I know there are a few of you on here that are EC parents. I have a huge dilema and we honestly don't know what to do. We did 2 IEP's this week adn won't go into detail but just know a very nice lady was being reprimanded for trying to help us. Think that is wrong. That is a whole other story though and won't post. Our big problem now is we have an 11yo daughter dx'd w/ severe CAPD(central auditory processing disorder). She needs a self-contained setting. We signed off on an IEP to put her in a setting. I ASKED specifically who else was going to be in the class and was told 5 students total. 3 to 5th graders. Told the same type of students. Fine. Good placement. Well, last night at orientation, the teacher then decides to mention two of those are life skills and one non-verbal. What?! She does NOT belong in that setting whatsoever. She has a learning disability. that's it. Does anyone at all on here know where the other EC 5th grade classes are located? NOT behavioral, NOT life skills. Please, please let me know. We have to decide what to do from here. At this point, she may be sick on MOnday--LOL. Just kidding. But why put her through even more transition and moving around. BTW, she legally can't be placed into this class until the doc signs the DEC17. In the meantime, she is placed in a reg classroom w/ no mods for her hearing problem w/ max resource time until we get the DEC17 back from doc for self-contained setting. What do I do??? We are stumped and honestly disappointed that we weren't told about the other students until orientation. I need to know where the other schools are located for her that would provide the appropriate self-contained settting. Thanks for listening and do hope your IEP's went better than all mine. Good luck to all. Stephanie--mom to7
I've NEVER heard of the doctor's note being needed to make an EDUCATIONAL placement!!! It is the IEP teams decision to place the child in the least restrictive environment. Yes as part of her file you need dr. info. to help make the decision but the dr. should not have anything to sign to make that placement happen! He is not part of the IEP team.
Thanks NCmom. She had an IEP in place since last year. Trouble is, it did not have the CAPD dx on there as we just got that. The reason she is allowed to go self-contained is due to this dx. And for that, we needed a new DEC17 filled out. Urghh. Can't believe the parents I guess--LOL. So, ran to the doc and dropped it off. They will have that and complete recommendations ready on Monday or Tuesday they said. She also really needs an FM system but we'll see how this goes first. We were all mostly on the same page about the self-contained setting just they really didn't know anything about CAPD and trying to blow off the things I said she needed to help her learn. You know the "functional needs." That's a term they like to throw around so so can I--ha, ha. We are currently recruiting a team of advocates and audiologists together for the next IEP which will be coming sooner than they think being that I just found out about this classroom set up. Yes, this is least restrictive to a point. But seriously think this will severely hinder the progress in there for her. She is a bright girl. And w/ help w/ her disability, she can go far academically. Thanks again for everyone writing and the private mails I've gotten. Gives me a great starting point. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Keep pushing Abdulina - unfortunately services tend to be directly related to how squeaky the wheel is. I've worked with/consulted with a lot of school systems in NC and other states. Johnston Co. special ed. has been one of those I've been least impressed with.
I need help too, kinda. ... The system has my 7yo labeled as EP and they are totally clueless! A fine example is that he is going in to 2nd and can read and comprehend rising 3rd grade books! He definitely has his own agenda. And he's a lazy butt. He won't read any thing other than what the teacher (last year) would assign. The teacher would say "All you have to read is..." or "You only have to read such and such"... When I would try to get him to read more he'd say "I'm not supposed to". Unfortunately, his mama is the last person he tends to mind. I feel like he is being cheated and is slipping through the cracks. It's mostly, if not all, my fault for sure. They wanted meetings with me last year to test him and figure out what to do. His IQ test scores were above average but they felt like the "Reading Academy" session in the summer could only benefit him. Stupid *** me said ok. So a day before the 2007-2008 orientation starts they send me info on the orientation for FIRST GRADE! I swear to God I thought I was going to loose it right there in the street at the mailbox. I called the school to ask what was going on and they told me that I REQUESTED that he be retained in 1st grade! And that the summer school wasn't needed and that I REQUESTED that also! We got the grade thing straightened out the day of orientation. I explained to his teacher this year that he has to be told exactly what's expected of him and mostly, be challenged. The "teacher" took him straight to the 'behavior chart' and explained that if he didn't obey the rules what the consequences would be. :roll: They ****ed up our summer and, I feel, are in the process of ****ing up my kid. At his point, I don't have the best temperament or verbiage to discuss the matter without the aid of my level headed DH. ... He is off Monday so we'll be having a few fly by he seat of our pants conferences that am. As a side note - our kids were supposed to go to to Cleveland Elem starting last year but we were grandfathered in to wces for two years. At first I was ecstatic! ... but always had that gnawing feeling that it would come back to haunt me. And the problems aren't only for our 2nd grader... Our 3rd grader (2nd last year) had NO friends in his class. They both have a speech impediment and for him .....well, he doesn't speak spanish too fluently either.. ... ... Par for the freakin' course. Abdulina, I apologize for the hijack - it just started flowing.
