2 cousins pizza @ mcgees xroads

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 2cpizza.com, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    This conversation goes round and round...round and round...round and round. This conversation goes round and round. Early in the morning.
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    A Freakin Men
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Boy who does this heffer sound like???
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL, was the mispelling intentional...............it's heifer..................:) :) :) ;)
  5. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Hello, are we not known for growing tobacco..Go back to Cali or wherever u r from...
    Dont like it, dont go there...It's just that simple. More pizza for me..:twisted:
  6. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Ken said.....I mean what if tomorrow they pass a law that says you have to shave your hair lip and lose that extra 200 lbs before you can drink milk in public. What are you going to do?
    Thanks for the visual. BAA HAHAHAHA. I am still lol. I am easily entertained.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thank you Ken for reiterating what i said but in a much better way:-D
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    It does, and if its beyond copable we or I leave. Or, we sit somewhere else where the smoke doesn't seem to blowing in my direction. People who we know at the bar that do smoke are usually pretty courteous about switching seats, or moving their ashtrays, etc. I'm not going to stay locked in my house to avoid it, but in a pizza place that t-iny there is no need for it to reek of stale cigarettes and ashtray stench like it does. If I go into a bar, thats what I expect (unless I'm in Massachusetts).

    I'll still whoop you later!

  9. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Or it could be like it is in Massachusetts, and they take it very seriously, they'll hand you a plastic cup to take your drink outside in, and you can smoke out there, and not within 10 ft of the doorway. Most places have added on small decks or covered areas for the smokers.
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Well at least they are catering to smokers and i am sure it is to ensure their business will continue.

    Hey girl, i keep my ashtray away from you too when we are together:-D
  11. Tamo245

    Tamo245 Active Member

    You Guys are One Classy Group.... LOL

    Simple minds are always easily entertained. I'm not a Nazi, I'm Republican. A Size 2 so hardly a "heffer", and I admit to a touch of Redneck... Got me there... <grin>

    Folks, Name Calling is for people who lack the intelligence to debate a subject intelligently. You guys have shown your true colors here on this thread.

    My family on both sides goes back here in Johnston County for several generations, so for the person that told me to go back where I come from.... Well, I come from right here, and FYI, both sets of Grandparents were Tobacco Farmers. However, none of them smoked thank goodness.

    Good Grief, It's no wonder people think that North Carolinians are a bunch of Backwards Idiots. Just let them come on here and read this thread...... My 5 yr old niece acts more mature.

    I bet if were to really take the time to reread this tread that you would be horribly embarrassed of the way you have acted. And, If you aren't, well let me assure you that I am embarrassed enough of you guys for all of us.
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Wow, great way to join a board - so evidently if someone does not agree with your opinion then you choose to judge and put them down and portray yourself as more holy than thou - how sad is that:rolleyes: Actually in reality you are the one who should be embarrassed by your backwoods attitude that you are the only one who is allowed to have an opinion. Get over it, there are actually more people in this world than you and their opinions are just as important as yours - good grief:shock: But then again i am playing into your silly game by even responding, so that is my bad.
  13. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I thought this was a pizza thread?! ...I'm worse at keeping up than I thought I was!
  14. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    So why are the non-smoking sections in almost all restaurants larger than the smoking sections. Plus many restaurants are completely no smoking. I believe you will have a hard time proving "the majority of those that spend their money eating out are the smokers".
  15. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    why are you still smoking!!!!!!!
  16. Tamo245

    Tamo245 Active Member

    No proof is needed... they just start calling names and belittling anyone who disagrees with them. Just yell loudly enough and facts don't matter, didn't you know???

    I honestly don't think I have never met a bunch of adults online who have acted so unbelievably outrageously over a post. I repeat, I have NEVER met such a childish bunch of posters.... It astounds me <shaking my head>

    Oh, and TITTAT... I am so happy that you bet that your hubby's family lived longer than my grandparents, ooooghh I'm so impressed with that snappy comeback!! WTF??? Grow up Child. If you are old enough to be married you are old enough to act like an adult.

    I do not feel small, My Dear, However I DO feel very very sorry for people with such small minds that they don't have the intelligence to do anything but call someone names just cause they are disagreed with. This is the most pathetic group of people I have ever had the pleasure to come across on any message board ever. I can't believe that these people are my neighbors... I'm outta here I got better things to do that this. Good night Everyone.
  17. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  18. Rigmaster

    Rigmaster Well-Known Member

    Wow, what a crap-filled thread this turned into.

    Here's what I've got to say about the whole thing- take it for what it's worth.

    1- Carlo- we LOVE 2Cpizza at the 210 shopping center.

    2- we hate eating at restaurants where people are smoking

    3- IMHO, it's the restaurant owner's decision whether or not to allow smoking- I can't say we won't patronize a restaurant that we like because they allow smoking, but it certainly can make it VERY unpleasant if someone is smoking- especially in a space the size of 2C on 210. I have yet to see a restaurant that has a separate smoking section that actually makes a difference- the smoke goes EVERYWHERE.

    4- you folks complaining about Carlo posting here to clarify an inaccurate article are obviously just trying to stir the pot. The way I see it, Carlo is a member of the 4042 community, and I for one am glad he's here. He's not posting over and over again trying to get free advertising for his business- I am glad he posted the details on the 3 different locations, there has been alot of misinformation posted on this board in the past about things like this- it's good to see the true facts coming from the horse's mouth.

    And DrDan, I hope your post about the $30 in taxes was being sarcastic. I gotta believe that smokers as a whole COST the rest of us much more than $30 per year in extra healthcare costs, decreased productivity, not to mention all the extra trash they generate (cigarette butts are trash, stop throwing them out the window of your car!!!!!!!!).

    Smoke all you want, just don't expect me to have to live with the stench of your exhaust- unless you want me to crop dust your table after a week of the new refried beans and cabbage diet.

  19. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I withdrew my comment, I have learned in here not to feed the trolls. I dont want any part of your arguing.
    BTW< you seem to be targeting me, I feel like I know you. If you dont want to smoke, dont. I am not pushing anything on you. I can have an opinion.

    How many times do I have to say this?


    So you can belittle me and it is okay, pot meet kettle...

    I am done with this.

    Welcome to the board Tamo 245..
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2007
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya....


    When I was a smoker, the smoke never seemed to bother me that bad, but my husband didn't smoke and complained all the time.

    Now that I'm a non-smoker, I find it difficult to enjoy a meal if there's a lot of smoke around. We expect it in a bar, but have left the bar on more than one occasion because the smoke was just too much.

    For the most part, we'd rather be at a non-smoking establishment, and we've chosen not to go to some places at certain times, because we knew the smoke would be heavy.

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