I feel like someone needs to hear this song. If something's going on in your life that seems overwhelming and almost unbearable, let this song lead you back to the source of all our strength, Jesus Christ, our Lord. He told us to put our burdens on Him. He is faithful when it seems like everyone and everything else has failed us. Kent Casting Crowns - Praise You in the storm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHdcyue0bSw&mode=related&search=
Have there been times when you have not shared your Christian faith because you were afraid you would not say the “right” thing, or felt intimidated by the person or group you were speaking to? Were you afraid people would laugh at you and make fun of you for being a Believer? Here’s what God said to Moses: Then Moses said to the Lord, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” The Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” “Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” Exodus 4:10-12 NAS Watch how Dr. Billy Graham interacts with a sarcastic and unbelieving Woody Allen in front of a large audience. Allen tries in vain to rattle Dr. Graham, constantly throwing out one wisecrack after another. Dr. Graham is composed, witty, frank, and guided by the Truth and the Holy Spirit. So be bold in your witnessing. If God is for us, who can be against us? Kent http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_...efault.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIkJtwtCPUrdgbhRFJ_qCJ2
Blackbearz: 10-4 on God is good all the time! He's God on the mountain, He's God in the valley, and He's God on the battlefield. Here's a good video with alot images of soldiers humbling themselves before the Lord. Be sure to notice a few images of the baptismal pool that was made in the middle of the desert. I was immediately reminded of the Ethiopian eunuch that was baptized by Philip in Acts 8. Kent http://video.aol.com/video-detail/id/826517260 (Song and lyrics by Aaron Shust)
God is Good all the time yes he is!! I have not had my computer for awhile & just got done reading all the positive posts. Sorry there aren't more posts in regards to personal testimonies. I would like to add mine.here it goes.... A few weeks ago I found a rather large lump in my breast. I went to the Dr. a few days later. This lump was there several months ago & a different Dr. said nothing to worry about. This time it was the size of a superball. My other Dr. said that yes there is something there for sure. We need to get you in to have further tests. I had already had a mamogram 2 years ago & everything was perfect. The Dr. whom I might add is a Christian man said are you ok with what I have told you thus far & where we have to go now. I told him yes I am a child of God & I have favor with God I am not worried. Two days later I went to the Hospital & had a series of xrays & then an ultrasound. Both women who did these tests could not believe the size of the lump & were evasive. I saw the ultrasound & I knew it was not good. Not good at all. I left the hospital & then went to bilbe study that night & the pastor laid hands on me & prayed for healing & then the church as a whole did this again on SUnday at service. I was to be notified Monday of the results. Monday, Tuesday & then end of the week came & went. They say no news is good news. The following week later I got a call from my Dr.'s office- the nurse went on to say. Sorry this took so long they had a problem. Both women who did the tests new there was a problem but when it went to the "person in charge" they could not understand what they were looking at & had to question both of the women & call my Dr. What I am getting out here is that they could not understand why nothing showed on either the xray or the ultrasound. God made it so that I was healed both in the natual & on the papers. God is truly amazing & I thank God I have no lump of any kind in my breast. Praise God for all his Glory.
LI-bratz, that is wonderful news, and a great testimony! (How are the dogs that I met doing these days?) I just want to add a praise... I praise God that I am able to get up out of bed every morning and all of my "parts" work as they should. I praise Him that my husband and children are all healthy. I praise Him for the house, clothes and food He provides for us. I praise Him that we always have everything that we need, even if it isn't everything we want. I praise Him for His love, His mercy, and His grace; and for putting up with me even though I take Him for granted almost every day. I praise Him for the rain we got yesterday. I praise Him for my life, even though I often take it for granted. Most of all, I praise Him for His Son, the One who provides eternal life! Thank you Lord!!!!!
Ready2Seemyking, AMEN!! I cannot praise God enough for all he has done and continues to do for me!! He is an awesome God. PAT
LI-bratz: that's great news and a fantastic testimony that God is still in the healing business whether through modern medicine or divine intervention. Let's celebrate that with a great Praise song from Jeff & Sheri Easter that tells us to still praise God no matter what our circumstances: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRK0JrA5GKI&mode=related&search= Kent
All i have to say is that God picked me up off the floor when i was lost, hurt, and crying and gave me a life i would never have believed possible.
i know, i am changing the subject again, but how would you guys suggest going about locating a lost sibling?
I have a praise to report to all of you on the power of prayer!!!! God is so good!!!! A runaway child has been found!!!! Many people have been on their knees for 10 days praying for this child. Not one word from her in 10 days. They made a traffic mistake and were stopped halfway across the country, but she is safe and seems remorseful and ready to come home. Praise God for keeping His protective hands on her. Praise Him for the work He will do in her life from this point on. He is always in control even when we do not understand the process. Please pray for ... we'll call her Stacy ... that she will see how many people love her and that we will help her get through anything she may have to face in the future. I love this child as if she were my own. So please pray for me to embrace her with Christ's love rather that "shaking some sense into her" like I would like to. Her choices were made out of love for a "stupid boy"...reminder, I have 3 boys myself. The human-nature side of me wants to forget about him but my heart takes over and I ask for prayer for him too. His home life situation is not the best and he may not be facing so happy a homecoming. All things work together for good for those who love (and trust) the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Friday everyone!!!!! Our girl is coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaci, get with me privately and I'll give you every resource I have. If they're out there, we'll find them.
mommy3: that is indeed great news!! We all lift our hands up in praise with you! Kent . . . . . . . So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate. Luke 15:20-24
This story has been my mainstay for the last week and a half. My heart is so full of excitement right now I feel like I'll burst. Her parents should be seeing her by noon today. Please pray for their reunion. This is a critical time.
