Loved there decision on racial districting. Absolutely the right thing to do. If only we could get rid of the socio-economic districting now.
Those who sponsor the debates, of course. Usually it's The League of Women Voters. Since the great debate between Bush, Clinton, and Perot it was decided that only those who garner more than 2% favourable in an opinion poll qualify to be invited to debate. If that is true, why isn't the RNC clambering all over him? If it weren't for your posts, I wouldn't even be aware that he is running.
The Republican party has lost their way. They used to value a smaller federal government, reduced spending, liberty, and property rights. They have been hijacked by the Theologians and Special interests. Of course it is in their financial interest to keep Dr. Paul down. The widespread support that Dr Paul is getting a wake up call that the American People want there country back. What candidate in the last 30 years has the diversity that Dr. Paul has attracted on a shoestring budget? It's going to be interesting to see what happens when the money starts showing up.
So, basically whathyou'er saying is that Ron Paul is a Republican, but the Republicans aren't Republicans any more. I still say he's a Libertarian. The Libertarian website had, at one time, posted a good definition for Republicans and Democrats: Republicans want to legislate morality. Democrats want to legislate economics.
So, if the Republicans are the Republicans any more, then Ron Paul doesn't stand a snowball's chance to become a Republican candidate. If you don't like the Republican's platform, then move to a party whose platform you do like. Want to take a test to see what it might be? Try THIS Note: The test is partial to Libertarianism. If you answer "A" (Agree) to all questions it will show you to be a full libertarian. Answer the questions honestly in how you feel, though, and you will get a fairly accurate reading of which political party you really stand for.
Took the test anyway as I knew how I would score. The Libertarian party does not have access to the ballot. Just like other interests have stolen Mr. Lincoln's party there is no reason why we can not take it back. Dr. Ron Paul is the best chance for making that happen. Many Libertarians and Democrats understand this and are such changing the their party affiliation to make it happen. Here is the recap of a local example
Excuse me? During the last three election cycles, there have been Libertarians listed on the ballot both for President and Governor.
Now, you see, that's what I'm talking about when I say this Ron Paul guy is a whacko. He, and his followers, apparently don't know what they're talking about. You don't register for a person, you register for a party. At best these people would register as Republicans and only serve to allow the RNC to think that they are doing something right to get more voters signed on.
Then explain this straight from the NC Libertarian party: 50% of NC Legislature Candidates in the 2006 Election were Unopposed Due to Unconstitutional Ballot Access Laws
That does not mean that Libertarians were locked out of the election. That means that there were no Libertarians (or any opposing parties, for that matter) running in those elections.
Part of the problem is that the Libertarian Party does have candidates for President and Governor on the ballot, but they have to spend a good portion of their funds on getting that ballot access. Under NC law, if they don't get a certain percentage of the vote in each Presidential/Gubernatorial election, then they have to collect signatures to get on the ballot for the next election. Also you can not register Libertarian, its either Democrat, Republican, or Unaffiliated.
Guess those wackos might just make a difference and is an example again from the nc site about ballot..
Excuse me? Michael Badnarik ran for President in 2004 (and was on the ballot here in NC). Tom Baily ran for Senate and Barbara Howe for Governor also in 2004. Will Libertarians be on the ballots in 2008? Probably. They need the signatures, and will probably get them. There are enough registered Libertarians in NC that, if they all signed the roster, they'd have more than enough to cover the 107,000 needed. You don't have to actually be registered as a Libertarian to sign the petition, though. Please sign it.
I agree with that last part. I am not a Libertarian, but I believe in ballot access. I would sign the petition if asked.
Ummm you can register Libertarian. I was in 2004. Here is the form for you