Happy Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Harley (I mean Petunia!) Make it a great one! I am not too far behind...mine is next friday!! Woohoo!(35..uh , I mean 29 and holding!!) How old are you? HOw old are you? ( you don't have to tell me, I already know!!) Stay safe!!
I love ya'll. <big group hug> Breezy, got you by one year. 36 today! YEAH, I made it another year. :lol: PirateGirl, the celebration started yesterday! :mrgreen: Technically I was born at 10:02 - so my mommy calls me every year at 10:02 and says ... "guess who was born today?" I say ... "Me, I was"! :lol: I realize I am not 5 but ya gotta have fun!!! :lol: :lol: I love my mommy!
Happy Birthday HG... got you're message... all I can give is a definite maybe... but I know you'll have a great time listening to the birdie sing!!
HG--- I love you, truly I do, but next year we're going somewhere tropical and warm, that would NEVER play 70's music!!!
:lol: :lol: 70's music is my favorite though. I'll just bring my IPod so you can't hear my 70's music. :lol: :lol: I hear ya, and a cabana boy to bring us our drinks! Thank you for listening to me V-E-N-T. :mrgreen: Thanks everyone, birthday's are always great when you spend them with true friends!