I was watching tv last night and seen the new com. for Drew's new show the one with what America thinks ( can not think of the name) anyhow he asked what would you rather be smart and ugly or dumb and beautiful. Well if you had a choice what would it be? I asked my daughter and she said ugly and smart. I was so proud until I asked her why. She said cause everyone gets ugly when they get old and its better to always be ugly so you are use to it. So I went on to ask how old is old? She said 25.
Smart and ugly. If you're smart, you can get rich and take that $ to a plastic surgeon. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Smart. I know what it's like to be the lesser intelligent one in the crowd around DH's family. Not a good feeling. Frogger
angeleyes wrote This is really bad,I can't be either one since I'm already uglier than homemade soap and as dumb as a rock,I wonder where the choice "goodlooking and smart" was?:lol:
Ahhh this brings back one of my favorite quotes EVER, and I heard it from Judge Judy, not sure if she said it originally....but one of my favorite's none the less "Beauty fades, Dumb is forever."