Actually, once the credit card is ran, it doesn't need to show the numbers. You can add the tip, etc. since they've already run it. Suprise FACTs on New Identity Theft Legislation - Did ya know? This one is flying under the radar. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT) imposes significant obligations on most businesses, such as any business that might be notified by a consumer that the consumer has been a victim of identity theft, or any business that prints credit card receipts for its customers. It becomes effective over dates staggered between March 31, 2004, and December 31, 2004. The Act consists of 61 pages, covering seven separate titles, with detailed implementing regulations contemplated. Under the new law, consumers have significant new rights, such as the right to receive a "risk-based pricing notice" when any user of a credit report extends credit to the consumer on terms less favorable that offered to most customers. Businesses are prohibited from printing any more than the last five digits of credit card or debit card numbers on any receipt provided at the point of sale. AND, significantly, it seems to me, subject to limited exceptions, anyone receiving consumer information from affiliates may not use that information for marketing purposes unless clear and conspicuous disclosure was made that the information would be shared, and the consumer is provided with an opportunity to opt out. I would guess that only about 99.973696% of online "privacy" policies are failing on that point alone. We should all be hearing more about this one
What you should do if this happens at ANY place of business is mark it out with a pen before handing it back to the server. Never give them back the receipt with your numbers on it.
That probably would have been Matt, he's gone, he did as little as possible.... Howard is new and very customer service oriented and a great chef! He likes to come out of the kitchen and talk to customers, see how everything is....
It is just as easy write the numbers down while the server is swipping your card, not to mention getting the ccvn at the same time. On a side note I had dinner with friends last night and they wanted to go to Poncho's. Well the credit receipt comes back and the merchant copy has the full number on it while the customer copy has all but the last 4 numbers printed on it. The last 4 on the customer copy were little x's. A good random number generation program would make it easy to figure out not to mention probably generate several other "valid" credit card numbers. Craig
^^It's things like that, that have made me start using cash more and more. I used to use the debit card all the time, now I am afraid to let a server have it and take it out of my sight.
I think 20/20 did a story on waiters swiping customer cards with a small device that was in their pocket. It saved the card numbers for later so they could use them.
Okay i am probably fixing to get hit with this one. But ya'll are making all of us very hard working servers out to be bad guys and we are not all like that. Most of us to have dignity and self control and would not take anything that is not our own.
I didn't mean to give the impression (if I did) that all servers are dishonest! I know for a fact that most of them are good, hard working folks! There is just so much bad stuff going on nowadays, you are scared to take a chance that you may end up with that one bad apple.