Technical terms that sound "Naughty" but really are just technical terms... "TCP Checksum Offload" "Destination SRC Port" Sorry I am busy so these things are on my mind!!!
No, but you can start another thread on the other side. Maybe you won't get beat up too bad by the thread police. :mrgreen:
I'm always having to ask guys out in my yard... "have ya gotten that load off yet?"... that can be pretty wrong.. LOL
I had a guy tell me, in a meeting yesterday that he had "shot his - - -" regarding something work related , I don't think he has ANY idea where that phrase originated. Or I doubt he would have said it! I also heard my MIL say it once, and I about died laughing!
Originally Posted by LChandler Kid friendly site remember? Dont want anyone's drawrs twisted! Kids are in school now . lol