I need tings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: sale-408004998@craigslist.org Date: 2007-08-28, 10:35AM EDT Hello Ineed diferents tings is for fillet the house four estudents, shets twins. kitchen utilites, micrower, frigerator, couches, courtin, utilites four bathroom, tanks this proyect star next tusday tank you I found this on CL. Still laughing
TH please change your avatar!!! I'm going crazy thinking I have already posted in these threads. :roll: Dang - now I forgot what I was gonna say . . .
Dear Tank, When in America, one does not use a "ting" to fillet students. One uses a special knife for that. Also be advised that if one is filleting four students, especially if they are the much coveted "estudents", one must have a permit. We are also somewhat concerned about a recent report that indicates you "shet" a set of twins. We highly recommend medical follow up, as that sounds quite painful. Not to appear judgemental, but don't you think an ad for household items is a rather cheap way to seek someone for "courtin?" After all, a man with kitchen utilities, a micrower and four bathrooms can do better at attracting a mate. Before closing, we couldn't help but inquire about the proyect star. That didn't appear right around the same time that you were "shetting" twins...did it? If so....ouch. Sincerely, U. R. Wel Come
Oops didn't see you had that avatar! My bad! I was wondering what the heck you were talking about. LOL