nasanemom22, Don't mind the hijack. Just goes to show you we are all in the same boat! There are tons of EC parents out there having difficulties and I just don't understand why they make it so blasted hard on everyone. Do they ever think the parents might hvae an idea of what we're talking about?! My daughter has a speech impediment as well so can relate. She's teh one that we had outside testing done as the school refused speech therapy for her. Sure enough, she has CAPD(central auditory processing disorder) AND a very mild hearing loss. The documentation from teh docs are being provided Monday. Yeh, go ahead and eat crow. You can still tell they don't believe this is a very severe learning disability for her. The audiologist was shocked at how bad it was in her case. Even the teacher from last year said she was always quiet in any large setting....lunchroom, assemblies, etc. Because she couldn't process anything at all being said. Same thing would happen at dinner. Why aren't you talking we'd ask her. She'd always shrug she doesn't know. Come to find out, she couldn't talk b/c she literally couldn't understand anything that was being said. Can you imagine how fustrating that must have been for her? Kept telling the school for the past 3 years we've had her I think something is up. They just said she needs more time to adjust to the english language. Okay, not like I haven't done this before. I'm just mad b/c I feel like the school system has really wasted some of her precious years of learning for not believeing something was wrong. Like your son, her intelligence is normal. That's not it. It's the way she has to learn that is affected and needs interventions for her to succeed. Love to hear how your meeting turns out. BTW, take a tape recorder w/ you. We regret not doing that. We were going to go buy one but didn't have time. DO tape record your entire meeting. It is NOT against the law. Other advocates have told me to do this though I never had. I caught the EC rep in contradiction of her own statements halfway through my son's meeting. Wished I'd caught that on tape--LOL. Do let us know how your meeting goes. I still think all the EC parents need to get together one night and share Ideas. What do you think of an EC cookout in September? We might be able to learn from each other and help each other. Keep pushing for your son. YOU ARE YOUR CHILD'S OWN BEST ADVOCATE. Dont' forget that. No matter how small and useless the IEP "team(hold that word loosely) make you feel, you are the most important one there to speak on behalf of your son. Good luck. Stephanie--mom to 7
Arghhh...it breaks my heart to hear how unhappy parents are with the EC services that they receive!!! Beyond making the lives of children better, one of my highest priorities is working with the parents as a team to make decisions for their kids! Who knows their kids better then the parents?? I appreciate nothing more than the time I have to discuss and share with the parents of the children in my class....it makes my job so much easier to know what is going on in their lives in the hours that they are not in the school environment...what happens at school impacts their lives a home and vice versa.... I wish there were something I could say or do to make these situations more pleasant and productive....it only causes more frustration for eveyone...especially the children, who already face enouh challenges....when we don't all work as a team toward a common goal!
