School Complaints

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kidsfly, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    I meant to post this earlier in a thread regarding school supplies. I waited too long and now I don't have the time to search it out and re-read a number of posts to find where it belongs. (sorry)

    I've seen where a number of questions were raised as to why parents must buy a number of school supplies, why aren't the schools providing items, and why isn't the lottery paying for education as promised?

    I'm pleading with all of you that have these questions to attend either a Johnston County School Board Meeting or a County Commissioners meeting and ASK! These meetings are public and are your opportunity to share your displeasure to the decision makers/leaders of our school system.

    I don't attend regularly, but the meetings I have been involved with- VERY FEW Jo Co residents are there. I know we all have busy lives-- but I highly doubt the Education Board and Commissioners take the time to read this board to actually see the frustration. I get the impression from too many leaders that "all is good" and they're doing a wonderful job! They need to know things are not great and it's time to open their eyes to the issues and deal with it.

    If you can't attend meetings, I respectfully ask you email them, call them, write them a letter, etc. Send them copies of receipts of how much you have to spend, take pictures, be creative in letting them know your displeasure!

    The next Commissioner's meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the JC Courthouse. They need to be aware their growth management skills are failing and jeopardizing our schools, homes, safety, etc.

    The Johnston County Board of Education holds a regular meeting on the second Tuesday of each month, with the exception that if that day falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next business day. The meetings are held at the Board of Education Administration Building and begin at 2:00 P.M.

    Off my soapbox now. Thanks.
  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    That was a ploy to make the poor poorer and some fat cat's wallet bigger! It was a trick ;)

    I have not bought ONE single ticket and don't plan on it.
  3. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thats a good idea I have no time for the meetings myself, I have to fight for every second of extra time I get nowadays but I will send them a email. I have alot of problems with JCS. Too many to post here. I think we do have to spend to much on supplies and its not just the supplies its trying to find it. Not getting a list until a few days before school starts, as far as the website some teachers want things that are not posted on there so then you have to go back and shop again.

    I get really mad when I see they do not enforce the dress code!!! k-5 schools have a code also and these little girls are dressed like they work at hooters its crazy. I have also seen a few ( not as many yet) dressed with their pants down around their knees and shirts not far from there either. Do these rules not exsist anymore or is the staff just to lazy to enforce them?
  4. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member


    kidsfly, you might want to give a link for people to find email info. to contact these folks.
  5. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    Well, since we are all sharing our vents...

    There is not enough communication! We are new so we don't automatically KNOW what is going on. Ex: my daughter wants to try out for Volleyball...well they announce over the intercom that try outs are the 28-30th of Aug. and if you want to try out go go room 117. So she goes there yesterday and they ask her for a physical form from her DR. She doesn't have one because she is just trying out and we got no advanced notice. And there is no way I can get her into the Dr's office before tomorrow! All this just to TRY OUT! She may not even make the team! I wish they would have sent something or gave us some more notice!
  6. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    well, for the many complaints I've had over the past year..... I went to the school board and you know how many complaints got fixed?? NONE
    So, good luck.
  7. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    My niece gos to a local middle school, she came home last year and said she got in a fuss with someone and the principle made the other child and her put there hands on a bible and swear to tell the truth asked them if they believed in god and then quoted from the bible to them. Neither child got in any serious trouble just lectured about getting along with others. When she told me that it made me so mad I didn't think it was the best way to handle it or the principles place to preach to kids. I am not sure but I think their is a law about this. Anyways her parents told her if it happens again to call them . They were a little mad about it but didn't think they could do anything about it. If it were my child that man would have got a ear full not because I do not believe in god but because I do not trust school staff to preach the bible.
  8. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Has this year been any better? hope so I remember the problems you talked about bullys last year.
  9. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I know it just started I meant is that other child in his class?
  10. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    Okay, here's some info:
    JC Board of Education:
    Linda Strickland, Clerk
    Phone: 919-934-6032 ext. 223

    Dorothy Johnson:
    Fred Bartholomew:
    Donna White:
    Kay Carrol:
    Larry Strickland:
    Jack O’Hale: JackO'
    Butler Hall:

    JC Board of Commissioners:
  11. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    I ran into this with my boy's needing sports physicals the first year they started Pop Warner ball. I was not able to get them in to their Doc in time so I took them to QuikMed up at 40/42 (beside Curves) and they did a sports physical right then. All it cost me was a $20 co-pay. They do lots of these so you might want to try them. They are open at night too. If you do this, be sure you have the form from the school for the Doc to fill out.

    Here's the number for Quik Med (919) 662-0058
  12. Curious

    Curious Well-Known Member

    QUOTE]Originally Posted by harleygirl
    That was a ploy to make the poor poorer and some fat cat's wallet bigger! It was a trick

    I have not bought ONE single ticket and don't plan on it. [/QUOTE]

    Well that makes at least 3 of us that share the same sentiment! Haven't bought the 1st one and have no plans to ever buy one!
  13. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Well, the other kid FAILED his grade so this kept him from being in my sons class. SO FAR, things have been GREAT! The first day of school his teacher told the class she does not tolerate bully's and she will not have it in her class. She hit the nail on the head. My son is excited about starting a new year. SO FAR SO GOOD!! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks!
  14. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I will give them a call!
  15. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I have to say, if you have any problems Larry and Donna are the ones who care. I had some issues last year when my subdivision was redistricted for elementary school, but the middle school was kept the same. So basically my daughter would have had to leave West Clayton Elementary and move to Cleveland El. and then back to Clayton Middle and then West Johnston. Well I wouldn't have had a problem with it, if she would have left Cleveland and went to Cleveland Middle, but since that wasn't going to happen I transferred her back to WCE (she's a 5th grader now) so she could keep going to school with the same folks and not transfer for only 2 years (crazy, I know). Anyway, Larry and Donna were the only two who cared and got my transfer approved, they also put me in touch with a reporter who wrote a story in the N&O about it. None of the rest of the school board even cared!
  16. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I feel ya SB - being in our 2nd year now of being grandfathered in with the eldest in 3rd. So we'll either be filling out transfer papers or posting for sale signs next year.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2007
  17. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member


