I encourage you to report your findings with the state. If I'm not mistaken, after school age children are not suppose to be with the 3 yr. olds and a ratio of 20/1 is possibly a violation (not sure about the numbers), just take your concerns to the state, you can do it without giving your name and they have to investigate. Use the web and look up the regs. for daycares, this could help you when discussing things with the director, lets her know that you know the regs., this might help her realize that she needs to change things, hopefully become a better place for you and other parents. If the director is not there someone has to be in charge, assistant director, every daycare has to have one or two at times when the director is not there. I also encourage you to just drop in at odd times, lunch, nap and playtime. I did this when mine where in daycare, couldn't help but feel this kept them on their p's and q's. I wish the best of luck for you on this situation.
Thanks for the advice Thanks "openminded". I was hoping that the center would I don't know, self-correct, but I think you are right. Maybe bringing an outside source in to evaluate would be a good idea. As for the assistant director: I am unaware of one. Anyone reading know if and who the assistant director is?
There is an assistant director. Her name is Lisa. I saw her a few times last week but haven't seen her this week yet. Perhaps she is on vacation. The first few times I talked with Wendy about bringing my child there she always referred to Lisa if I was planning on coming to visit during a time that she (Wendy) would not be there. Wendy has been there very afternoon when I arrive...usually sitting at her desk. I assumed Lisa did more of the early morning coverage.
Thanks I will have to make a point to ask who she is this afternoon...I don't believe I've ever met her. Good to know that there is another person though .
Open Arms CDC Let me start by saying I am sure many people would be in disagreement with my opinion and that is fine, We are all entitled to our opinions. If Open Arms is a place you feel comfortable sending your child, then send them there, but for MY family it is simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH! My son was in attendance at Open Arms Preschool last year. I removed him due to issues I felt could become detrimental to him. After the first month of school I wanted to remove him but was talked out of removing him by several staff members. I really wish I had followed my heart! When I finally felt we had faced the "final straw" several months later I called the director to discuss the issues with her. However she did not seem concerned and was very dismissive with me. She never apologized, didn't seem sympathetic or empathetic and ended our phone conversation very quickly. I later found out she told another staff member I said some things that I NEVER said. I feel the classes are over crowded and many of the teachers are overwhelmed. I am currently searching for a new preschool for him to attend in the fall. We are on some waiting lists and I hope that we are able to get him in a quaility CDC. Knowing what I know now I would not send my child to Open Arms if it were the last CDC in Johnston County!!!
I really appreciate that people are willing to open up here about this issue. I started the thread and never meant for anyone to get upset with eachother on the board. I am very glad you all are sharing your thoughts and opinions. My experience seems to only be getting better at Open Arms and I am not rushing to make any changes. I am finding that by making an effort to talk to the teachers, address them by name, waving to the director in her office, and smiling a lot....that people are receptive to me and my child. It is nice to know that if I need to vent about something or have questions about something that I can come here and get all sorts of responses. Thank you to everyone for your input...and keep it coming!
OH...Another point I'd like to address in regard to the state coming in to investigate. How many of you who have children at Open Arms were given a copy of the NC Childcare Law or asked for your child's immunization records? I was given nothing and was asked for nothing. Parents are supposed to sign off that they received a copy of the NC law. And the state is supposed to be coming "any day now" to give the center it's new official rating. Will they look for my child's file and see that these things are not there? I am secretly hoping so. I want them to get caught on this b/c it is such a routine, easy thing to do that they should get a slap on the hand for it.
I remember having to have that in my hands before DS's daycare would let him darken the door. NOT safe for the other kids!
