Excuse me? Did I put that they weren't on the ballot? No, I simply stated that have to use a good portion of their funds to get that ballot access. You don't usually collect 107,000 signatures without spending some monies.
Thanks David. Glad to see that has changed back. Several years ago I was a registered Libertarian, then I received notice after the election from the county BOE that I would now be classified as Unaffiliated since they hadn't received enough votes in the previous Presidential/Gubernatorial election. Does seem to be a bit unnecessary for a third party to have to constantly fight for ballot access.
Oops, just read the form. Notice the little fine print on the voter registration form: "If you indicate a political party that is not qualified or indicate no choice, you will be listed as "Unaffiliated" " So until the Libertarian Party collects their signatures for the next election, guess you would still be listed as Unaffiliated. Plus from the State Board of Elections website listing registration; Democratic: 2,533,424 45% Republican 1, 923,047 35% Unaffiliated 1,110, 953 20% No listings for Libertarians or any other party.
To add another point of view. Given the current system if you are constantly fighting for enough signatures to be on the ballot for all election (ie not just president and governor) than you can build your system. A perfect example of the system is Fred Smith. The party wants you to start at the local level to gain credibility as a candidate. That is one thing that hurts the Libertarian party.
Ummm....no I didn't. Post the whole sentence: {Part of the problem is that the Libertarian Party does have candidates for President and Governor on the ballot, but they have to spend a good portion of their funds on getting that ballot access}. I stated "does have candidates...on the ballot" Can't see how that is saying that they don't. My point was: they have candidates on the ballot but the Libertarian Party has to spend time and money gaining that ballot access. No where do I say they are not on the ballot, as your own post proves.
But you can have too many in a debate. Look at the last GOP Presidential debate, what 12 candidates at one time up there? Of course when it comes to Presidential politics I think we learn so little from the "debate format" that they're useless anyway.
http://www.debates.org The Presidential Debates are actually a function of the "Commission of Presidential Debates" established in 1987 by the Democrats and Republicans. In 2004, the CPD required, ....."that the candidate have a level of support of at least 15% (fifteen percent) of the national electorate as determined by five selected national public opinion polling organizations, using the average of those organizations' most recent publicly reported results at the time of the determination". (http://www.debates.org/pages/news_030924.html) Hmmm...that 15% threshold is a way to keep most of those trifling third parties away I guess!!!
It doesn't matter as soon as Fred Thompson announces, this Presidential election is over. The Dems will offer: A BLACK Man whose name rhymes with Osama: Sorry we as a nation aren't past the skin color thing, and there is the tragic naming similarities. The Most polarizing woman outside of Rosie O'Donnell: Sorry we as a nation are not over the whole gender thing either. And little Johnny Jump up: Champion of the poor: living in a 5 bazzillion sq ft mansion with basketball court, getting 450 dollar haircuts, Can't carry his home state [can you say Al Gore 2000], and working for a hedge fund. PLease tell us some more about Robbins (Which you did not carry as VP in 2004.) These are your Democratic Front Runners in a "General election."
Don't forget Al....he's cancelled all of his speaking gigs for the next 6 months. Hmmm...wonder why? I guess he'll run on the hypocrite's campaign of: "Carbon footprint for me, but none for thee." :roll:
Do Republicans think America Wants another 4 years Of Bush? Fred Thompson is a Washington Insider and has been hiring a lot of George Bush people. Besides that it is hard to find where he stand on any issue.
It is life. No one forces you to send your child to public school. No on forces you to live anywhere. It is called freedom and any time the governments starts interfering those rights are lost. It is absolutely insane to bus children. It is costing taxpayers to do this and for what. So someone feels better.Perhaps you should go learn from the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools system. They have seen test scores go up in these "less fortunate" areas that you have written off. . It is called our system of government working. Perhaps a civics review: in the United States government, the Supreme Court is the final authority on the interpretation of the federal Constitution and all statutes and regulations created pursuant to it; Time and place for everything and one child joking or trying to discuss issues distracts from learning. To cite your "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" provided no educational benefit and most likely offended someone. The student should not be allowed to wear it. Education is supposed to be about learning not what are the latest fashion trends. The public educational system is built on trying to mold all the students to one view and one curriculum. This should be handled on the state level. The federal government should not be allowed to fund or legislate when it is or isn't ok to kill babies.
Now how do most southerners feel about yankee's? Do we really need top add another New Yorker. Not looking for answers to the nations in New York personally.
Grace, surely you aren't insinuating that race has anything to do with income, as that would be stereotyping...right? So you feel it's right to force MY child into one of those "collapsing" schools, after I've worked my tail off to be able to afford to live in a neighborhood that doesn't have a "collapsing" school? Why do you feel my child is less deserving of a good school than another child? Actually, what the nation - at least those thinking rationally - regrets, is the cost and ineffectiveness of forced bussing based on race and soci-economics. If they are promoting an illegal activity, yes. Since protesting the war is not illegal, I would think not. If the teacher strike is not illegal, I would think not. Sure...but we also want them to understand that the right to Freedom of Speech also comes with responsibility. The responsibility of accepting the consequences of your actions. If you use your Freedom of Speech to break the rules of school - such as rules against promoting the breaking of laws - then you will suffer the consequences. He wasn't suspended for speaking...he was suspended because his speech broke the school rules.
1. You don't think Hillary or Edwards is a "washington insider"? They are ALL Washington insiders. 2. You can get an idea here: http://www.ontheissues.org/senate/Fred_Thompson.htm
May be true, but he is the one trying to say he is not. Wonder if he will dust off his plaid shirt and jeans and tour the United States like he did in Tennessee to make us thing of him as a regular guy. Well that would cover limited stuff about his senate positions. If he actually gets in the game maybe he will let us know his positions, but as it stands right now he does not want to join.
the american electorate makes a lot of stupid choices. Fred Thompson is a tremendously stupid choice. But he will put on his captain america suit and talk terror terror terror and he'll probably be elected. I wonder how Cheney will run his presidency?
Boy you guys are waaaaaaaaayy off base. The religious right is so scared of Fred Thompson. The Bush team hates his stance on Immigration, does not agree with his view on reproductive rights (They should be a states issue), They have butted heads on campaign finance reform, and is a fiscal, not religious conservative. I spent about 4 hours with him in 1999, and he is the closest thing we have to an electable Libertarian out there. Bush and Thompson agree on Tax Cuts and Aggressively combatting terror. I don't think Cheney likes Fred Thompson very much ever since Thompson was a staff Attorney on the Watergate Team. He came up with one question which was pretty frustrating for them: "What did Nixon Know, and when did he know it?" Can whoever said he is hiring a lot of Bush People please tell me who? It will be alright come Wednesday. Daddy's coming and he's bringing a big stick.