There you are!!! You made me have to search out the threads just so I could say Hello to you, I don't want you to think I've forgotten you!!
I want a "tramp stamp"... I just cant let myself get one until I find a design of my idea that I can or will want to live with for the rest of my life! :?
Sometimes I do have the urge to get one, but for the wrong reason. I don't know why, but people think I am so straight-laced, sometimes I'd just like to do it for shock value, to challenge the perception just a bit.
I did that once for a Halloween party. It was PRICELESS! :lol: :lol: :lol: I can't tell you how many people came up and asked me if it was real, and I wouldn't tell them one way or the other, because it was on an area I didn't normally have showing. DH got asked about it a lot afterwards. :mrgreen:
Why do you believe that? I would think it would have been a female, given that they can get pretty nasty when talking about each other behind backs.
Thats one thing I do not do. Trash talk other women. I won't listen to trash talk about other women because I figure it like this if they are going to say things behind their backs to me what could they say about me to them when I am not around.
No, not all women are like that. But then, not all birds fly. I have always said (and everytime I do, I get the tar verbally beat out of me), all women have the potential to be more evil than any man has ever been accused of being.
That's funny!! I would have thought a man. I haven't heard too many women call other women tramps. But who knows.
Found this in the Urban Dictonary! “Tramp Stamp” is a derogatory term referring to a tattoo which a women places on her lower back. It is especially popular among women born in the late 70’s, 80‘s, and even early 90’s. Fair or unfair, these tattoos have a socially constructed connotation associated with them. These women are labeled as tramps, whores, or other derogatory sexually promiscuous terms. Although these are often bias generalized claims, there have been sociological studies done by the American Psychological Association, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and other demographic researchers showing strong correlative evidence associating tattoos with high risk behavior, illegal substance abuse and sexual promiscuity. These risk factors are greatest in the age range which these types of tattoos are gaining main stream popularity. Some have also jokingly stated that by 2050, the “tramp stamp” will be renamed the “gramp stamp”. WOW!
Oh I have a little evil in me. I just get mad when I hear women talking ugly to each other and about each other. Its useless and sooooo highschool . When women bad mouth eatchother it gives men a reason to call us B and I respect myself too much for that. I also have little set of eyes watching and learning from me . I have seen so many little girls gossip and pass rumors and try and hurt each other and why cause they see grown women do it and think thats how it is suppose to be. nah I do not think so.
yeah, here I am sitting here with 6 tattoos. I was shocked . I don't fit into the category besides being born in the late 70's. LOL I just thought it was funny.
thats how I feel. I have even went as far as having last weekend at my moms house a family friend asked me what I thought of something my brothers new lady friend did to my mom . I said wait til she gets here so I can say it so she will hear it for herself . That way I said what I needed to say and my words would not get swisted and she had the chance to explain to me what she did and why and I had the chance to tell her what would happen if she did it again.