used to be that the only wise choice in this area was Now, however since Sandy is going uptown on us and leaving Johnston County maybe not..... still with my money I would call her at 938-1488 because she will always take care of you.
Sandy does alarms all over the state, not just locally. Trust me, her move won't affect where she does alarms at all!! Oh, and I second Alarm Concepts. The installer is a real cutie!
...phooey on that! Get a dog that loves to bark! Even small scaredy-cat dogs who'd never actually follow through on attacks will make a great deterrent!
Alarm Concepts here, too. Dogs are great as a first line of defense, but what if your home invader has a baseball bat? I wouldn't be scared of ANY dog if I had a big enough stick. I agree that they'd deter a robber, but what if they are after you? Just my opinion, even if I didn't like Sandy!