In my childs school, no they didn't pay a separate fee. Most kids that go on to play the larger instruments are already in the band playing something else. The larger instruments stay at school and are used year after year. My daughter played the clarinet, that I purchased. Then she was asked to play the bassoon. We bought the reeds for it but the school provided the instrument. Now she has been asked to play in college, which they provide the instrument as well. Its just common practice for the schools to provide the larger instruments.
Last year was our first year and we did NOT pay according to schedule...we wrote a couple of smallish checks and worked NCSU football games and RBC...never got a call from the BPA and only once did someone imply that if I didn't pay, my kid might be asked to leave (and yes, I went to Mr. Britt and he absolutely, unequivocally said that was NOT true)... band is a class at the school and anyone can participate. It is decent of everyone to pay what they can and if some can pay more so that others can participate, that is very generous of them. If a band parent/chaperone gets snippy about the hotel accomodations, they can quit chaperoning (and they can quit if they yell at the kids or drink alcohol while they're supposed to be watching my kid...)...there are plenty of parents who'd love to step in... it is a volunteer gig... I hope yours stays in I said before, it has been GREAT for mine and he has matured so much because of it... (and hugs, blessings, thanks and honor to your husband for his service and to you for supporting him!) ~ ann
Thankyou...I have actually calmed down now, I was livid this a.m. when I read the "dear Doc's" spin on the situation. I have talked to the appropriate people and have found that all whom i have talked to have been most helpful. I was just amazed and dismayed at the attitude at which stinger's comments about the situation (my situation) was met. He simply meant for me to not WORRY so much about the pmts. until I could put all my priorities in order. I have found nothing but support from everyone who knows me. AND I am extremely appreciative of it all. I am extremely 'proud' individual and while I realise that "Pride cometh before the fall!" I found what dr.dan said as profoundly self centered and may i say *assenine? (sp?) oh well.. Please, understand that so far my son has had nothing but very positive interactions w/everything and everyone associated w/the WJHS Band. And Stinger...thank you for the sentiment and support...I appreciate it! and Bandmom...THANK-YOU!
I think you have me confused with someone else???? The last time my wife and I could afford to go out partying was well over 7 years ago? And karaoke??? Not my cup of tea. I'm like you; I don't like using the word "broke", so I'll just say I'm under funded also. My work week averages 80 hours; I don't have the time or the funds for fun. Band fees aren’t crap compared to college costs. I don't think you really read Stingers post? You said he did not tell you "not to pay"? Maybe so, I was not privy to that conversation, but his post said different. And please tell me where I addressed my post to you specifically enough for you to go off on me??? Please get your facts straight before dropping pompous labels on someone. Here's what Stinger wrote: My problem with that statement is it would apply to the capable of paying or the incapable of paying. If your specific instance is worthy of review by the BPA for non-payment, than I'm very hopeful that they use some of the benevolence funds set aside each year to assist you. That's one thing Stinger did not tell you .... did he??? All it takes is talking to one of the directors and explaining your situation. My suggestion, is you seek the advise of the reputable sources in the BPA instead of the "shade-tree" lawyer.
I guess we were writing posts at the same time? Mine I believe was the mature and concerned method to your approach on this situation. I guess that doesn't work? Now I'm asinine?<-- (this is how you spell it) If your going to call someone a name at least use the decency to use spell check on it. I believe that term belongs solely to you now for; 1) ... flying off the handle and "assuming" my post was directed at you personally. 2) ... hiding your mistake by further slandering someone. 3) ... not going to the proper source to resolve your problem in the first place. PS: And my original opinion stands. If anyone is capable of paying or working for it and they don't, you're a bad example to your kids.
Damn, first my cover gets blown and then someone thanks me for sentiment of all things?! C'mon deli, I've got a reputation here to protect!!
I actually think deli found me out through a mutual friend. Funny thing though, my now-graduated daughter was paid a visit yesterday by a former band member who asked "Is your dad Stinger 6?" She (reluctantly ) answered yes, to which the former member said "Your dad's on 4042 trying to ruin the band!" As I said, it's not the money, it's the tactics they use to collect it that bothers me...
OMG.. I'm sorry, but that sounds like behavior you'd hear about in a cultish sort of group. That's a bit of a strong-armed move for a band fundraising issue? They didn't by chance mention you sleeping "wid da feeshes"...did they Stinger? :shock: