it, so they would not get that opportunity to join the discussion.
I can think of a few Democrats I would prefer, but if I were limited to a choice between Lou Dobbs and Ron Paul, I can tell you Dr. Paul would get my vote. ETA: Now, If I had to pick a TV newsdude, that would have to be Keith Olbermann, hands down.
No, no, no, don't say that! But one reason the more controversial topics tend to get posted in the Neighborhood is that, if it turns into a flame war, at least it's all in the family!
It's not a matter of breaking any rules. I never said it was policy, just courtesy. In "The Neighborhood", one has to register to enter it. So the "lighter subjects" wouldn't make sense in that forum. But, like I said, it's not a matter of any official rules being broken, it was a general agreement with the users and the webmaster when "The Neighborhood" was created. Ron Paul would be an ineffectual president. He's too radical. Any recommendation to congress would not be taken, and any veto would be out-voted by congress. Don't get me wrong, as a person who leans toward Libertarian, I like most of what he stands for (even if he is a bit whacko). But having a ineffectual president just because you like his platform is no way to go.
yeah because the system we have had for the last 20 years has worked so well. It is time to upset the Apple cart or turn over the tables of the money-changers however you want to look at it.
Not saying it isn't a good idea. But you need to do a lot more than just elect a president. As I said, he would be utterly impotent and, as such, would be held up as a reason not to vote third party.
Hey, if you really want to live in fantasy land, fine. I thought we were discussing the real world, though. Stop for a moment and think through the logic of it and you'll see that I'm right. Whether or not you're willing to admit to that fact, the fact remains.
If Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination he can be as effective as any other president. Maybe the American public is ready for change.
Do you honestly believe he has a snowball's chance of winning the Republican nomination? His platform isn't close enough to the base. He'd be better off if he ran as a Libertarian, which is what he really is. He still wouldn't win, but it would give a huge spotlight to the party. Enough Ron Paul types, and after three or four election cycles we might just get a viable contender. They are, but the media and the pundits won't allow it.
Ron Paul is the closet thing to a Conservative currently running. The campaign election forms that are close to being filed will tell the story. They may have to pay attention soon. He is attracting a very diverse group and will bring a lot of fresh people to the base. He remains the best chance Republicans have at winning election. Wonder if they will realize it before it is too late or are they dumb enough to believe they can win with Giluiani or Thompson?