I was thinking.... Does the middle school collect Box Tops, Tyson labels and Campbells labels? I have a ton that I forgot to turn in at the elementary school.
Not to be a begger ... but IF the Middle School Doesn't take them - the West View PTA would love to have them I'd be glad to pick them up
We absolutely do...Cleveland Middle I assume you're asking. Just send them in with your DD and the teacher will put them in the right box. I'll be personally responsible for collecting, cutting, counting and mailing all of them this year. We received Art supplies and some gym supplies last year from Campbell's I think. I didn't handle it last year so I'm not sure, but I will send out a flyer soon to all parents asking them to send them in and will let parents know what we get in the newsletter that will go home 4 times this year in report cards. So keep collecting and send them in all year long. Thanks Jen!
Sweet! Thanks Curious! I think I'll hold onto them until you ask for them. There is usually some type of contest that goes along with collection.
What do you mean? As far as the list of items that have a box top? Sorry, it's early and I haven't had my allottment of caffiene yet, lol...
Don't forget the Campbells Soup family of products like V8 juice, Swansons and Pepperage Farms, Prego. Info: http://www.labelsforeducation.com/default.aspx Products List: http://www.labelsforeducation.com/eligibleproductsEN.aspx