So, am I a witch?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by zookeeper, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Like some other recent thread starters on 4042, I have a neighbor situation.

    This is a long one, but I want to explain it completely, here's the deal:

    About 6 months ago, coming around the bend to access my street, there was a dog who would fly out of the blind of the curve and either end up in front of my vehicle, causing me to slam on my breaks (I only do 25 through our subdivision), or it would be a bit late in getting to the road and chase me car. It scared the heck out of me that I'd end up hitting this dog, which is black, and late at night, almost invisible. I'd lean on my horn to get the dog to move out of the way and hoped that it's owners would get a clue and start restraining it.

    That, fortunately stopped about four weeks ago, but to my dismay, the dog started leaving it's yard and visiting all of the neighbors, she particularly enjoyed leaving 'packages' on my front lawn. The neighbors next door to me have a few boys, who are really good kids, and they started playing with the dog a lot. The neighbor behind me, (also not it's owner) took a liking to the dog as well and it was spending hours on his back deck, sunning itself, and was going under his deck for shade when it was hot.

    I have a privacy fence, my 4 dogs go in and out as they please throughout the day via their doggie door. They do all of their business in my BACK yard, except for their 'watering' the shrubs once every 6-8 weeks when Bark and Bath comes to groom them - it's a ritual with them and I just hose down the shrubs they choose after their grooming is done.

    I spend just shy of 70.00 a month for Tru-Green Chemlawn to come out and do their thing to make my front yard look presentable - after a year, it is really starting to look great! EXCEPT for the piles left by this vagabond dog!

    To make matters worse - my little 10 lb. dog, Frankenstein (Frankie for short) has had a history of back problems - I have a lot of $ invested in vet visits and accupuncture and I love this little guy with all my heart. The dog running the neighborhood likes to run my fenceline and get my guys all worked up. It will run back and forth a 60' length and they follow suit, barking and banging into each other as they change directions. My little guy is really taking a beating as he gets trampled when this happens.

    This past weekend, I had a full schedule, my morning started at 4am and the day didn't end for me until after 11pm, so I tried to take advantage of 90 minutes off to catch a nap. After only 5 minutes, that dog showed up, the freak show began and before I could get up and get to the back door to call them all in, Frankie got hurt. He screamed his lungs out and could barely walk. I tended to him, then put my shoes on, and headed out with a collar and leash to bring the dog back to it's home. When I got outside, my neighbors (with the boys) were all sitting outside and when they saw I was going after the dog, they protested "It's a nice dog!" I reminded them there's a leash law and they just shook their heads in disgust at me and were gathered around the dog.

    I went inside, checked my little guy, got my keys and drove to the dogs home. The kids had already brought the dog to its owner and likely warned them I was ticked, cause they didn't seem at all surprised when I showed up in their driveway as the kids were leaving on their bikes. I told them that I wasn't trying to be a -itch, (I knew the tone of my voice was totally irritated - I couldn't make it nice after seeing the damage AGAIN to my little one) but that their dog needed to be kept on their property. They said she keeps slipping her chain. I saw a small kennel and they said she outgrew it. I explained that while I love dogs, their dog was causing my dogs - who are contained, to go nuts, and my little guy was taking a pounding, and that while I would hate to call Animal Control on them, that I would, if they didn't do something to contain their pet - for her own safety as well as my dogs. They looked at me kind of blankly, like 'what do you want us to do?' I told them that I would GIVE them a 10 X 10 kennel that would give their dog ample room. I let them know that it was in sections between my garage and fence and that they could cut through the yards and walk it over in no time flat (the neighbor kids would likely jump to assist them) Anyway - he said he would come by on Thursday (yesterday) to get it (hasn't shown up yet).

    In the mean time, my next door neighbors are giving me the cold shoulder, not waving or anything as they usually do, and the guy behind me, just shook his head in disgust and told me that I needed to learn to chill, because I got ticked about the dog.

    I pointed out a problem (one that was breaking a law) and offered a solution (for FREE).

    Am I missing something here, am I being a witch? :confused:

    Gotta get back to work - will check in on my next break.
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Nope, you were a lot nicer than I would be. I'd ask my neighbors who were giving me the cold shoulder if they want to clean the dog poop out of my front yard and keep the dog contained in their yard. If they love the dog so much, why don't they talk to the owners about adopting it from them. I wouldn't let my kids touch a dog, unless I knew it had been vaccinated, etc. and my guess is the owner's probably don't even do that!

