I just went to the Archer's Lodge Incorporation meeting tonight, and I was left with one question in my mind; what's in it for me? Sounds like a selfish question but when you are talking about adding an additional tax of $.18 per $100 that means I'm paying my hard-earned money for something. Right now I pay a county tax and fire dept. tax which provides us with fire dept. service, road service, schools, police (sherriff dept.) and water and sewer (which I have a well and septic) So their sell on this is as a town we will provide to you: A fire dept. (have it) police dept. (have the sherriff's dept) water and sewer (already being provided by the county) and land planning and zoning (this is the one they are really selling) Preserving the heritage of the area and the planning for future growth. My big problem is they are trying to make me pay again for services I'm already paying for and receiving. The land planning and zoning part is a joke. They are talking about an area 4 miles in radius. I don't see the value I'm gonna receive by having the input of planning on what happens within four miles of me. Maybe someone can convince me different, what are your thoughts?
If there is a way they will tax it. Go ask the citizens of Summerfield and Pleasant Grove NC what they got by incorporating. Many will bash you, but your points are valid.
Pastor, I appreciate your posting about the meeting. Certainly, there has to be a more convincing logic than "we're adding taxes on top of what you pay now, to provide what you already have". I appreciate the sheriff's department for what they provide. I also know that with as much area as they have to cover, that the likelihood that they will respond to my needs is less than if I have a municipal police department here. And, in a real emergency, the dedication of the sheriff's department is without question. What about those areas where law enforcement is needed, but due to budget constraints, must be relegated to the "get to it when we can" pile. As for water, yes you are fortunate to be on a well. Heaven forbid that it happen, but suppose due to some bad groundwater pollution that your water source is rendered unsafe. What then? How about those of us who do not have the luxury of having a well? And, although the water table may support you and others, if we all punch through to the aquifer, I submit that at some point, we'll all face water challenges. Suppose, the zoning and enforcement protections we expect from JoCo are somehow waylaid, and some non point source pollution affects the aquifer, would a modern municipal water system be of any resource to you. Similarly, most of the newer subdivisions out this way (Cleveland) have sewage via the county sewage. They can have smaller lots (less "footprint" required because of no septic), and build more houses per s/d, therefore increasing their profits. Having a municipal water/sewage arrangement would be of benefit. As for zoning and planning, I submit that this is the area that would have the quickest impact. I guess that most of us want to keep what was here that brought us here. And all of us moved in and caused new development in this area. Thus, we want to maintain the status quo, as long as we're a part of the quo. My BIL is on a planning commission of my hometown. As much as I want it to be like it always was, it will never be the same. Development and change happen. The choice we can make is to balance that with preservation. I believe that those of us who live here, and have the most to lose or gain, should be the first voice of the area. I do not feel that the desires of the Cleveland community are heard as loudly or clearly by the JoCo commissioners than those desires would be heard, if we were speaking from an incorporated municipality POV. Thanks again Carl
See I can respect that opinion and value your thoughts. The problem I have is the level of services that the NC General Assembly requires of a town when they incorporate. I have seen many townships that got more than they bargained for when they incorporated. Hopefully KDSgrandma will weigh in on this thread as she has the links for what is required. I understand the benefits of incorporating, but do not like the added tax implications.
KDs, thanks. Realizing that we are a LONG way away from this, can you suggest the equivalent of a "Dummie's Guide to municipal incorporation" with minimal requirements in order to become a municipality? TIA Carl
Can always count on you..... Nice tax reference for the last town in Johnston County to incorporate. At least we can say their were 10 other towns since 1991 that had a higher tax rate.
Not sure if you went to the first meeting last time or not, I was not able to go last night, I didnt have anyone to watch my ds. But compared to what Clayton and Wendell taxes will be if they annex us the 18% will not be that bad and you will have less of a say on what happens with them. At least if we incorporate now you have more of a say in who our elected officials will be and be heard when it comes to zoning and so forth. I can also say alot of the people pushing this are the big land owners that dont want to pay more taxes then they have to. So I say weigh out your options; Clayton, Wendell or Archer Lodge. Pick the lesser evil. The maps have been drawn out between Clayton and Wendell and what they each want and where they are willing to take. So its coming if we dont do something soon.
One more thing, the sheriff department would only be temp. I think we would have 5 years to get our own police department in place and I think the FD would also be 5 years for the town to start supporting if I understand this right. Maybe someone else could clarify this..
Here's a general interest article about incorporating a town, not specific to NC. Here is a summary from the NC state legislature. Here's a historical perspective on incorporation of cities and towns in NC. The UNC School of Government site I linked earlier is the most complete reference I know of, that would be specific to NC and readily accessible.
I appreciate all the info... helps to make an informed decision. I just don't want our area to become like NY where I came from, where my mom is paying $12,000 in taxes per year. I moved from Smithfield a couple years ago and I don't remember paying any town tax there. Maybe cause I lived out in the Brogden area?
probably so. I know in the first meeting we had it was all about the taxes and them staying low. And compared to Clayton and Wendell they will be. I am hoping that with all the support we have now that it will continue in the future so that we can all have a say in what happens in our community.
If you were inside the city limits, you paid town tax. The area you lived in may not have been inside the city limits, just like the area you live now. Smithfield annexed quite a lot of land in the 1990's, from where Wal-mart is now up to hwy 70, and the area where Channel Master and Carolina Pottery used to be. When a town annexes an area, they have to provide certain city services, so they will generally consider whether the tax base - the value of taxable property in the area - is sufficient to pay for the services. The more valuable the property within an area considered for annexation, obviously the more advantageous it is for the town to annex the area. Both Archer's Lodge and the Cleveland area have seen a lot of development in recent years, making us ever more tempting targets for annexation. So when you consider the additional taxes you will pay if you incorporate, consider also the alternative - how much additional tax will you pay if your area is annexed.
KD, please allow me to pile on... Whether it's us calling the shots, or whatever municipality annexes us, we're gonna pay. One way or the other, we're gonna pay. Knowing that, I'd at least like to have the most voice for the buck.
Unfortunately their will be a point that we can no longer pay and it will result in a collapse that makes the Great Depression look mild. Wonder when we may actually have some leadership instead of the same tired stuff we have been seeing.