I love a good nap in the afternoon-- but wont admit that I took one!! (Busy SAHM and work from home, so no time for a nap!!!)
I do that on the day after Thanksgiving. My best friend and I go to the mall. We don't go to shop, we just watch all the people. It gets us in the mood for Christmas.
I can't say either.. but it would have to do with something that I bought from Jen not so long ago.... :shock:
Nevermind, TMI........................ OK, let's see.........................I kinda enjoy it when DH is out of town for a day or two, I get to watch what I want on TV and hog all the covers!
well heres one of mine.....I like smelling magic markers. Sometimes I can't help myself. I'll walk by a marker and have to stop and take the cap off and take a big ole sniff. My husband calls me a huffer. There, not something I share with people! LOL
And my other guilty pleasure is - Massage (by a professional with lavendar oils and hot stones)! LOL LOL Not really guilty pleasure but it is when I leave the hubby to clean and cut grass while I pamper me I guess! LOL