Holy Hannah! $3000 for English Bulldog Puppies??

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by kdc1970, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  3. casidycoop

    casidycoop Guest

    for real Kaci,:!: I saw it posted too, Your DS pointed it out too me, bc I have always told him to get me one. Think you guys could chip in and buy your Sweet DIL one>? :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2007
  4. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    3,000.00 seems a bit over the top, since she is NOT being specific about those 'champion bloodlines' Who are the champions? The Enlightened person? The sire? Both? Or was it an ancestor from way back?

    I would imagine, IF these pups came from two ACTUAL champions, she would have a link to a website provided and be bragging away! http://bigboybulldogs.com/_wsn/page10.html

    For anyone interested in English Bulldog puppies, or ANY other dog that they are going to pay more than 250.00 for based on "AKC papers," to do EXTENSIVE research about the breed and then about the people they are purchasing the puppy from to validate the claims (bloodlines) that they claim.

    For some real insight check out this site http://bigboybulldogs.com/_wsn/page7.html

    On their 'about us' page they talk about what happened when they bought their first English Bulldog and how they learned later it wasn't an actual English Bull. . .These breeders, and reputable ones like them, have webpages with pictures of them and their dogs in the show ring. Don't be fooled!
  5. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Nope it's not a typo, I've got one. I didn't pay that much, but we paid up there. Typical price starts at $1,500 for a pet on up for show dogs, champion blood lines, breeders, etc.

    What's so funny is people will pay that for them and they know nothing about the breed. I grew up with some so I knew a little about the breed and I researched for about a year before we decided to purchase one. Not only do I love my old man (my little bugger) but besides the cost to purchase, they cost a lot to keep healthy, etc. (I knew that going in though). We've spent about $10k on him the last 10 years...here's my baby boy.....


    and girl

  6. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Adorable, SB! The skirt on the Boxer made me laugh! You EB is a handsome boy - I love brindles! Thanks for posting them.
  7. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Awww thanks, I always tell him all the girl doggies want him because he is the most handsome boy of all...LOL. My girls love to dress the boxer, because she allows them too, my bully doesn't like it!
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    SB, he's so cute, in that "a face only a mother could love" kinda way!:lol: No, really, he is a beautiful dog. I was just floored at the price. I know some of them can get up there in price, but dern! I had a full-blooded (supposedly :roll: ) Sheltie and I don't even want to know what I spent on vet bills over the years. Heck, I don't want to know what I've spent on my "free" cats, LOL! I think I've got about $100 so far in the turtle I paid $10 and it's only been 2 weeks! Gotta love our non-human babies.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Update!! She's dropped the price to $2500. BARGAIN!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Off to the naughty step now...........................:rolleyes:
  10. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Oh, puh-leeze. She's completely looney!

