I wonder if in other countrys they just do not have to worry about strangers as much ? I have noticed almost every Amber alert is a hispanic child lately . Its sad to think that they would not learn english so they can better know their surroundings and whats going on around here.
Sorry, but if you can't keep a hold of a 2-year old, then you should either: Not take him to the place that distracts you to the point that you can't keep a hold of him. Put him in the cart. Put a "kiddie" leash on him. Send someone else to the store. There is absolutely no reason...no reason....for a 2 year old to even have the opportunity to run out into traffic at a grocery store. If he is that slippery, then drive the cart, with him in it, out to your car and don't take him out until you are ready to put him in the car seat. Convenience for mom does not outweigh safety for the child.
I am not condemning the mother either, because I wasn't there. But I'm kinda with most everyone else, my DS had no idea he could even get out of the cart till he was well past two, he went in it in the parking lot or I carried him to the buggy and only got out when I put him back in the car. In my experience, if you set that expectation from the beginning, you have much less problems in the long run. But again, I wasn't there and I don't have any idea what happened, I'm just glad the kid wasn't seriously hurt.
Exactly, just like the apartment fire last week. The majority of the residents were hispanics and the Red Cross jumped into help but was having a terrible problem because the ones they were trying to help could not communicate - it was on the News. If you live here or want to move here, learn the friggin language!!!!!!
I was in a store in Smithfield yesterday when I noticed an elderly woman holding a toddlers hand walking into the store... She comes in the door, from the parking lot and says loudly, did anyone lose a child??? The parents were in the far corner of the store and started yelling at each other about "I thought you had him". He literally could no have been 2 years old. He was in between two cars in the parking lot!!!
The last two times I have gone to the FL at 210, there have been kids left unattended in cars. One mom left the ac going for hers so her three young children were "safe" in the car with the windows up I presume. The other had kids hanging out of every window. Granted these were not babies but still young enough to not be left unattended anywhere, ever! What are folks thinking???
I have a step-brother - not the one who lives in the area. . .in case any of you know him - but one that resides out near Boone. He and his wife are THE laziest parents ever! My mother, (when she was alive, of course), used to complain that when they went to visit and took the family out for dinner, that my step-brother and his wife had no control over their kids and it was embarrassing and irritating to be out in public with them. She said that when eating in a restaurant, the parents let the kids get up and wander while they were eating and that the kids (then ages 3 and 5) would go to nearby tables and stare at people, or start talking - my mom said people would smile and often look uncomfortable when the child wasn't coaxed by their parents to get back to their table. Servers would be trying to work around these kids and my mom said that their parents thought everyone thought their kids were 'cute'. No matter how cute they are, kids need to be contained when out in public. I took my nephew out once (from another sibling) he was about 5 at the time. We ate breakfast in Denny's and he sat and ate his meal without incident. A couple who was at the next table finished right before we did and on their way out, they stopped by our table and said "What a well-behaved little boy you have, it was a pleasure to sit next to you." I remember how proud I was of him and I have gone out of my way to compliment people who have taught their children how to behave in restaurants. Good parenting isn't easy work, but when you choose to have kids, it's your job.
Whats really bad is when someone brings their kid to your house and its a spoiled little child and shows its butt and the parents do not do anything. My brother married a lady who has a son who hits other kids and she says or does nothing to him for it. She laughs like its cute hes 8 its not cute . Well, they do not come to my house any more cause the little meanie was hitting my daughter who is smaller than him and every time I would say something she would say boys will be boys. Made me so mad so I told my child next time he hit her she could hit him back or do to him what he did to her. He bit her arm , before I could even say anything I seen a look on her face and new hes gonna get it needless to say 6 stitches in his cheek ( on his face ) hehehe she bit the chit outta him I laughed when the mother said what are you gonna do about this I said girls will be girls.
At FL last night.....leaving the parking lot, a little girl about 3-4 running running way out in front, away from her mother who was pushing the cart....mother didn't so or say a thing!!! And it was almost dark. :evil: Same mother... talking the whole time in the store on her cell phone, little girl running all over the place. Several people had to stop their carts in order not to hit her.....mother just kept talking, oblivious to it all!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: I'm glad your daughter stood up for herself, but 6 stitches, good gracious! A kid bit my son while he was in daycare, he was only about 6 months old (my son) and left a horrible bruise right on his cheek! I cried and cried over it, I wanted to call the parent of the other kid, but the director wouldn't tell me who it was. Probably a good thing! :x
As we tried to unlock her jaw she kept pulling it was hard to get her off of there. I was suprised she did take up for herself he was way bigger than her. she let him get by so much I guess she had had enough.
ahh yes...they should have told you. I would wanna know and if not, I would yanked my kid out of there in a heartbeat.
I would have been mad at the daycare whos to say that kid didn't have a sickness that could have been given to your child. The other kid should have been thrown out of the daycare.
This has been about 7 years ago, in another state. The skin wasn't broken, thankfully. It just bruised it. It was more the thought that another kid just bit him for no reason what so ever and so young, I just hurt for him, you parents know what I'm saying but they were both under the age of one at the time................I've always heard some kids go through a biting stage, luckily we did not. The director said if they had any more problems, the kid was out, but there weren't.