If "Roid rage" is not the only side effect of steroids, could it not have still been related? Depression?
I've heard rage, depression, and paranoia are side effects from steroid use. No matter what caused him to do it, it is sad all the way around. (I'm not a wrestling fan so I had never heard of him before.)
As a journalist, I'm forced to look at this story journalistically. As a wrestling fan who watched Benoit's first match over 20 years ago, I am also looking at this in disbelief. There are some weird goings-on, that are making this hard for me to truly wrap my hands around: 1. 2 text messages, one of which said, "the side door is open, and the dogs are corralled in the pool" 2. The 7-yr old son had needle marks on his arm, and people close to the Benoit situation said they may have been giving the kids steroids, because Chris thought the child was "undersized" 3. The cold, calculated way Nancy was bound at the wrists and feet, covered in a towel, and positioned in the livingroom. This is NOT roid rage-esque. 4. The bibles placed by Nancy and Daniel's bodies. This is also NOT roid rage-esque. 5. The fact that the murders/suicide happened over the course of three days. Roid rage attacks usually happen in a burst, not over a 3-day weekend. 6. The Wikipedia change 14 hours before the bodies were found. I might have been able to chalk this up to coincidence had the guy who changed Chris' page been from Topeka, Kansas or something. But the anonymous Wiki changer was tracked down to Stamford, CT, the CORPORATE HOME of WWE. Too fishy for my tastes. Something is definitely afoot at the Circle K. Yes, I've met Chris and his family, and sat across dinner tables and news studios from him. The reporter in me is reluctant to place all blame on Chris and/or steroids. The wrestling fan in me wants to believe none of this happened. The parent in me, the fact that he could kill his precious 7-yr old son, makes me want him to rot in hell for eternity. As you can tell, I'm a conflicted man. Boo
i agree the needle marks are probably due to the kid's size, as i've heard at least one person on tv say they had heard him referred to as "dwarf-like, but not really a dwarf". more likely human growth hormone than steroids, though. wrestlers have been known to use it and i saw chris jericho interviewed on fox yesterday...jericho knew benoit for 20 years or more. he says benoit tested clean for steroids on the wwe's randomly imposed drug testing as recently as april
Hey, I said it was a sad story. But that doesn't diminish the hilarity of wrestling and its fans. I think for non-wrestling fans the headline is different. We're more stunned that this many people actually take wrestling so seriously than we are that someone committed a murder/suicide.
No matter the cause for his actions, the whole thing is so sad and tragic for his wife and poor innocent son:cry:
Only thing is the WWE testing for steroids is bascially a joke. It allows almost 3 times the levels that Olympic testing does, and if you have a doctor's prescription you are okay.
I agree. I watch wrestling off and on. I am not a die hard fan but sometimes it is pretty interesting, yet all rigged so to speak. Sometimes even comical. Anyway, with the text messages giving an address so many times makes me think he was caught off guard or there were intruders. Then again he was trying to tell somebody where they could gain access to his house and where the dogs would be. He was supposed to be in the "Vengeance" PPV thing and maybe somebody within the Association was the actual intruders. It is also TOO coincidental that just a week or so before Vince McMahon was suppose to have been blown up in his limo. Why would he have posted that his wife was dead on Wikipedia 14 hrs before she was found if he would not have text messaged that to somebody instead of giving an address. If all this could be the case it would have made alot more sense to text that he needed help so I am torn as well. I cannot even or understand why he would have killed his son that he did love so much. Also in a fit of rage one would not be so careful to place a bible beside the bodies or to even wrap a body in a towel not too mention he would have got it all over with at one time not over the course of three days. Whatever happened it is very sad and what ever happened between him and his wife his child who had health problems should not have had to suffer.
I've got to do some traveling for the next couple of days, while I'm out I'll try to get my tinfoil hat w/coat hanger sticking out so I can join the conspiracy theories too!!!!
kt this thread no longer concerns Chris Benoit... it's about how Hillary sucks.... do try to keep up...
But everyone knows Hillary sucks, except for Willie, so the thread might as well return back to it's original.