,2933,293877,00.html Common virus causes stem cells to become fat cells.......................... Where's that anti-viral medication?? I've got some poundage to lose! :lol:
Unfortunately, if the studies prove to be true, a vaccine won't help. Once the stem cells are fixed, nothing can change them back.
I'm with you. After I get the shot to quit smoking, I'm going to look for the shot to lose a few (dozen) pounds.
I'll tell you my dad just quit a few months ago. He smoked for over 30 years and took a pill that gradually decreased his urge. Its great to go to my parents house and not smell like smoke when I leave!
Hey, I'm a baby-boomer. I want instant gratification. "Gradual" just ain't gonna do it for me. The injection causes you to lose the urge immediately. That's for me.