  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Yeah right cass, that will happen when i win the lottery - oops, forgot, gotta play to win:lol:
  12. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I actually know a breeder who's dogs are showdogs ( English bulldogs ) Any how alot of the high prices with these dogs is most cases they have to have c- sections they have small litters its a supply and demand type thing. They come with lots of medical problems and can cost alot to keep them healthy and some of the moms to be have a hard time through out the whole time they are pregnant. They are very loving and sweet dogs if you can afford to take care of them any ways I know she sales her top dogs pups for up to 5 k and has a waiting list all the time. I would never pay that much for a dog but to each their own.
  13. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    You are correct, almost always the pups are delivered by c-sections. Also, Artificial Insemination is the way to get them pregnant. The whole breeding process for them is really expensive. It is also true, if you are going to buy this breed, please research, research, research. As I've stated before they are very expensive to maintain, but also like I've said I knew that before getting my baby boy. I wouldn't trade him for anything in this world, he has been worth the expense. He is the best dog I've ever had, he's very attached to me and me to him. He's so funny and protective, all my dh has to do is talk loudly from another room and he starts barking, he doesn't like any show of aggression and will let you know that better stop or he's gonna *try* to bite you. It's hard for him to bite with his teeth/jaws the way they are...it's funny!
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I don't know alot about the breeding process but was told by my friend these dogs are not suppose to be bread often either its bad for the mother, she said hers are only bread once every 3 years and she said some are not able to breed at all. She is also a vet so I would think she knows what she is talking about ( I personally don't know ). She lives in Texas , so its not like I see her and her dogs often but hers are very friendly but she has one female she calls miss priss cause she is boss and will tell the others ( dogs ) what to do its actually very cute. She also has a contract she signs with anyone who buys a dog from her that if something happens and they can not for what ever reason keep their dog she will buy it back at the same price they paid. I know alot of breeders are in it for the wrong reasons but she truely is a good person who loves these animals , she donates a day every week to her local shelter. She is very picky about who she will sale a dog too also, I have seen with my own eyes her turn someone away with money in hand just because she seen how their child acted towards the dog ( the kid was trying to strike the pup ) so she refused to sale her to them. She is very picky when it comes to homes for the pups but I guess she can be, she told me she right now has at least a 2 year waiting list.She will not sale to anyone with kids under 7. She will not ship them if you want one you have to come and meet her in person. She also does a back ground check on the people. ( she says that helps her sleep at night knowing they went to good homes) she also has to have references related and non related ,she is very very picky.Their are alot of bad breeders out their but their are some good ones also , its not fair they all get judged for what some do. But.... I guess people pass judgment on all people all the time makes some feel better about themselves.
  15. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    That was not directed at anyone on here. After rereading it may have sounded that way but it wasn't.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I really don't have a huge problem with folks wanting a specific breed of dog, I thought I "had" to have a Sheltie when I got mine years ago. It sounds like Angel's friend is very responsible about her dogs. What I do have a problem with is the folks who don't take the time to get educated about the breed they are getting, and then when it's not the right "fit" off to the shelter they go. It's not the dog's fault, it's the owners. Now, I didn't take my own advice, and a Sheltie was probably NOT the dog I needed. But I had her till the end of her days.
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Heres how I feel about it. When you get a pet its like getting a child you can not just send them away when they don't fit in your life . So do not buy one if you do not want it forever. So many people want to jump on the Breeders but hello what about the people buying these dogs and giving them away or dumping them off at a shelter. What makes me so mad ( sorry but it does ! ) is when people jump all over the breeders advertising and selling their dogs but skip over the ones you see that read something like 3 year old dog for sale can't take care of anymore. Well guess what nobody wants to pay top dollar for a 3 year old dog so guess where its going , too the pound. ( sad but true )I have seen some who want to sale 3 & 4 year old dogs that they don't want anymore for 3 or $400 why not adopt it out to someone and make sure its a good home. Why try and make your money back that you spent on the dog? Thats what makes me mad they are more or less throwing away their pet.
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Hang around for a while, we just haven't jumped on one of those type of ads for awhile. ;)
  19. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I know this is kinda off the subject but what I don't get is people wanting to resale their dog just like this woman here...


    $200.00 for a 4 year old dog!?

    prime example... ask and ye shall receive!
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2007
  20. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I agree with you two wholeheartedly. It just ****es me off when people treat pets anything less than a member of their family. The way I feel about my pets is simple. I purchased them because I wanted specific breeds, and my children were small, so I was afraid to bring a second chance same breed dog into my home, as I wanted to train them from a puppy. I will since my children are older, in the future first try to get a second chance dog that is the breed of my choice (English bulldog). Just like when my baby boy got sick several months back and had to have "risky" surgery that costs me almost 3k, I had it, just like I would have done with my children. It's my responsibility to do everything in my power to have them healthy. Now if he had cancer or something terminal like that I probably would've let him live his days until it got bad.

    If you are going to get ANY pet, please research the breed, know their characteristics, history of breed health problems, etc. etc. etc. But as Kaci always says...with some folks..."you can't fix stupid". :mrgreen:

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