Hi, new to this board. I actually have a couple of questions. I just registered my daughter at Cooper Elementary. They told us that the school hours might change and we wont find out until the 23rd..thats just a few days before school! We were also hoping to sign her up for before/after school care but since they are changing the hours, they will not open registration until the 23rd... My questions: 1.) Has anyone heard what the new school hours will be? 2.) Does anyone know what previous after school hours are at Cooper? (for example: until 5:30 or 6:00?) 3.) Can anyone recommend a before and after school care center in Clayton that picks up/drops off at Cooper elementary? Thanks!!!
what i've heard ok, from what i hear the hours are proposed to be 9am to 4pm for elementary schools. i don't know much else. i do know that kids clubhouse and robin's nest serve cooper. i don't know how their before and after run, but at west clayton they were open until 6pm. hopefully their program will run better at cooper, because at west clayton you had to be signed up at the end of the prior school year to get a spot....
The Robins Nest location near Barber Mill Rd and on Hwy 42 (next to West Clayton Elementary) is closing. They are consolidating into the one center that she has up at the CLeveland School area. My neighbors child goes there for the summer days, and before/after care and now they are trying to figure out what they will do, they got a letter about the location closing a few weeks back.
Cooper Elementary's after school program requires that you pick up your child no later than 6:00 p.m. or they charge a $10 late fee.
Miss Pat's Todd II picks up at Cooper. My son has gone there since kindergarten and loves it. He'll be in 6th grade this year. It's located just past West Clayton on 42 across from the Handee Hugos (Spirit) 553-5252