Good evening, all. I read an article in Friday's N&O about Joe Venable, a humble school custodian from Durham, that will touch your heart. God used some children and others to bless him with a life long desire for a particular trip Joe had always dreamed about. I found an earlier story to go along with the article from Friday so I'm posting them both. Kent Golden' surprise - 5/10/2007 Durham students make school worker's wish come true - Samiha Khanna, Staff Writer DURHAM - Mangum Elementary School custodian Joe Venable was minding the cafeteria Wednesday afternoon when he was called to the music room to clean up a big "spill." The emergency was really just a group of students and staff ready to "spill the beans" about a big surprise. After hearing that their beloved Mr. Venable, 71, had a lifelong desire to see the Golden Gate Bridge, a group of fifth-graders started raising money for a San Francisco trip. On Wednesday, Venable walked into the music room and found 60 fifth-graders and his wife sitting next to the superintendent. "What's all this?" he asked, taking off his hat. The students answered. They learned of his dream to see the Golden Gate Bridge after reading a short profile of the man in the school newsletter. Student Ellen Berry wrote a letter to Superintendent Carl Harris asking "pretty please," if he would help the students earn Venable a trip to the West Coast. Staff members, local churches and clubs donated money and held fundraisers to put together about $2,000 to send Venable and his wife Alease, 76, to California for three days. The students even wrote a song. "Mr. V. you're on your way ... to the San Francisco Bay ... ," they sang as their classmates played drums and keyboard. Venable stood up, tears flowing from behind his glasses. "This sure is something beautiful you all have done for me," he said, choking on some of his words. Beside him, his wife also cried. She came to the school thinking her husband was going to be honored with an award. Harris also spoke to the students, commending them for their efforts. "When you think about people other than yourself, you're making the world a better place to live in," Harris said. After the presentation, students lined up to hug Venable. Later, he followed Principal Gwendolyn Johnson back to her office. "You can go home," Johnson told her employee. "No," Venable said, hesitating in the doorway. He shook his head slowly. "I think I better go back and finish up in the cafeteria." Staff writer Samiha Khanna can be reached at 956-2468 or samiha.khanna@newsobserver.com. Janitor visits Golden Gate - 7/13/07 Students raised funds for his trip - Samiha Khanna, Staff Writer It was in the ironworkers' shop at the Golden Gate Bridge where Joe Venable started getting weepy-eyed again, witnesses said. He saw workers clad in overalls manage massive pieces of steel and listened as metal clinked on metal and welding sparks crackled. All along, the 71-year-old custodian from Mangum Elementary School kept tearfully remarking, "I'm here because of the students." A group of fifth-graders had surprised Venable and his wife Alease, 76, in May with tickets to San Francisco. They heard the school's only full-time janitor once mention he always wanted to see the renowned bridge in person and raised about $2,000 for the trip. He never knew how many people would hear him. As news of the students' gift spread, people nationwide sent donations to the school --enough to pay for $3,500 in meals, activities and spending money, much more than anticipated, said Principal Gwendolyn Johnson. The San Francisco mayor's office called to arrange the Venables' itinerary, and a bridge supervisor wanted to give the couple a personal tour. "I had no idea that I would get this kind of attention," Joe Venable said by telephone Thursday, as a taxi whisked him to a lunch appointment. Venable, a reserved man who usually hides his gray wisps of hair beneath a ball cap, has worked at Mangum for three years, Johnson said. He never takes sick leave and rarely goes on vacation, she said. And since the day the children told him they were sending him on a memorable trip, he has become endearingly weepy, marking most of his thank-yous with tears. The surprises have continued. The three-day trip became a five-day vacation when the Hilton Hotel where the Venables were staying threw in a couple of extra nights. And a San Francisco salon called Alease Venable on Thursday and offered her a free hair appointment after stylists saw her on the news, according to the couple's daughter, Patricia Lea of Yanceyville. Lea, 56, booked a ticket to travel with her parents months ago, she said. She thought they needed help navigating the city, but she has become their impromptu press agent instead, booking interviews for her parents with eager media outlets, including ABC's "Good Morning America." As the family walked toward the famous bridge Thursday, a throng of news cameras followed them and people noticed, Lea said. "I heard someone say, 'These must be celebrities,' " Lea said. They are being treated as such, if only for a few days. The family's tour of the bridge was one few people receive, and it took them to the top of the structure for a grand view of the sprawling city. Then, someone put a keepsake piece of cable and rust-red steel rivet into Joe Venable's hands. "We can't do this for everyone," said Mary Currie, director of public affairs for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District. Currie said the VIP treatment usually is reserved for elected officials and dignitaries. And on Thursday, for Joe Venable, school custodian. Staff writer Samiha Khanna can be reached at 956-2468 or samiha.khanna@newsobserver.com.
Thanks for the story. I had heard of the trip on the news but the first story brought me to tears. He is so right. Thinking of others first DOES make the world a better place. What a wonderful lesson those young hearts have learned that they will likely NEVER forget. Thanks for posting. Oh, an update on our runaway "sister". What a story that I wish I could share it all. Just know that she realizes her stupidity and how God never left her side. You can see His hand throughout it all. I told her that everyone gets their one "duh" in life and she has used her's up. Now she just needs to figure out how God can use her through this "experience". Please pray for her as she and her family will begin counseling next week.
i just had to share this with you guys: Dancing With God When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. My eyes drew back to the word Guidance. When I saw "G: I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i". "God, "u" and "i" dance." God, you, and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and everyday. May you abide in God as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life. This prayer is powerful and there is nothing attached. There is no cost but a lot of rewards; so let's continue to pray for one another. And I Hope You Dance