It's not the parent's JOB to make sure there are replacement bus drivers. It's the job of the school system.
When a person insists there has to be a better way, but can offer no suggestions or a better way, what good does that do anyone?
In the case of an organization such as a school system, that is obligated to provide certain services to tax payers who are funding them... lets them know that what they are doing is not acceptable, and that they need to start doing their jobs properly. If you buy a shirt and when you wash it the first time it falls apart, you take it back to the store and let them know you aren't happy with the merchandise..right? Do you also feel such a customer should have the names of superior suppliers on hand to give to the store... in order to be justified in demanding better than they provided?
Okay, I discussed this with a TA a couple of years ago (when I was a teeny bit interested in TAing) and this was the scoop she gave me about the school she worked at... TAs only have to drive one route, either morning or afternoon. BUT, if they drive in the morning, they have to do some kind of afternoon child care, and if they drive in the afternoon, they have to do some kind of morning child care (think carpool lanes, early morning care, after school care, etc.) TAs do get paid for their bus routes, but the school makes them pay for their own child(ren)'s before/after school care, if applicable, so they can do their routes. :? TAs now have lunch duty alone so the teachers can take a break and chill in the teacher's lounge for a bit. And if that isn't bad enough, the TA I was talking to had to be a TA for 2 teachers, one class in the morning, the other after lunch! Here is my reaction to that job description... NO THANKS!!
Need to start doing their jobs property according to who? I dont have a problem with the starting times changing but my son lives in Riverwood and goes to Riverwood Middle so it doesnt affect him. Therefore, in my view and what affects me, this is a non issue. However, from what i have read, i dont see any other alternative at the moment. You can blame developers and county commissioners for rampant growth but hey, if it wasnt for all the yankees moving down here, there would be no need to build a million houses a year. Their fault. As for the shirt. Ill admit. You got me with that example.