Ok, we are finally here, unpacked and getting settled into our new home, but now I have another task. I need to find a new church for my family. I had been attending an Assembly of God in Georgia. What I am looking for is a contemporary service, something that has an incredible youth group for both a 6th grader and a sophmore. This church needs to have a pretty involved outreach ministry as well due to I want my boys to at least help 2 times a month for the less fortunate. However, I don't want it to be such a large church that our family will get lost in the shuffle if you know what I mean. We live in Clayton and I want to be able to have my boys also go to church with as many classmates as possible. But mostly, I want to be able to walk in the door and feel the presence of God. That is how I knew my last church was the place of worship for my family and everything else just fell right in place. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!!!
Just a quick hint before anyone starts jumping down your throat - you only have to post on one side or the other - all the members can see both but the visitors can only see the Discussion and they cannot reply. Welcome to the Board:-D
Hey Georgiared, My name is Pastor Glen. I pastor a small but growing AOG in Wendell (about 15 mins. from Clayton) The name of the church is Calvary Faith Center (www.calvaryfaith.com) We've recently merged with another church and we are really excited about what God has been doing with us. We are outreached focused because we are about people... we are about making a difference. If fact the name of our new outreach ministry is M.A.D.E. (Making A Difference Everywhere) Kids make up almost half our congregation so we are increasingly focusing on our youth (especially since we are next to a major High School and I am a former Youth Pastor) I encourage you to check out our website: www.calvaryfaith.com and listen to this sample message: http://www.glenkeefer.org/mediaplayers/player.aspx?podcastid=30009 I'll be praying for you and your family to get connected to the place God has for you. Making a Difference! Pastor Glen
Welcome!! Freedom Chapel in Benson is a small but growing church. Sunday services are at 11:00 am and Weds. at 7:00 pm. Preacher is Sammy Langdon and he is just so annointed of God.....PM me for more details and directions!
Welcome to the area! Hope you are getting settled in ok. Welcome to the area. There are lots of good churches in our area. My family and I attend and serve at C3 Church (Cleveland Community Church) on Cleveland School Road. We have four main services (2 Sat. night 5pm & 6:30pm, 2 Sun morning 9am & 11am) and we have an awesome Student Ministry that meets on Sun nights at 5pm. My wife and I help serve in the Student Ministry. Our services are contemporary and relevant. Stop in sometime and check us out for yourself. We'll be praying that God will help show you where He wants to lead you and your family. Finding a good church is easy, finding the place where God has called you is the important thing. You can find more information about C3 at http://www.c3church.org and you can also listen to the messages online.
Just go Southern Baptist, you'll be alright. We don't bite :mrgreen: Just messin' C3 is good from what I hear 8) (not from Ormly):lol:
Don't forget Biscuitville,,not only will you get food for the soul but also for your stomach(?wonder if they eat breakfast there before the church meeting, or am I thinking of some where else:-D If they will feed me I might go,of course if they feed the people it will be standing room only:lol: Maybe serve buffet for the big eaters Come on Ormly, preach to all us sinners 1 2 3
Come visit Shiloh Baptist off of Cleveland road. We have a youth minister that is outgoing. You can talk to Pastor Mitch and he can answer your questions.
I second this suggestions. Brian Self is the youth minister and does an outstanding job involving the youth. The high school youth group is on a mission trip right now in New York and the middle school group will be going to Teen Valley Ranch shortly! They do many outreach projects for the community and beyond. The people are very friendly and welcome all vistors. The church is definitely growing and new building should be ready soon. Please come check out Shiloh and I think you will find the Church Family you are looking for.
Here's a link to an awesome church...not so big that you get lost, but moving in great directions. The Pastor has a passion for outreach and missions both here and abroad. The service is contemporary and the youth ministry is fantastic. http://www.southsidechurch.net/ -Sprocket
not that it matters....just a correction...high school went on their mission trip with World Changers back in June and the middle school is gone to TVR right now. Brian is my buddy (like a little brother) and he truly has a heart for God and the kids. Awesome guy! If you are looking for a church that has very sound Bible teachings this is the one for you. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
A HUGE thank you to everyone that has suggested a new church home for my family. Wow. Decisions Decisions. But I know God will lead us to the right one! Thank you for the warm welcome.
If you like bubble gum, cotton candy and rah rah cheerleading from the pulpit, you'll love it. Nothing much on the Spiritual though. Kids love it. Hungry for God adults, are leaving.