My father has always said that if a church ticks you off...die and leave them as beneficiary to $100,000 life insurance policy...that it will be a sure way to split them apart!!
Ken's thought of living on the interest is one that friends and I have "war gamed" over the years. Figure 100 mill as one time payoff. Go ahead and choose to blow a million...and then invest the rest in tax free bonds. That way you could use up the "screw it" portion via the one mill (I can't recall 'meeting' anyone on this board who would need more than that to satisy the urge to say "screw you" when told they couldn't do something...go to the head of the lines as Disney, fly on a whim in your jet to NY for Sunday brunch at the Waldorff, buy more vehicles than you could drive, add the slide to the pool, tell each and every sycophantic politician who waats to become your bestest buddy to eff off, cover the lawn with concrete and paint it green so you don't have to mow...y'know anything that we want to do with no purpose or logic or common sense) Invest the remainder in tax free instruments, and never pay taxes again. 99 miilion at 3% for 20 years, compunded once annually yields this amount: 178,805,012.23..... Yeah I could live on the interest. Good Luck!
I got 1 ticket because I am very unlucky even at cards .If I was to win with my 1 ticket I am moving far far far away and not telling anyone where I move except my grandpa.
I got my whole $5 worth lol. If I won hmmm thats easy,, Buy about 5 acres of land have a log cabin built and a few horses and buy a new car. Pay off my parents mortgage. Buy both sons a new car. Buy both a mobile home (mainly cause thats what they want lol) Hmmm that would leave me around about maybe quite alot!! And then put the rest up and keep working but also be able to enjoy life a little.
You win 100+ million dollars and you are going to keep working? Not likely unless you own the business.
Yes i would keep working because most of the time I love my job!! And I've been where I didn't have to work and to me it sucks but I didn't say I wouldn't take a short vacation first and do a little traveling like go home (Well both homes SC and Ga) for a couple weeks to visit and who knows where else.
0% of $70mil = zero... I like that answer... mine all mine (and DH's).. God sure didn't pick the #'s for me, and neither did the church (IF I went to one that is). And yes.. I'm Roman Catholic... we don't tithe. Catholicsm is a booming industry.. just ask The Pope.
In all seriousness...we've got a pool of 4 people and 55 tickets w/the extra $1 for the Power Play. We had $30 winnings from a this past Saturday night, so we sunk that back in, and another $20/ea. IF we won... pay off the mortgage, clear our land and build a beautiful log home. - Pay off DH's parents mortgage - Pay for a total renovation of DH's grandmothers house - buy new vehicles - Donate to Reins From Above for a new barn or horses stalls or whatever they might still need. - travel.. a cruise around the world.... - DH has to throw golf in there...playing a whole lot more golf! - put the rest in the bank and live off the interest for a while.... I don't know that I'd quit my job, I'd get bored too fast ... but there isn't anything that wouldnt keep me from quitting when I got mad enough.
Okay, since we are all "dreaming" about what we'd do w/ the money if we won, I'll play too. -- move to the mountains to set up a residential special needs facility for kids --set up trust funds for our kids to live off of as adults --go back to Russia to bring home my son's siblings --take the kids on a Disney Cruise --set up a grant foundation for special needs orphanages --finally have some new living room furniture so some of the kids don't have to sit on the floor! (our furniture has seen it's better days--LOL) And the rest set aside. Okay, would there be any left after all that??? If someone wins on here today, let us know. I think people on here would get a kick out of someone local winning. Good luck to everyone tonight!!! Have a great evening. --hey, maybe one of us really and truly will. Stephanie--mom to 7 kiddos!!!
Well, I didn't win the lottery last night, I know you're all surprised. Guess I'll have to wait till Saturday.
I've never played and meant to last night and forgot. Not to sound stupid but when is the next drawing?