Open Arms Child Development Center

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LJN, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. joanhaas37

    joanhaas37 Guest

    Open Arms

    I know someone who has a child at this center and, just from the things that she tells me that goes on there, I would not put my child there. I have a six year old that I was looking for summer camp for this past summer. Open Arms was not even on my list. I agree that the daycare is run very poorly, and it is such a supprise to me that the pastor of the church doesn't intervene and get to the bottom of the issues that are going on there.

    My thoughts are that there are power in numbers. All of the parents that are not happy with the service they are or are not getting at the daycare should join together and request a meeting of the board with the presence of Wendy. Everyone can put all of their cards on the table and maybe get some resolution to their problems. My heart definately goes out to anyone that has a parent in this daycare. This should be a place where you can leave your child and not have to worry about him/her. I keep two little girls before and after school and I tell you, what ever their moms tell me goes, and if they have any concerns about their child I listen. I have been trying to find one full time child to keep, and places like this is what makes it hard for people like me to find a child to care for. My best wishes for all of the parents that have a child at Open Arms. I certainly expected it to be much more than what it has turned out to be.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2007
  2. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    However, just from the things that she tells me that goes on there, I would not put m

    Can you give us some examples, please? I am a parent of a child who goes there and I just don't see or comprehend the "things that are going there" that several people have mentioned. I know it isn't a perfect place...people are not perfect...but my experience just hasn't been that bad and I'd like to hear from people who are having GOOD experiences there.
  3. straitfan

    straitfan Guest

    You know just from reading the postings in the thread I have come to notice that most of the people posting in here are new to the discussion board of have worked for the center.
    I have a child at Open Arms, I do not have a problem with the center.
    Yes, in the beginning there were a few minor imperfections but what do you expect when you first start something new.
    I talk to the director when I have a problem (which is not very often) and she has taken care of them.
    Maybe some of you just need to learn some people skills as to how to handle things.
    I really think that if you are that unhappy with your child being in this center. TAKE THEM OUT! How simple is that!
  4. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to let you know that both of my son's had a great experience at Open Arms. I have a 5 yr old that just recently completed the 4yr old preschool program along with summer program. I feel that he is well prepared for K with the assistance of his teacher and her assistant along with the guidance of both my husband and I. He absolutely had a positive experience and we are proud that he went there for preschool. In addition, my 7 yr old did some summer sessions and he too had a wonderful positive experience. Wendy has been there for us all year long with a smile on her face and always willing to help and answer my questions. She has done a great job:-D
  5. Dadof1

    Dadof1 Guest

    Open Arms

    Wow....I have read through all the previous pages concerning this day care.
    It seems to me that there are some real concerns and they need to be addressed. I don't know how to run a day care or even if I would want to, but as with every buisness the customers opinion means alot. As a buisness owner and operator myself I look for ways to meet and exceed my customers expectations everyday. There are good points and bad points to every situation that we, as adults, encounter on a daily basis. It is how these situations are handled that makes the difference. Good management is about problem solving and being able to handle other people and position people where their talents best help the buisness.
    Let's be cares are a buisness. They should be run like one too.
    The management, teachers, and everyone else that is involved with any day care is not only there to care for our children but also to make a living.
    The real question is which is taking priority? Care for the children should come first, that is the service that is being paid for. Concerns should be addresed and confronted. If management does not like confrontation then someone who can handle confrontation with parents should be leading the way. That is part of the job, I would assume. It may not be a pleasant part but it is a part that is important since it is the parents that pay, enroll and ultimatly have control of where the children attend.
    It also seems to me that while there are legitimate concerns, regarding filling out proper forms and keeping teachers up to date with all the classes and so on, that there is a small amount of concern for some things that may be not so important. I really would like to greet everyone with a smile all the time but that is not always possible. I would love it if every one that works for me got along all the time, once again not possible. The fact is that there will be personality conflicts anywhere, and while we would all like to just "get along" it just can't happen all the time.
    Once again it all comes down to how the situation is handled.
    I do have a child at Open Arms and I know about some of the concerns but I also try and stay objective as well. The main concern is my child.
    Is my child getting the proper care? Do the teachers that watch my child care about more than just a pay check? Is my child safe? Does my child seem to be happy when drop off and pick up every day? Can I count on the management to put my child's well being before making a buck?
    I would hope that if there are teachers that really could care less management would direct them somewhere that they would be happy.
    There does need to be a board of directors meeting to discuss and come to a resolution on how some concerns need to be addressed.
    The parents should be allowed to attend and voice opinion as well.
    We are the paying customers.
  6. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    If yall are really concerned about your children at this place, all you need to do is call the division of chidren and make an anonymous complain. Then they will send someone out there for a surprise inspection, that way the daycare wont have have any clue and the inspector can see things first hand!

  7. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Is anyone taking their child to Kim's Kids for pre-school. This will be their first year starting their pre-school program.
  8. gomba64

    gomba64 Guest


    My son goes there and I have noticed a few things that could be better and a few things that I am not happy wih AT ALL. When I went in to talk to Wendy the other day she seemed to blow me off.
    If anyone has children that are going there now and would like to talk about the issues, come up with solutions and meet with the "powers that be" as a group, please let me know.
    I believe that if we come together as a group of parents and address the issues we will have a better chance of being heard and getting action taken.

    If anyone is intrested, I will try and set something up.
  9. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Lets all follow suit and be repetitive.
  10. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    Lets all follow suit and be repetitive.

    ServerSnapper--what do you mean?

    Gomba - I sent you a PM last week.
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    What I mean is that new users who come on this board and start trashing a business seems to be common place. I think webbie should delete this thread due to bad taste and liability.
  12. straitfan

    straitfan Guest

    Thank you soooo much for noticing too. I think this thread should be deleted also.
  13. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    Just saying....

    1. Maybe they aren't new - just an alias.

    2. If they are new, are they not entitled to an opinion too?

    3. If you don't care for the bash business threads - skip them.

    4. I personally (fairly new so you may not take me seriously) like that these threads are here.... I read the info and take into account the emotion and try to get some useful information out of the content.

    Just my thoughts.
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    No way !!! Your wrong punk!!!

    just kidding.

    Everyone has a right to their opinion. Just not in my presence.
  15. cece

    cece Well-Known Member


    I knew I liked it on this board....
  16. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    Wow! This is starting to turn ugly. I don't care if you are new or old...I want to hear from you. This is just a place to discuss issues (good or bad) about Open Arms...not to bash each other for opinions or decisions we make. And I am surprised at how many people agree that just running away from a situation is the best option. Why not try to work with the employees at the center to make the environment better for ALL the kids...not just your own. Isn't that what "community" is all about?
  17. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member


    Does anybody know the name of the school that has preschool program in downtown Clayton, I think it cross the street from the library. thanks

  18. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Horne Methodist
  19. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Good Morning :)

  20. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Way off topic...need info

    I tried calling Johnson Memorial Church Preschool to see if there was any openings for pre-k 3. Does anyone know.

    Trying to see what my options are.
    I know I am late in the game but I do not have a car at this present time and I was hoping to see if they have a car pool and I am willing to pay for gas.

    Thanks for any info


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