That is what the school tells you so that you will see things there way. I know a parent who is in battle with the school system right now because they are trying to move her son who just turned 12 into high school. How many of your children entered high school at 12. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard and Wilma Besisi will not even consider letting her see other classrooms in the state until last week when the attorney's representing the family contacted Johnston County Schools. I think its a shame the parents of special children have to fight just so there children can receive a decent education. I thank God every night for my children who I didnt have to battle this battle every day. So to the parents of these wonderful special kids thank the good lord your there parents. These children couldn't ask for more loving parents than you!!!! cherokee
When I say "when we don't all work as a team toward a common goal!" I could not be more sincere....there were plenty of times last year that I met wth parents and after discussing things and hearing them out I changed my mind about the way I was handling things in the classroom. I find it incredibly insulting and offensive that you assume I would say something like that just to get a parent to see things "my way". I have no reason to be oppositional or challenge a parents view of the situation....my children in my class are near and dear to me and the more progress they make in life the better... Is it possible that for all of the negative situations that take place there are actually positive ones as well????
I'm sure there are some positive ones out there. However, I've not run into any w/ all my IEP's I've done. It always seems confrontational and it shouldn't be. I had one really great EC teacher for one of my daughter's that really and truly turned her life around. Wilma Besisi told me that my daughter would never pass a second grade level. She said this w/out knowing her or meeting her. Now, that set a precedence for my introduction to the special education system. I said to her "how do you know, you haven't even begun to teach her yet." I will never forget that conversation as long as I live! We were standing in the halls of Cooper. Now, my oldest daughter is going into 7th grade. Granted, on about a 4th grade level but well past that dreaded predicted 2nd grade level, huh? I have meetings after meetings, year after year, incidence after incidence and very, very few have been positive in my opinion. I got the dirtiest look from a principal the other day at a middle school in our IEP meeting. Why, b/c I was telling her FACTS about what was happening at school there. FACTS, not tales from students but cases that have happened in the past. It was VERY presumptuous of the middle school to have already made out my son's schedule when we hadn't agreed to it. We were pushing for self-contained. They think we're nuts. Have documentation from the neurologist to pick up Monday. She too agrees he will not survive middle school in anything other than a self-contained environment. But did they really take the time to listen to the parents w/out criticizing at that meeting...NO. They didn't really take heart to the fact we brought facts and documentation about this disorder and what the outcomes are. Only one person there really seemed to care. And you know what, she got reprimanded for it!!! Not kidding. It was ridiculous. So far, I've documented everything that has happened and will continue to do so throughout this school year. I know you are involved in this school system and not saying you treat your parents this way. It's just the majority of EC parents are not treated very nicely by administrators when it comes to IEP meetings. I can only speak ffrom MY experience w/ MY children in MY meetings. I can't speak for anyone else but as you can see from this board, many more have similiar situations. And some, that have written me privately. I'm not asking for outrageous stuff for my kids either. Not asking for private school or at home tutors. I'm asking for them to meet the functional needs of my children. I'm asking them to do the minimum for my chidlren to succeed in school. And you can't really do less than the minimum now, can you? Yet it seems JCPS is trying really hard to do less than meeting the functional needs of these children. I am NOT blaming the EC teachers here at all. Not a bit. They work their tails off in their job and really do advocate for the children. It is the administrators that are causing the uproar here. I have to formulate a plan for next week. I don't honestly even know where to tell one fo my daughters to go on Monday. Her IEP is so messed up and so is the classroom she's assigned. Not where she belongs. But can't do a thing till I pick up the doc's recommendations b/c as you know, they would rather believe a doctor than a parent! Last year in the middle of one of my IEP meetings, I literally got up, went home and got all my daughter's medical records b/c I guess the compliance officer thought I was making the list of dx's up!!! Felt like coming in and saying I told you so but bit my tongue yet again. I swear at every meeting, I've lost a pint of blood from biting my tongue so hard--LOL. Dephygravitee, it is not meant for you as I've never personally met you. I can only speak of MY experiences w/ MY kids and MY IEP meetings. Our last meeting this past Thursday was 2 hours long. They were all set up for us to come in and sign and be done. We said let's talk. I don't like how they want to prework everything before parents get there now. They have everything filled out. HATE that. It used to be decide on goals and such together. From here on out we will be requesting to review all those papers before we sign. There are many sites that will help EC parents now and getting better at utilizing them. Dephygravitee, I am very glad that you listen to the parents and take what they say into consideration. I'm sure the parents are glad too. It helps more than you know so please, please keep doing that. I would love to hear cases of positive IEP meetings where students got the services they needed. That may give some of the rest of us here hope or at least ideas of how to go about it. Got to go. the chaos creators are at it again. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Let me throw in the other side. There are A LOT of EC parents who are either not involved OR are only involved to tell EC what needs to be done but do NO follow through at home. I'm not saying that is the case with anyone here but it is VERY common.
