About a month ago a Army buddy was home from Iraq for 2 weeks and we took him and his family out to dinner to visit with him. As we left the restaurant he held the door open for 3 ladies who were walking out after us (which is what true southern gentleman do) and one of the ladies turned around to her girlfriends and said (loudly) that's one of the things I hate about the south, these men hold the doors for ladies. Boy that po'd all of us..we didn't say anything (should have). Some people are just RUDE!
Then you must be rather old. One question: Do you believe it is proper southern gammar to say to a single individual, "Y'all meet me at ..."? If you said "Yes", then you may have been born in the south, but you ain't southern. "Southern" isn't just where you were born, but how you were raised and how you live your life. Southern is a state of mind and a heritage, not some fad to look cool to your friends. Oh, one more thing, if you want to start pointing at locations on a map, where I was raised, y'all are northerners.
I eat collard greens, and drink pot liqour with corn bread! I am a southern!! LOL LOL LOL and ya'll can mean one, two or 1500 people! LOL
Nope...never heard a southerner address a singular individual as ya'll. Only place I've heard in is on TV shows or movies, when is a dead give away that the writer doesn't have a clue about the south.
Well then, boy, I do have a few years on you. And please leave your grandmother out of this. As far as the grammar, it is neither proper nor southern. It is a yankee bastardization of the way they think we talk. As RealityCheck pointed out, it's one way we can tell posers from the real thing.
They are not. In this case I thought we were discussing grown women I said should have been aborted ( as a joke ) . As far as abortions to ease your mind I do not believe in abortion under any circumstances even rape death no matter the reason unless its a child who was raped or insest something like that. I had a child way before I was old enough to drive a car or even get a learners permit ( in case you didn't know ) for that matter. So just so you know it was a joke .
Only a southern woman could get away with saying: "That woman is as fat as a pig, lives like trash, and she's the biggest slut in town...bless her heart!" Only a southerner "plugs it up" instead of "plugs it in" Only a southerner can call a black woman a "Nigress" and think it's okay Only a southerner can blast a man's wife with racial slurs and threaten his family and then deny doing anything wrong
Lol...nope, every word of it is true. I've heard each with my own ears. Well, except for the last one. That I saw with my own eyes right here courtesy of prm and his son...
Thats not true. I am from the south and I have never said or done none of that. Maybe you are just hanging with the wrong type of people. There is good and bad every where. Everyone thinks being from the south means your a racist thats not true , not at all. Where are you from?