Three Tier Bus Routes Could Alter Start Times For 7 Schools - <SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Growth, and a reduction in the school systems transportation budget, is forcing Johnston County Schools to look at running three bus routes for seven Clayton area schools starting this fall. The changes could take effect just days before classes start for thousands of students on August 27. On Thursday, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Ed Croome told WMPM instead of using the same bus to run two routes each day, they would run three. By adding the third route, it would reduce costs by not having to add additional buses. Dr. Croome said transportation officials are looking at the third tier of bus routes at Clayton High, Clayton Middle, Riverwood Middle, West Clayton Elementary, Cooper Elementary, East Clayton Elementary, and Riverwood Elementary. While the school day would not be lengthened, the starting times of classes would change. While the exact times have not been finalized, Clayton High, for example, could hold classes from 7am until 2pm. Middle schools would operate from 8am until 3pm, and elementary schools from 9am until 4pm. Dr. Croome said this would give bus drivers enough time to run the three routes. He also emphasized bus routes would not be lengthened, only the starting time of school days staggered. If approved by the Board of Education at their August 14 meeting, it will affect students at the seven Clayton areas schools when they return for classes on August 27. Dr. Croome said if it is successful, the three tier bus routes will be expanded to
This would be a huge mistake for the high school students. Most do not get enough sleep now due to school, homework/studying and their part time jobs. It was not uncommon for my daughter to come home from work at 11pm only to have to finish up some schoolwork before going to bed. Studies have also shown that the lack of sleep makes children this age less attentive early in the day and less prone to retain the material taught. Even most college courses do not begin before 8am.
According to some principals and school staff, it's a done deal. I think that they have it backwards though. The younger kids should go earlier so that parents can get to work. Many parents of elementary kids will have to find before school care since school won't start until 9am. I fear that some kids that are too young will simply be left to wait for the bus unattended.
When I was in high school, we started at 7:10am. (We got out at 2:15.) Swim practice started at 5:15am for the swim team. (It's cold at that time in January!) The purpose was that students who participate in sports and other extra curricular activities could meet and still have time for homework/after school jobs. I was very involved in five clubs (including the drama club which took a lot of time during rehearsals), took piano lessons, had Scouts and youth group meetings, was on the swim team, and had an after-school job from 3-6 each day. It actually was better than middle school where we started at 9:15 and got out at 4:15. By the time we got home from middle school, it was dark in the winter time! Keep in mind, this was when we took 6 classes per day and I had a full load of AP/honor courses. If high schools started/ended at the later time, athletes would be missing classes once or twice a week to travel to games. This would hurt them academically since high schools are on the block system.
This was my thought too. They need to start earlier instead of later. HS kids need to get out early either for after school activities (sports, band, clubs) or for jobs. But I also see the point about the younger kids (for parents need to get work). Is this just for Clayton? My kid attends West and I haven't heard anything about it.
What about the elementary children? By mid-afternoon they are wiped out. Would they really learn anything between 3:00-4:00 ... especially in grades K-2.
Ditto that! Mine habitually get up between 5:45 and 6:15 am. And believe me! I have TRIED to get them to sleep in!! Sitting up darkening blinds... practically too much physical activity... The latest I've ever gotten them to sleep is 8 am and I can count those times on one hand. There's no way mine would make in class until 4 .... :evil: Oh. ...I'm back from my trip.
I don't see this as a big deal with my teenager, just a matter of good time management which is something they all need to learn.
I told a friend of mine (who is an elementary teacher) about the staggered bus schedule and she made a point I hadn't thought of. Besides the fact that little one's starting at 9:00 will be brain-exhausted and struggle with staying focused until 4, she also noted that perhaps it should be opposite with teenagers starting later. Teenagers tend to stay up later, want to sleep in later, etc. She also pointed out that unlike teenagers, younger kids cannot stay at home by themselves in the a.m. and what a burden that puts on parents who need to be at work by 8. Not saying this way is better, just sharing another viewpoint. Also, another friend emailed me the info below. It's a forwarded message from someone I do not know personally- (I guess it's considered hearsay)so if the facts are incorrect, forgive me. If you're interested, it may be worth looking into to verfiy the facts and contact or attend a commissioner's meeting. Sorry this message is so long. "To all, >> >> I have been on the phone all morning talking to BOE members and county commissioners and have found out a few interesting things. >> According to Wade Stewart, a county commissioner, the county commissioners approved $3.4 million in capital outlay for the schools to be spent on things such as buses, windows, doors, air conditioning, etc. This money can only be used for these purposes UNLESS the Dr. Parker comes to the county commissioners and asks for this money to be reallocated to current expenses. If this is done, then Dr. Parker can use the money at his pleasure. >> Also according to Mr. Stewart, the money was approved early enough to allow for the school system to order buses (these have to be ordered in March or April for August delivery). He indicated that he and the other commissioners were very surprised to hear that the 3-tier bus schedule was even being proposed due to the lack of buses. >> I also learned that the county commissioners approved a 12% increase in budget for the schools which was approximately 5% higher than any other county entity was given. (The schools asked for a 21% increase in the budget). >> The county commissioners are very frustrated with Dr. Parker and some members of his board and it was indicated that this would "come to a head" soon. The county commissioners are getting bombarded with e-mails and calls and to their defense, they have done what they were supposed to do (approving money for the buses). >> >> With all that said....... >> >> Here's what we need to do. We need to send letters to the following county commissioners and encourage them to NOT approve the changing of money from capital outlay to current expenses. This will keep the money for additional buses where it needs to be. >> >> County commissioners to e-mail are Wade Stewart, Cookie Pope, Jeff Carver, and Alan Mims. >> >> As a note, to date, Dr. Parker has NOT asked the county commissioners to make this change, however, the county commissioners have a meeting on Tuesday night at 6:00. This is not on the agenda, however, they suspect that someone from the school system may be there to make this request.