So this past weekend, we became turtle owners...............the little dude is SO cute! We've been contemplating for a while since DS absolutely is facinated with them. I believe it is called a River Cooter (no comments from the peanut gallery! :lol: ) and is approximately 1 month old. Supposedly they are pretty hardy, we set up the tank last night and he is already eating, so it's going well so far. We've got the basking lamp, appropriate lighting and a basking log set up in a 10 gallon tank with plenty of water, we also have a 29 gallon once he gets bigger. Any tips and tricks from current/past aquatic turtle owners? We've had tons of fish before, but not a turtle, should we have gotten more than one, or are they happy solitary?
Not sure how turtles are since according to NC law they are illegal to own unless you have a special educational permit. If it's like any of the other aquatic type turles I've seen they don't get really big and they are slow growers. So you should be set for awhile with the tanks. Craig
If they are illegal, why does Petsmart sell turtle supplies, food, etc. ? Sincerely curious, not being a smart ____. I know of many folks in NC who have them as pets.
Here's an advisory from HHS about the dangers of salmonella with turtles and other reptiles, and it refers to NC law. The way I read this, it's not illegal to own turtles, but it is illegal to sell them in NC; but there may be some other law about owning them that I have not come across. Sorry! :-(
I didn't buy it in NC, I am well aware of the salmonella thing too, that's why he washes his hand before and after touching the turtle, because we can make it sick, just as well as it can us. Besides, DS is 8, and not prone to putting his hands in his mouth like a toddler or something. We don't plan on handling it much regardless, only when cleaning the tank, etc. I appreciate the link though, I had done some research a while ago, and do not believe it is illegal to have one, just to sell them! :-D
You're probably right about that, I just didn't want to make a blanket statement without having done the research myself. I had a little tiny yellow bellied slider in my pond for a while last year. Don't know where he came from, and don't know where he went, but he sure was cute, about maybe 2.5" in diameter.
Very interesting fellows! He's already eating, I read it may take them up to two weeks to start eating, so I am thrilled he's settling in so well.
It's not illegal to OWN a turtle, it's illegal to BUY or SELL a turtle. I had turtles. We had a yellow belly slider and a red eared slider. I personally think they are happier in a community type tank, meaning, I'd get another turtle. My best advice for you is, put two filters in the tank, and don't scrimp on filters. Turtles stink.......alot. But if you have good filters and clean the tank regularly, you should be fine. Your DS is going to love having a turtle!
Thanks Jen, that's a big help. He's teeny tiny right now, about the size of 50 cent piece. But I have an extra filter from our fish tank days I may put on later. flog me with a floating turtle food stick for being wrong about the ownership part. I was going by memory from several years ago when I used to attend numerious reptile shows and knew that unless it was for educational purposes you couldn't buy them at any of the shows here in NC. Craig
No worries Craig, LOL! He's zooming around the tank like crazy today, very entertaining! I'm afraid it's going to be like potato chips, we won't be able to stop with one. :shock:
I have them too. Think they are better with another turtle. Be careful that he can't get wedged in anywhere in the tank and not be able to get air. I lost my favorite one this way. I've had mine a little over a year now and he is still the size of 50 cent piece. Got them in SC. You can get them online too at TURTLESALE.COM Sounds like you have a great setup already. My kids LOVE having the turtles. They are so cute. Hope you are still enjoying yours.
Check this out - a baby turtle for $1800.00 Yep, I loved the little guy and I felt terrible. He was the cutest because he acted like a dog, always happy to see me and very active. At least I didn't pay $1800.00 for him. :shock: Can you imagine??? And I thought the ones for $149.00 were bad. scroll down to the bottom of this page. I mean, WHY...just...WHY?? :shock:
Some people breed designer dogs and ask a small fortune for them, but designer reptiles/herps are a whole lot harder to come across. Those that are fortunate enough to be able to breed them, can get a small fortune too. I can't imagine paying $1800 for any turtle... but, if you enlarge that picture, he certainly is the most beautiful little turtle I've ever seen! On another note... the Exotic Animal & Reptile show is the weekend of Sept. 1st at the NC State Fairgrounds, you might find some more supplies, etc. at the show.
Thank's ya'll! Might have to check out that reptile show if we are in town. As far as spending $1800 on a turtle, or any pet for that matter: In my opinion, that falls under the catergory of more money than sense. :lol:
I have a couple of sliders myself. I'll have to say you are right, the little guy is pretty adorable. I find them fascinating. If he was about $20.00, I might like to have him myself. Hmmmmm...wonder how hard it is to breed turtles?? Thanks for the heads up and link. Didn't know about that.
We have a turtle in our backyard. We live up against a treeline and the other day we were outside and there was a turtle (about the size of a large grapefruit) hanging out under our downspout. I felt so bad that I put out a shallow pan of water. But when I checked again later he was almost to the treeline (he was faster than I thought.) So, add that to the bunnies we have out there too and we have a regular zoo!
Oh, you just brought up something I hadn't thought about. Turtles getting into my GARDEN. We have turtles crossing our yard often headed for some of the ponds around. They are much faster than you think a turtle could be when they think they are in trouble. Some of the turtles in our yard have nasty tempers. I went to rescue one in the road in front of our house one day and the thing hissed LOUD at me several times and was very aggressively trying to snap me. Guess it was a snapper Anyway, I picked it up by the sides and took it on my porch for all my kids to see. I showed them that every time I waved my hand anywhere near it that it stuck it's neck WAY out and tried to snap me. I wanted them to know to be careful about picking up the turtles in the yard. Hope your turtle is a happy one:-D
DH rescued a gorgeous "Spotted Turtle" out of the middle of the road a few years ago, it's actually what started DS's fascination with them. Wanted to keep it, but upon researching, discovered it was endangered, so we let it go. It's shell looked just like someone had carefully dabbed yellow paint on it in spots. Besides, it's probably not fair to keep one that was born wild as a pet. He's found a few box turtles that way too, brings them home and shows them to DS, then we let them go near the stream behind our house. Some of them ARE incredibly fast!