Just saw this ad in the classifieds. It left me wondering about the quality of education. (1) School is only 4 days a week for 4 hours ...are the parents required to do anything at home with the children beyond that? (2) I am not the best speller yet know to use spell check AND when adding "ing" you drop the "e". Some of the sentence structure is questionable, too. Wonder if the person who wrote the ad is the one who will teach writing.
Well, since it is kindergarten they are speaking of, I would venture to say that the times and days aren't too bad. More than likely, there won't be that many kids like in a public school so they may be able to cover what is needed in that amout of time. As far as the add spelling, me personally it does not bother. I get the meaning which is the only thing that matters to me. But since this is to be a professional add, they should have rechecked themselves.
I am not correcting the grammar/spelling for anyone on the discussion board. My comments were about a <suppose to be> professional ad from someone who offers services to educate children. IHO her ad did not represent the school very well.
LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Lighthouse Christian Academy hours are from 8:30-3:30 for grades 1-12 Monday-Thursday . The Kindergarden Teacher does have a High School Education Plus College . And has taught at another Christian School .I guess even I make mistakes .God knows my heart.
LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Curriculum (yearly-non-refundable) $250.00 Tuition monthly $275.00 Application ,registration,testing fees (non-refundable) $100.00 You may also go to the schools web site www.thelighthouseacademy.com There you access to the application .You may also contact Dianne Gilleland at 989-9908 .Or her cell 207-0133.
There are only about 30 children who attend the school. They do not provide lunches and parents are expected to provide lunch to all the children in the school about once a month. One wonderful thing is that when all the public school children are passing around the flu, children at this school are much less likely to get sick!
I bet that if the teachers in public school didn't have to be social workers, nurses, substitute parents PLUS having to fill out all that gov'ment paperwork, they could get the academics done in 4 hours or so... I worked at one of our area elementary schools and because of speech & occupational therapy, ESL, counselling, etc, the teachers (1st grade) only had about an hour a day where they had the whole class together...they had to do spelling & math tests 2 to 3 times in a day, because the kids were here and there. Now, on the plus side, it can be said that it is great that the schools offer these services. The more that they do, though, the more we expect them to be all things to all people... Now, about the spelling.. one of my children had a kindergarten teacher (at another of the local elementaries) who consistently sent home weekly newsletters with numerous spelling and grammar errors...I didn't have the nerve to return them, corrected...but I did work out my frustration by correcting them! Oh, well...that child is doing well, in spite of it all!
I do think that people advertising for schools should spell correctly. it kinda makes the school look bad.
LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY I am so very sorry to have made this mistake .Please forgive me .My main goal was to put out the word about the school .I was not expecting to make a mistake but it happened .I am so very sorry .Please forgive me .
Carolina girl, Some basic rules of grammar.... When you finish a sentence, there is no space before a period; however, there is a space after it. When you use a comma, there's no space before it; however, there is a space after it. Good school of thought: always have another set of eyes proof what you're going to post for the school. Poor grammar will make the parents wonder if this is the way their children will be taught. I'm not slamming you, just giving a little constructive criticism so that the school can be seen in the proper light. Frogger
floggerplus wrote I agree, maybe you should have gotten another set of eyes to proof read what you wrote:lol:
Are you saying there were grammatical errors in Frogger's post? I did not notice any, perhaps you could point them out.
The misspelling and grammar mistakes in that ad bothered me too! I will say that teachers (and I am one) often times have horrible spelling, because they constantly see so many mistakes and words spelled wrong all of the time; however, that was bad advertisement. You wouldn't have paid a newspaper to print something like that, would you? Private schools (or should I say "non public schools") are not under the same rules or regiments as public schools. Many private schools go an extra half hour or hour each day so that they can either get out early on Fridays or have Friday off. This school may not offer a lot of electives nor resources...this takes up a lot of time during the school day. They may not have all of those ridiculous "Teacher Workdays" either...so they still get in around 180 school days. It's just like if you choose to homeschool: you can cut out all of the bull crap and get done with the lessons in a decent amount of time. And no, I didn't proof this nor did I do spell check...I'm just too lazy today to even care.