Ain't that the truth!! Too many parents feel like teaching children is the (school) teachers job. Sadly, I can vouch for that myself! kinda... I like playing hide-n-seek and building things with legos too. And patience has never been one of my strong points. All this summer my plan was to do some type of school related work at least every other day... never happened. More like once every three weeks or so. 2007 Summer Home School type stuff plan: DS#1 = no problem. DESS#2(dear·extra·spoiled·son) = ok, but only when I reeeally feel like or my life is threatened and therapy is a possible future option. We were going some where... don't remember where now... I was about to hop in for a quick shower and handed DS#2 seven math sheets to complete... KNOWING nothing would happen. ... Half way through my bath he wanted to know if that was all I wanted him to do. :shock: He completed each one and got all the answers right. I've gone through three packs of printing paper this summer (500 sheets each) printing mostly school work... only to have it be recycled for coloring, phone messages, grocery lists, etc. :roll: I have a school work file for them that is 174mb!...and gazillion links to web sites for more printing or interactive learning games. *sigh* Just more proof for me that I'm just not the teaching type. I've always heard the saying, "Those who can; do. Those who can't; teach". I've never known whether it was a compliment or an insult, but my placement is in the can category. Dang look at all the verbal diarrhea! ...sorry. And here it is, 7:23. I better get the kids started on the 7:00 reading hey were going to do.
nsane, I feel ya, I really do, I had all these grand plans about all the educational things we were going to accomplish this summer. I bought workbooks, took him to the library, etc. But really, it just didn't happen. I did have him do some worksheets yesterday and he got everything right, so maybe there wasn't too much brain drain this summer. He's been into Webkinz all summer, which really makes him read a lot, budget, etc. He's watched a lot of Discovery and TLC and he was already reading well above grade level. I'm praying I haven't screwed up, because I didn't realize he would be having EOG pre-tests at the beginning of this year. :shock: I am not home-schooing material. :?
I don't know either, that's the first I'd heard of it too, during orientation Thurs night at Riverwood. I think the teacher said it is for evaluation purposes from the beginning of the year till the end, DS will be in 3rd grade. Maybe one of th teachers on here can enlighten us??
I was looking at one school web site. It showed EOG pre-test I think for a few days in Sept. A few weeks later there was some other test for 3rd graders. On top of that the children will have various county tests throughout the year, a writing practice test, and maybe others. It's all about the test :roll:
I am not trying to insult anyone here. But what about the parents who have these special children. The parent I know has always fought for her son, and always showed up for the iep meetings to be drung through the mud. Her last meeting lasted almost 3 hours. To be continued with them going through mediation. Finally after giving up with getting a mediation date she hired an attorney to represent her child. There finally agreeing the high school placement is out of the question. For every one parent who don't care there are atleast 10 who do. Even when I taught school parents of the nt children didn't show up for awards or open house. Don't get me started on the EOG's testing!!!!! cherokee
I have been very blessed thus far and have had great parents to work with....before IEP meetings I discuss the IEP with the parents...there should never be surprises at the meetings...for the teacher, or the parents.... I am looking forward to another great year this year....I know all the parentss and am excited that they are all quite involved and communicative when it comes to their kids....) Believe me...I truly understand the frustrations...I too have seen the negative side of EC in action...the best I can do is try to establish a positive environment in my school and the community...always put the kids first...and stay openminded about every situation