Food Lion Thursday afternoon

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by m2475, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    We had two neighbor boys who always wanted to play w/my girls and they would punch them, etc. then run home because their bipolar Daddy thinks it's okay for boys to hit girls. I told my girls next time you punch them as hard as you can in their nose, same day both boys hit both my girls and my girls punched them in their noses, well they haven't been back and that's been 2 years ago. Bipolar was outside and yelled something about my girls hitting his boys, I said my yard, my rules if you don't like it keep them out of my yard!:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    You go girl!

    That made me laugh out loud.....

    I laughed alot today, for a change, as a direct result of this board.
  3. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    I've got a wacky neighbor like that too. We tried to be nice for the longest time but their kids kept being mean to our kids. Even when I saw one of them shoving my kid who was 6 years younger and I called him out on it, the parents took their kid's side. Told me the kid has NEVER lied to them. :roll: It got really bad after that. I couldn't go in my yard or let the kids outside without the man yelling crap at us for a long time.:evil:
  4. doggy

    doggy Well-Known Member

    I never said I was perfect ...

    I never said I was a perfect parent. But I CAN say that my toddlers have never run out into the line of traffic. In fact I see many toddlers that don't run out into the line of traffic. Yes toddlers are unpredictable - a good reason why a parent of a toddler should provide better quality supervision. Everyone is careful in a parking lot and it's more adults wandering around not paying attention than toddlers. We can feel sorry for the toddler, but let's put the blame where it belongs, not with Food Lion or the driver of the vehicle who collided with it, but with the parent who should have provided better supervision with an "unpredictable toddler".
  5. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    How can you be sure the mother was not already doing all she could to supervise? Things just happen sometimes, that's life. We take chances in life when we leave our homes in the morning. Should we be more careful and overly cautious in certain areas concerning our kids? By all means, yes. But react like the parent is unmindful or neglectful if something happens? No, not until you know the facts. Every accident that happens where a child is concerned is NOT the result of a parent not providing better supervision. Sorry, but it's not.

    No, it's not Food Lion's fault. It may not be the driver's fault either. We don't know if they were careless and going to fast or not. How about we chalk it up to it being an unfortunate accident that happened and be thankful that the child is ok and all is well now.

    Blame? Let's not play the "blame game". It's not a very nice game anyway.
  6. Absaroka

    Absaroka Well-Known Member

    blessed wrote
    Because he ran out in front of a car
    You can always hold their hand or set them in the cart,but that's just what I would do
  7. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Ok heres the deal. I feel sorry for the child not the mother not really. I feel bad for the fact she let this happen by not holding or pushing her kid in the cart or something that made her kid more safe. Yes, kids climb out of carts thats when you pop that butt or say no and make them sit in the damn cart thats why there are little seats built for their little butts. If your childs butt is to big for the cart or you have a smaller kid in the cart then get a leash for the one who has to walk, or leave them with a sitter.

    Maybe when people have kids the hospital should send out a common sence booklet Do not let child play with guns or they will get shot, Do not let kids play in traffic or a car may come by and hit them. I mean damn how stupid are people ? As far as the mother she should be investigated by social services whos to say this is a one time deal . This is a accident but it could have been avoided if mommy would have used her noggin. ( and the little seat) Thats my oppinion . My heart is not bleeding for the mother because its not like she could not have done something to prevent this and for some sad reason kids pay for stupid parents.

    There is a lady in my neighborhood who lets her kid whos about 2 sit in her lap and play drive the car and another one who is about 4 hang its head out the sun roof going down the street about 45 mph. IMO this woman is stupid and when lord forbid something happens she can thank herself for being stupid .
  8. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry but I don't judge anyone or condemn anyone. It could've been a very unfortunate accident that the mother feels suicidal about. Good grief, people. And social services? PahLEESE.......They don't even investigate the REAL, hard core child abuse cases they have now in it's entirety.

    You can feel however you want. We all can. But I choose to give the mother the benefit of the doubt. But yes!! For God's sake be more careful! Leave the kids with a sitter if you can, take some help, all this....I agree. But let's not call out the national guard on someone who could've been doing all she could at that moment.

    I work with the public ALL DAY LONG. They have their kids with them at times. Some need ALOT of work at control and others have complete control and stuff STILL happens. Too many people want to get on the, "OMG!! Can you believe that?" wagon, they can't even fathom the truth of what may have REALLY happened.

    Sorry ladies! There are NO "mothers of the year" here, myself included. Accidents happen, serious or not, learn from it and grow. Then move one and be careful!
  9. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    very well said!!
  10. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    The reason I said that is because I found out something from someone who said they had been there when it happened and that the child was not being watched in the store at all and is never watched . As far as accidents yes they happen all the time. shoot the mother could have been in the store with the kid in the cart and a car come flying threw the window ,that would be and accident. This was and accident in the sense that it was not done on purpose it was a few seconds of neglect and thats all it takes. "As far as Mother of the year" I do not hold that title but I also watch my child and do everything not to put her in harms way. I have made mistakes just like everyone here has and/or will. As far as her moving on and learning to be more careful I hope she does and think she probably feels more guilt than any of us can imagine. But, there has been "rumors" that there has been talk of law suits against the store and that is just one of them get rich quick ideas if it is indeed true. I am glad the child is ok it could have been alot worse .
  11. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

  12. Sammie

    Sammie Well-Known Member

    OMG! Some people just shouldn't have kids! It makes me so angry to hear about all the couples who can't have kids and the ones that can do crap like this to their kids!
  13. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thats sad . So neglectful imo the mother of that child should stay in prison for life.
  14. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Did you hear about the mother who tried to flush her newborn down in Mcdonalds toilet? This is on

    Luckly the baby is ok.

    Really sad :(
  15. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Omg know! If someone don't want their child why not just give it to someone who wants a child and can not have one. It just makes no sence to cary a child full term and then try to kill it when so many people would give anything to have one. Remember last year or the year before that little boy that was starved he was 2 and weighed like 15lbs and the parents were driving a truck out of Texas ( I think ) Anyways he was starved and beaten and died the mother was in jail news showed her laughing and acting like it was a normal day. uhhhhggggg made me so mad watching that . Instead of putting her in jail I wish they would just give me that woman for a hour won't cost tax payers anything not even burial fees I'd shread her arse. I remember watching and crying so hard hearing what that baby went through. I do not want any more 1 is enough for me right now but I would have took that child in and I know others would have she could have gave him to a good home if she didn't want him.
  16. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I know...really sad. Its crazy what these women are thinking.

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