KT thats not lunch Frogger that's why I am going to go out. I need to go to store also... KDC I like the shiney diner (I miss working in Clayton)
I like them too, don't go there that often anymore though, the food had gotten kinda hit or miss. But if they are too busy, my favorite, La Cocina is right behind them!
trust me, all the garbage I am going to be eating and drinking tomorrow while tailgating...have to balance it out with something healthy and light today my sister..... plus I love it too. :-D
that sounds good, my SIL loves there soup, I think she actually has a recipe for it and its close to the same
OH MY!! Please tell her I would LOVE to have that!! You would make my hubby happy too (to far for him to drive when I am craving soup) LOL
off Poole Rd, I could drive to white oak, but I only have 30 minutes so I dont chance it, my luck is there would be a major wreck somewhere and I would get stuck, I will asck my SIL and give it to ya
Yep, I skipped going out to lunch had to go to a meeting this morning in another one of our bldgs. (RTP) that's 5 mins. up the road, so on the way back to my office I hit McD's and got me a sweet tea, double cheeseburger and fry. I figured I'd better hit that place one more time, since Tues. is eat healthy time until the holidays!