Too bad they can't practice what they preach!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by tawiii, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

  2. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I was going to practice a little saying " If you have nothing nice to say just say nothing at all "But, I have not one damn nice thing to say about the NAACP.Thats not a racist comment its because I believe they are more racist than the KKK is.
  3. le

    le Well-Known Member

    The thing with the NAACP speaking out about this now is where were they two weeks ago when the story first broke??!?!?
  4. le

    le Well-Known Member

    I can see why that took them two weeks, idiots!
  5. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I thought it was just me. That I was the only one who thought they were a racist group. I am glad to see I'm not alone. I use to think they only helped the poor people . It just seems like they want to be on the news and go after whites. Do not get me wrong everyone deserves a fair trial but they jump on the ban wagon to defend anyone who is black there are whites and other races wrongly accused as well who can not afford lawyers wheres their help. If the Duke men would have been poor they would be in prison right now. Its sad to see that they get away with this if their was a all white group helping only whites ............well that will never happen because they would be afraid of being called out as racist.
  6. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Ever notice when minorities band together it is called "brotherhood"

    When whites band together it is called a "Klan meeting"?????
  7. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest rights. When will people realize that when you group people together individuals lose. People much smarter than me have some pretty good points as well.....
  8. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Who are you quoting from? (as if I couldn't guess)
  9. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Ok this is a bit off topic but thought I'd share.

    I have a friend who lives in another area of NC and her daughter whom was asked out by a boy whos of another race said no to the boy because she didn't like him. Well, thats when hell broke loose in her life shes in 9th grade after she said no he told his friends she was racist they live in a community where whites are the minority . After this happened she bcame a target at school being bullied at every corner . Her mother went to the school and was told that she should talk to her child that not going to the dance with this boy was wrong just because he was black. Her mother explained to the school it wasn't his race her daughter did not like the boy she said they brushed her off as if she were racist.

    I was at their house and her daughter and daughters friend told me that most the white girls will go out and put out so they are not targeted and bullied if they are asked out by one of another race. This is wrong. This shows me that the race card has been played so much that children are being scared of another race so they do things they do not want to so they do not get called out as a racist.Its BS .
    They are moving out of their home because of this .So their child will not be the minority and get beat up at school daily because who knows what may happen if she says no to the wrong person its stupid if you ask me that because a long long long long time ago some stupid *** white people had slaves , now we who are alive now whom had nothing to do with it have to be treated like racist watch every thing we say not to offend someone .Now its taught some people, they can use their color to get what they want or who they want its stupid. When I see someone use the race card I automaticly assume they are racist now.
  10. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    but of course the only politician I know that has never had his integrity questioned.
  11. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    NAACP = Pot calling the kettle black.
  12. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I questioned it. And I will again...

    I don't think someone who believes the US Income Tax is unconstitutional would be a good leader as he obviously have never read the 16th amendment.
  13. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    It all depends on your point of view. Ron Paul does not tell anyone to not pay incomes taxes. The 16th Amendment is unconstitutional as the framers envisioned. They were strong proponents of not allowing an income tax.

    Here is a quote that he gave on the floor of the house that indicates his belief that the 16th Amendment while wrong and unconstitutional is legal and should be repealed. Seems the right way for someone to try and correct a wrong.

  14. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Never said he did.

    That's exactly what I mean. He's trying to tell us that a constitutional amendment is unconstitutional. By the very definition, if it's in the Constitution it's constitutional.

    Right or wrong is not the issue. If it's wrong, then repeal it. But don't try to convince me that something that's in the Constitution is unconstitutional. That makes no sense whatsoever and is the reason that I question his integrity and capability as a leader.

    So, as you can see, you cannot say (truthfully) that Mr. Paul's integrity has never been questioned.
  15. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Guess you do not understand the difference between an Amendment and the actual Constitution. Oh well......don't vote for him. Continue enjoying what we have sown!
  16. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Oh, I understand the difference, do you?

    So, you're saying that women's right to vote is also unconstitutional? After all, the founding fathers never intended for women to vote (if they did, they would have included it in the original Constitution instead of making us all wait until the 20th century for it to come about. How about the freeing of blacks?

    For that matter free speech, the right to bear arms, and the protection against self incrimination would all be unconstitutional, since they, too, are amendments.

    So, voting for a whacko who does not understand the Constitution would fix that?

    I don't think so.
  17. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Dr. Ron Paul has a lot more credibility than you will ever have.
  18. Clif

    Clif Guest

    At least I am familiar with the Constitution.

    No, I'm just tired of hearing about Ron Paul as if he were the messiah come again. The man is a wacko who tells people what they want to hear and his followers believe it no matter what facts are presented to them.

    Listening to his followers, I am reminded of Rev. Sun Myung Moon or Jim Jones.
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Well I am Scottish
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Good for you, and welcome to our country. Personally I'm American.

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