Most of the time I think about buying a ticket before 6am. Is there a time period you can but tickets in?
I think you can get them anytime up until an hour before the drawing, found that out the hard way, LOL!
The lottery sucks I know why the state doesn't make enough on the lottery. I bought a scratch ticket for $1 and I won......another ticket! So I paid a buck to get it back. No wonder nobody wants to play it
I won some $$$$$$$$$$$$ I was so excited I finally gave in & bought a ticket only to find out I did not have a chance b/c I did not buy the powerplay Well that rots However, the good news is we hit the powerplay number 19 & one other # so I won $4 not even enough to buy a combo meal from McDonalds but hey first time I played I was excited I thought I would have won more than that but oh well
I got 3 #'s on one ticket... plus the power play... so I won a whopping $21, but it's better than nothing. Paid me back for that particular ticket plus an extra buck!
DH said that he saw on the news someone in Indiana won.... 196 mil lump sum after taxes..... Sigh............
Clif I am new to this forum, but I am hooked now, because you are so darn funny. I guess you can call me a "Clif groupie" Liz