Yes, you were suppose to provide his/her up to date shot records and should have signed off on other things, there's a whole list of things that should be in your child's folder. You should have been provided a setup/startup package with a list of things the daycare needs and literature the state requires them to give you before your child can even step foot in the building for his/her first day. The state allows a certain amount of time for a new daycare to become compliant with state laws. New daycares run ( I think they have a year, not sure) under a temporary license until final approval from the state. At which time all deficiencies have to be corrected. During this temporary period the state will make several visits, red flagging deficiencies and giving recommendations to the daycare owner/operators. The state can close the daycare down if warranted, but usually they work real hard on helping correct the deficiencies.
to LJN I am happy to hear that! I do pray that things will cont. to go smoothly for you and you & your child cont. to be happy!! Only you can judge what is best for you and your child...and everyone is different. Maybe things will change.......Oh I was never given a copy of the laws either.
Is this the Open Arms CDC that operates out of Holy Cross Lutheran Church on NC 42 East of Clayton. If so, have you discussed these issues with the Pastor of Holy Cross? I would have to believe that he would be interested in any issues with their CDC and the Director.
To MY understanding, parents have gone to the pastor and still nothing was done about the issues. Only excuses were made for the director. We were constantly told that the pastor had nothing to do with the CDC and all issues were to go through the director.
If this is the situation my child would be out of there in a New York minute. You have a choice of CDC's in the area. If the landlord (Church) has no authority in decisions this is a disaster in the making. If I was a member of this church our agreement with Open Arms CDC would end quickly.
Immunization Records I do remember having to provide a current physical as well as my child's immunization record prior to her attending the center. I do believe we received the contact info for the state in our packet of info...we got a bunch of stuff in the beginning when Tara was the director, before the center ever opened. I was wondering about the licensing people coming b/c I noticed that the temporary license had expired, so I asked Wendy about it and she told me that "we were expecting them anyday". Then, we got a letter not too long ago (about price increases) that stated that they would be coming and were expecting at least a 4 star rating, if not a 5....we'll see I guess.
Well you will never guess what showed up in my daughter's folder yesterday for me to take home. A complete parent handbook from Open Arms along with medical forms for me to fill out and a copy of the NC childcare law. So I guess I can't complain about that anymore.
Sounds like a very unorganized daycare on the management level. The parent handbook etc. should have been given to you at the time of your registration, seems to me your money was the most important thing at that time. Please watch this place very closely, so many red flags here. Everyone can understand the stress of running as place such as this, but the director should be able to rise above all of this and be there for you the parent and her staff. If she new that the final inspection was just around the curve, she should've been there night and day to prepare and have that center in top notch condition. Does the handbook describe to you the director's background, education and experience?
A little sad, a little funny.... Strange how all of a sudden you are given the handbook and such. We weren't even allowed to bring our daughter to the center without having the papers from that reviewed and signed. They've got to get it together...I am to the end of giving them the benefit of the doubt.
The crazy thing about this is that any child without all the appropriate paperwork in his/her file, by state regs. is not allowed to attend daycare. This for all intended purposes is for the safety of all the other children and staff workers at the daycare in the event a child has a spreadable infection ect. such as active TB, meningitis or a condition such as asthma that all staff members/director should be aware in case of emergency. Why in Gods name would someone running a facility such as this not make the appropriate measures to insure a potentially dangerous situation does not occurr within the walls of that building, to not have a record of the health background of the child their taking care of is not acceptable!
There is no portion of the handbook that describes the director's background, etc. However it does state that all paperwork (like included in this handbook) "MUST" be completed and on file prior to your child's first day of attendance. It also says this packet of information will be explained thoroughly by the director. It says there is a governing board for the center that is responsible and accountable to the church. The board includes the pastor. It also states the director is accountable to the pastor. The governing board has 3 parent representatives on it. I wonder how you get on the board?? There are some other "little" things like not wearing open toed shoes or bringing pillows that can't be rolled up in their mats. My daughter has worn open toed sandals and brought the same pillow every day since she started. No one has said a word to me about it.
just fyi - the open toed shoes is not a state law/rule. Just a rule your center has, but they may choose to not really enforce that now - unless that start having accidents of the feet/toes. (although you may already know this)