    Glad your year is going better. My son's problems w/ bullies followed him to Middle School. Eveyrthing is being documented and they are well aware of the situation. First day of school(per IEP) they were supposed to follow him from class to class for the first week. Remember, this is per IEP and I won't go into details as to why. Just know, we requested self-contained but did not win that battle. Anyhow, school told me he had an excellent day, and such and such. I said, oh really. Because you did NOT follow IEP protocol and regs. Had you followed him, he would not have gotten in the wrong class. BTW, they were not aware it had happened. To top it off, my son's bully from last year is at the middle school w/ him. Now, this kid has not just caused my son problems but many, many other students as well. He starts in on him at the bus again. Slams my son's bookbag down and starts to act as if he's going to punch him. Urghh. They get into a verbal confrontation but it didn't escalate. Think my daughter actually help to tame the situation. Anyhow, the middle school wanted to put my son on the EC bus instead of dealing w/ the bully situation ...what?!?! What good would that do as he is not just harassing my son but others too. Dont' understand their logic.

    Then, he came home yesterday. Chart that was supposed to be in place Monday was implemented yesterday. Though obvious they still didn't do all that is in that IEP. Anyhow, son starts talking about lunch b/c I ask. Now, the first day I let things go b/c kids will say stuff to act tough and such. I understand you can't control every part of this as afterall, it is middle school. This kid that picked on him the first day at lunch did the same yesterday. Said "you have s** w/ your mom." What the world is that about? Only singled out my son at the lunchroom. No one else. Even though he was sitting w/ others. Notified the school about all that stuff today. See if anything will be done but doubt it.

    I know kids will say stuff but given the situation from last year it is already going downhill quickly and we are only on day 2, well 3 today. Haven't heard today but we'll see. I do know they know drop them off right in front of the house now. And my daughter relayed to me the bully bus problem si resolved for now. I dont' think they deal w/ bully's the way they should at JCPS. Yes, kids will be kids and say stupid stuff, they all do. That I totally understand. But when it is done hurtful, consistently, to the same kids, then that is when it becomes a problem. The only time the stupid kid wasn't a problem was when my son knocked the crap out of him last year. He'd taken it long enough. OUr son's problem is the school has it so drilled into them NOT to fight, that he's afraid he's going to get in trouble. We've told him(after months of bullying torment), you will NEVER get in trouble w/ mom and dad if you fought back. As long as you didn't throw the first punch. There does come a time when your kid needs to fight back.

    I'm seeing on this board that htere are so many of us having problems w/ JCPS. Why don't we all go as a group to one of the school board meetings and address the concerns? I think that would be awesome. Someone said on here not many go. I'd be willing to go and express my concerns. Shoot, sounds like we've all tried to address them individually. as a group, we'll have more power. Especially, if we call one of the news crews BEFORE the meeting. Just a thought.

    Hope all your situations are resolved as quickly as possible. Good luck w/ JCPS everyone. I think we're going to need it. A friend of mine heard a quote from Mr. Parker that Johnston County was just a stepping stone for him to get some place better. Did anyone else hear this quote by chance? If so, that would explain alot.

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  18. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    I know my complaint is lame but my daughter's fourth grade teacher is one of the teachers at her school who does NOT have a webpage. I was really hoping it would be up by now so I could keep up with what my daughter is doing at school. She had it at her last school and it was very helpful!

    I sent an email to the school asking if one would be made for this particular teacher but so far, no response.

    Its just nice to know what tests are coming up, what her homework is and if any projects are due. I'd rather know now then last minute like most kids wait to
  19. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Johnston County schools all have web pages for classes.

    I will remind you though, that the teachers themselves have to set up and edit the websites. They are given a login and then left to themselves,mostly. C6 has been working on hers all week, in addition to doing her usual 3-4 hours of stuff AFTER dinner.

    If they run into difficulty with the web page setup, support is available until 6 pm. Let's do some math. She arrives at her class NLT 750 am, teaches all day and has mtgs or parent conferences most days until 5. By the time she gets home, and sits down for a moment, the time left for web page support is dwindling.

    Here's a suggestion. If you are any good at this kind of stuff, why don't you offer to help. You could always go the class between 3:30 and 5 to help her.

    It's so easy to criticize. Volunteer to help the teacher for her full day, not just when the kids are there. You'll get a small perspective of what it's like.
    Then, when you get home, scarf down your dinner, and go work on some more stuff for class for 2-3 hours.

    My wife, and 99% of the others in education, do it for the love of teaching. It certainly isn't the luxurious lifestyle that her salary affords that keeps her there.

    Off my soapbox, now.
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thank god for teachers like your wife they are truely heaven sent. But......99% I do not think so mabe 85% at best are in it for the love of teaching. Alot start out loving teaching and children and then feel stuck cause thats all they feel they can do its all they know.I have met plenty of teachers who hate teaching and have made it clear they are not happy teaching. I do feel they are highly under paid and that maybe a reason. All teachers are not as good as your wife it would be great if they were.

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