    One of my PET PEVEES..I hate irresponsible pet owners!
  3. mispuddin

    mispuddin Guest

    I have a neighbor whose dogs roam the neighborhood. They are Rotties. She has had animal control on her case for over a year but she still lets them roam. One of the dogs actually stopped my child from getting off the school bus and scared her so bad one morning that she ran back to the house from the road while waiting for the bus. The neighbor came the other day and said I know I have a bad reputation with my dogs and I said You sure do. I told her that they are intimidating and she informed me that they were very social and I told her that did not matter when you have kids. She asked me if I had noticed that she had been keeping them shut up more and I told her that I had and now...she is letting them roam the roads again. SOOO I will call animal control again.
  4. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    You are not being unreasonable. Back when we were renting, I went to our landlord about a dog that chased Elvis and me up on our porch almost every time I took him out to potty in HIS yard on a LEASH. His response (he was law enforcement) was to shoot him. HELLO! It is NOT the dog's fault!!! I responded with that comment and asked him if I could just take care of the owners in that manner (obviously angry and talking out of my head). He simply laughed. There is not law that says you ahve to have a pet...if you are not willing to take care of them, simply don't get one!
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Don't even get me started. :p
  6. Shine

    Shine Guest

    We shoot BBs when the neighbors' dogs come into our yard....for the big ones, we throw firecrackers at them. I guess that is a lot nicer than some of our neighbors who actually shoot BBs at the wild kids who come into their yard! :lol:
  7. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    No excuse. If people can't contain their pets, they don't deserve them. When he's in your yard, he's not your neighbor's dog ...he's just a stray. Put him in your car, take him to the pound and tell them he's just a stray you found. If I were in your shoes however, he'd never make it to the pound.

    As for Rotties running loose in a neighborhood ...I can't think of any unjustifiable punishment against the owners. Death by firing squad comes to mind.
  8. Banone1997

    Banone1997 Guest

    Use the 3-S rule!!! and forget about it.
  9. gazingstar

    gazingstar New Member


    I think the real problem is Animal Control in the county. We need stiffer penalties for problem animal owners. I have the same problems with my neighbors and their pets. They do ok for a couple of weeks and then they are right back to their old ways. If people would only realize that as parents they can set some valuable examples for the children by having a pet. Respect for others and their property, responibility, an appreciation for living things. But, as you say all of the neighbors get mad and give you the cold shoulder everytime you complain. I have come to the conclusion that you need to do what makes you feel good. That's what I do and I sleep better at night.
  10. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Well its just a few officers against 10,000 "my pet is perfect" wackos. So there is only so much they can legally do. Many people think their pets have the same protected civil rights as you and I. Those people are the real problem.
  11. boo_radley21

    boo_radley21 Well-Known Member

    You are DEFINITELY not a witch. Like Harley said, don't get me started, either... ;)

    I agree wholeheartedly. People should be given proficiency tests before getting an animal.

  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Unreal:shock: We spent a fortune to install a 6' privacy fence for all our dogs and yet once in a blue moon one may get out but we are the first to make sure we bring her back home before she can bother anyone else (yes, i am talking about my poor 15yo blind Eskimo Spitz and she only will get out if by mistake one of my grandbabies leaves open a door).

    My dogs are my children and it just burns me to see irresponsible dog owners who care just as less for their dogs as they do their neighbors:evil:
  13. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member


    The 10 x 10 kennel that I offered for FREE has not yet been picked up.

    From the 29th of June, until the day before yesterday, the dog wasn't seen (by me) running stray.

    On Wednesday evening, I saw the dog with my next door neighbors in their front yard - they are the ones who got ticked when I complained. . .they don't own the dog, it lives around the block...

    Again last night, it's over on their property, looking like it really wants to come into my yard, but sees me and backs off.

    What the hell is the matter with people? they figure contain their dog for 5 or 6 days and then they can slack off again?

    I have a good mind to set up that blasted kennel in a shady area on the lot next door to mine (an easement) and when that dog steps foot on my property lock it's behind up in there with a padlock (naturally food and water) and a note for the freaking owners to see me to get their dog out, or I'm calling Animal Control in 24 hrs - which ever comes first. This situation has gotten me so :evil:
  14. le

    le Well-Known Member

    I think that is EXACTLY what people who let their dogs roam and then get called on it "think."

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