How Cruel....

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by ladybugg, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. ladybugg

    ladybugg Member

    :oops: Hi! I have a black and white Shi-tzu named Maisi who disappeared from my home around 9:30-10pm Saturday evening. She is 6 years old and has a bad leg. She is very special to me and my family. I recently had someone call animal control on her. I feel confident that her disappearance has something to do with who ever called. I am deeply sadened that someone who had an issue with a 10 lb dog would steal her and do whatever with her. She may bark but otherwise is a very sweet and loving dog. Anyone who could injure a dog in my opinion is a poor excuse for a person! I hope that by me posting this that someone will read this that knows something about this and will hopefully help me to find her. I have two fairly young kids who run in and out of our house all day long and of course this enables our dog to get out unsupervised. I guess that's why a neighbor felt the need to call animal control....??? I can't understand why someone wouldn't just come to me or my husband and ask about why the dog is out or whatever......but being cruel to a dog, I guess is the better choice...????????? At this point I am hurt and angry to know that someone of this caliber lives in my neighborhood and would do something like this. My husband and I have walked and rode the streets all night long looking for her, just hoping that we don't have to tell our children that she's gone. But of course we have not been able to find her. Please if you have any kind of heart, bring my dog home! Feel free to pm me should you have any information. Thank you!
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your dog.

    I work for an animal shelter and people are always bringing in neighbors animals. We have some people who constantly trap neighbors cats, and since there is a leash law, they are not considered wrong.

    What we recommend is posting signs, letting your mail carrier know (since they drive your neighborhood everyday) and check the shelters!!! People can drop them off at several different ones and they are swamped. If you just call, your baby can easily be over looked.

    You can fill out lost reports for the two different wake county shelters on line (in case some one took them that far away) but you still should go in personally and check. They only give them 5 business days.

    We have had other people take neighbors dogs and just dump them in another subdivision... so travel a bit to neighboring subdivisions...

    Hopefully none of this is needed, and he just wandered off and will be home safe and sound.

    It sounds like maybe you should enclose your yard somehow if the kids keep letting him out... I know it is an expense and a bother, but if it keeps a loved one safe....

    Good luck!!! I hope you have him safe and sound soon.
  3. ladybugg

    ladybugg Member

    Thank you! I have already been calling around to the shelters. Our yard is fenced in but she's so little she can get out of the fence. We have a hard time keeping her confined. But she always comes home. She just really likes to be outside. I will continue to look for her this morning and put out some poster's with a reward. Hopefully she'll be home soon!
  4. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    It's fine to call shelters if you can get anyone to answer on a Sat or Sunday - Sat, they are usually busy and Sun, usually closed-except for kennel staff to clean. My suggestion, and I'm sure ljk would agree, is IF your baby doesn't show up by tomorrow, PHYSICALLY visit each shelter. While you would think that a cute little dog, freshly groomed, with a bad leg and rainbow collar would stand out like a sore thumb, you would be VERY surprised at the reality in busy shelters.

    People at the desk (receptionist/adoption counselors/volunteers)DO NOT see EVERY dog/cat that is brought in. Animal Control Officers, in most shelters, use a separate entrance and place animals either with kennel staff, or on off hours- directly in cages/kennels. I always advise people with missing pets to physically check each shelter every three days after the first visit. ESPECIALLY on Sat as this is the day most people who find dogs are off from work and are able to drive the dog to the shelter themselves. DO NOT just go looking through at the animals up for adoption - Inform the people at the desk your dog is missing, fill out a 'Lost Dog Report' and bring a photo of your dog (preferably similar to the haircut it now has) and attach it to the report. Dogs who have been brought in recently and are not yet the 'legal property' of the shelter, are housed separate from those up for adoption - you will usually be required to have shelter personnel tour with you and usually only one person is allowed to go back and view animals in 'quarantine/holding' at a time. This is because the dogs in these areas are strays or confiscates - some may be in there for harming someone. Because of insurance, and to keep you safe, you need an escort. On the same note - look at the dogs up for adoption as well. Yes, if you go to SPCA Wake, on HWY 70 - where dogs are dropped off - ALSO check the Adoption Center off of Tryon Rd. This is because some people LIE. People have been known to take dogs that do not belong to them and don't want to fess up they know who the dog belongs to, or for some other unknown reason and they state that the dog is theirs and that they need to surrender it. IF they do this, the animal immediately becomes property of the shelter as soon as they sign the surrender form. This means, that IF there is room in the adoption area and the dog is deemed friendly, they may quickly check it for heartworms, give him/her vaccines and they could be placed up for adoption within hours of entering the shelter system. BTW - people who surrender animals MUST provide identification when surrendering, so IF your dog is found in the adoption area, you can find out WHO dropped them off.

    CALL every day. When I worked for SPCA Wake, we always told people on the phone that while we would be happy to go look through all of our kennels, that they should come down themselves as well. YOU are the best person to identify your dog.

    Also, many a time children find a dog and they want to keep it as a pet, not intentionally being bad, they have on occasions been known to REMOVE a dogs collar, so that their parents won't realize the dog is already owned and not abandoned. In wet conditions (like last night) a freshly groomed dog can sometimes look like it's been on the road for an awfully long time.

    Lastly, talk to your letter carrier, UPS drivers-etc and anyone who walks their dogs in your neighborhood - show them all a photo - these folks pay attention to dogs roaming.

    I'm finished with Waverly Point jobs for the week, but I will be in Creekside Place 3 times a day over the next week - I will keep an eye out for your little one.

    Hope you find her soon!
  5. ladybugg

    ladybugg Member

    I just wanted to let all of you know that I have found my baby! She was returned to me this afternoon by a very kind neighbor. :-D
  6. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    :) Glad to hear it!
  7. mispuddin

    mispuddin Guest

    I am so glad that your baby is home.

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