where is Psalms23 when you need a good psycho-path to kill time reading her posts DANG is that too MUCH TO ASK for pete's sake?????
I am literally sitting at my desk about to fall asleep this afternoon...the heat plus I ate fettucini w/lots a bread at lunch..I'm carb crashing this afternoon!
You are getting rain:shock: Please please please send some this way to cool us down - didn't even get a drop yesterday even though saw lots of lightning and heard lots of thunder.
Straitfan....feeling your pain...my baby headed back to Mississippi State on Thursday!......gets harder every year instead of easier!
I thought it would get easier, but it doesn't. I know I have to let her go to do her own thing. I am very proud of her, but I do miss her. Thank you!
no, it doesn't get easier. mine went back in July and moved into a townhouse. she's been back home only once since then. my baby starts in about a week. for me it was easier to send them to kindergarten than college. they are growing up. but you wouldn't believe the things i've gotten done around the house since they are both gone. :lol:
What year is your child in? My daughter is a junior this year and still confused about what her major will be. She is thinking about accounting.
She's a junior....she's a music education major....there was never really any question....well...she questioned it for a while, but we all knew where she was headed...