Thank you 1 MORE Pitbull

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JSatterfield, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    She works for and rescues animals. She did me a huge favor not long ago on a personal level and I had the wonderful opportunity to see the animals she has. I believe she has stated this earlier in this thread. Unless you have not read the previous posts here, you may now remove your foot from your mouth.:mrgreen:
  2. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    so she rescued an animal and you gave her praise.
    That is very typical of a "rescue" person.
    They do it for the "oohs and aahs" and the "you are so great" comments.

    Question is still out there, what is she doing to make this huge mess go away?
  3. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member


  4. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member


    Is that what ya'll call people when they ask a legitimate question?
    I'm still waiting for an answer, how bout an answer from all of you people?

    We all read the intelligent "shoot" the animal comments, and the people full of hate that agree to that method.

    So to be fair, those people have their solution, "shoot companion animals"
    to get rid of the problem.

    KD - at your next Democratic meeting, please, please if you do a speech, tell everyone in attendance your cure for overpopulation.
    Let us know what they say okay?

    and for LJK -
    Yes, we have heard about her foster animals, rescue animals etc.
    Why the need to "shout it from the rooftops"
    Instead of her doing that work, maybe she should be taking her wisdom and doing something about the problem! You know, doing something major to end over-population.

    But, if that happened, she (and the other rescue people) wouldn't have anything to "save" and let the world know how wonderful they are.

    Deep down, people like LJK don't want to "fix" the problem.
    Therefore, they don't do anything to stop the problem
  5. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO... you and your type are nothing but hypocrites.

    try answering some questions yourself.

  6. Clif

    Clif Guest

    No, that's what we call Junior Members who ask a question, get an answer that they promptly ignore, and then ask it again.

    Go back and read the answer that God'schild posted to you. Read it again and again until you understand it. Then, when you finally do (presuming a miracle occurs, of course), then you can act like an adult and apologize to ljk for your ignoance.
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    heck, she can't even follow her own advice......:roll:
  8. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Evidently, more than you. Her actions and work speak for themselves....and yours would be.................:?: :confused:
  9. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Really Space Cowboy?
  10. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    If your so proud of your "killing tom cats and kittens" and think there is nothing wrong with that, why don't you post your name and address so animal control can pay you a visit?
    If what you do is okay, then you wont have a problem doing it?

    Since you just admitted to animal cruelty, maybe someone would do a little investigation into your admissions. Maybe? Just maybe
  11. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    I never said that I was a rescue person, spayneuter advocate or an activist, did I?

    I'm just asking questions and giving my opinion.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2007
  12. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Obviously. But not answering any questions.
  13. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    What question/s would you like me to answer KD?
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You have been asked several times, in several different ways, what you are doing to reduce the problem of pet overpopulation. I would be interested in seeing your answer to that question.
  15. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Nothing. I told you, I'm not an activist, a rescue person or a spay or neuter person.
    Never claimed to be.
    But, I'm a person who believes that you don't "shoot companion" animals, kill tomcats and kittens, and applaud those that do.

    I hope that answers your question.
    Now answer my question, are you going to address the overpopulation problem at your next Democratic meeting?

    I hope so, and you will verbatim tell them what you posted here, correct?
    I'm sure everyone will agree with you. What do you think? Do you think they will agree with you?

    I guess will find out when you tell everyone.
    Edited to say.. in case you didn't know when the next meeting is... read below.

    The Johnston County Democratic Party

    will hold an Open House
    at the downtown Clayton Headquarters Office,
    401 East Main Street, Suite 208A,
    Saturday, July 28
    10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Apparently you know more about me than I know about you, but that's fine. Quite a few people on this list know who I am, and everyone who is interested knows what I stand for.

    I will clarify my previous remarks about shooting animals. This is the post that prompted that response:
    Kaci is actually a fine, caring person who did not deserve that comment. The post that she, and then I, comented on:
    did not mention companion animals. The animals that have to be put down are strays, or the result of overbreeding; they are generally homeless, unwanted animals that need to be euthanized.

    It would be wonderful if there were unlimited resources in the world, and no animal ever had to be put down. But since that is not the case, sometimes animals do have to be put down. A skilled marksman can do the job just as quickly and humanely as most other methods of euthanasia, and the end result is the same.

    The solution to the problem lies in spay and neuter programs, and in education of pet owners. If you are doing nothing to reduce the number of unwanted, homeless animals that must be put down, then what gives you the right to say how those animals should be put down?
  17. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    No worries, I wont "out" your comment. I don' know you, all I know is from what you posted and your affiliation with the Democratics of JC.
    I also am very involved.

    I must say that this part of your post I find very disturbing
    on: did not mention companion animals. The animals that have to be put down are strays, or the result of overbreeding; they are generally homeless, unwanted animals that need to be euthanized.

    Are you saying that since an animal is a stray or unwanted, that gives someone the right to shoot them?
    I would think that a homeless or stray dog/"tom cat"/kitten should get more compassion right before they are to be euthanized.
    These animals had nothing their whole life, if anything, let them have a few minutes of compassion before they die.

    Also are you saying that all "sharp shooters" in Johnston County should go around and shoot stray and homeless animals?
    Animals now, what's next KD?
    My Lord.
    End of Discussion.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2007
  18. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    BTW, thanks for the publicity. I will be there for at least part of that time, and I hope to see some 4042'ers there!

    Pat A.
    (Just to avoid confusion with Pat B., who will also be there. :-D )
  19. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Right.. Pat "A"

    I guess we all know what that stands for!:-D
  20. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this "new" person sure knows a lot for somebody who has been a member for 4 days.

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