Jeez!!! After reading all those posts by Mothers who sent their darling little babies to Kindergarten for the first time today, I think I know why humanity has started to become a civilization of wimps. Get a grip. Your poor baby will survive the day, just as kids have survived Kindergarten since it was first started back in the paleolithic times. They will survive, just as you did, when you left home for the first time. You do remember, right? Odds are your Mother put you at the bus stop and left for home or work. You stood there among your friends (and future friends) and waited for the bus to come. It did, and you survived. Overprotective Mothers, allow your children to grow, learn and experience. They will always need their Mothers, just not 24 hours a day, holding their hand at the bus stop, embarrassing them in front of their peers when you give them the big sloppy kiss as they leave the nest to take wing on their own. They will always need you, but they don't really want you right now. This is their time. This is their first foray into the big world, where they will be expected to take responsibility for their actions, to make decisions that you have spent five years teaching them to make. Yes, they'll need you again, at the least to make sure that they did good. But until they call on you, let them be. You taught them well, in their first five years. Now, let go and watch what your creation can do on his or her own.
Yep!...That's exactly what I was thinking too!! :shock: Dude!!! You better duck-n-run!:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ladies, if I had to "duck and run" every time I voiced an opinion that was unpopular, I'd be perpetually hunchbacked.
Yep, aint that the truth! You are just lucky we can not reach you. I am letting what you said slide because you are not a mother and can not imagine what this day is like. The love a mother has for her child you will never understand no matter how much you would like and try. You just will not plain and simple end of it! BTW do not give me that " I am a father BS" cause it aint the same.
Actually as a mother, I totally agree with Clif. I have moved my son to 3 different daycare centers for reasons unseen and never had a second thought, dropped him off and left no big teary conversation, hugs or anything. Just a quick kiss and I'll see you later. I know he will be great when he starts school in 2 years.. I've done my job and made him a well adjusted little boy!
I have to mention something I saw last year cause this was over the top. I saw a dad videoing every move from the car to the classroom of his lil girls first day. ( I have to admit I partly wanted to smack him and say get out of her face and then thought it was nice to see a dad that involved. )
I will, I've always had to let my child go into situation that I cant control. I know how well adjusted he is. When I worked in daycares it always been the parents that use to sit in the rooms for 30 minutes because they couldnt let their poor baby go, or would keep them from moving up to a new class because they(parents) weren't ready. I dont get it sorry! Kids are great well rounded little people that can adapt very easy and will but most pick up on what the parents are feeling or doing and go off that.
Clif is correct but I think he also was doing it to get us all started and kind of break up all the monotony (is that spelled right?) and emotional roller coasters and make us laugh. You know, when it gets too deep at times, someone needs to do something to get everyone to regroup for minute and get a hold of themselves. all they wanna do is get a hold of Clif...........lololol:twisted:
We have always driven (or walked) our daughter on the first day. We use to walk her to her class but now that she is in 7th grade we drop her off (we aren't cool enough to actually go We have a tradition where we take her picture on the first day. But we always take it at home and we say our goodbyes and such stuff at home. Then when we get to the school it is just "bye and have a good day". But as she gets older I am sure she will not want us to always take her on the first day. We do the picture for her photo book and to send to the family (all out of state) and her bio dad (out of state). That way they feel like they are a part of things. At 12 the mushy stuff in public or if I even THOUGHT about bringing the video camera she would KILL me! :roll:
Well in my life experiences most the fathers I know are not as attached to their children. I also think a woman is closer to the child because she carries it inside her. I am not saying fathers do not love their kids I just think we ( mothers) are more bonded to our children . IMO anyways. Look at child support Dead beat dads seems to me its easier for a man to walk away from their kids than moms.I know its not that way in every case but most. I know a woman who owes back child support and refuses to pay cause she hasn't seen the child and says she dosen't know or wanna know the child . I think she is a awful mother and those kids are better off with their dad who in that case hes more bonded than the mother, it just depends .
So it might have been better to my experience a father can not love a child as much or the same as mother....instead of how you said it which sounded like a "matter of fact" statement. As far as dead beat dads, i would offer that its not the kid that the dad is trying to starve...its the mother. The kid suffers as a by product of the relationship the parents had. I would suggest that even the most dead beat of dead beat dads loves their kids.