Buckaroo under new ownership...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tit4Tat, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Went in today to fed ex some things and WOW. I hadn't been in a while but they really have cleaned it up. The new owners are super nice and very helpful.
    They call it BULLDOG (something) because they have a bulldog they love.

    I would recommend if you haven't been there in a while to go check it out again. They have really cleaned it up and changed things around. The owners took special care and put some extra effort so my Cd's wouldn't crack or break. Thanks for the great service!! I was very impressed.

    They also said they are going to advertise on 4042.

  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Why did they sell it? Do they still run the Post Office on the next block or did they bale out of that also. Never did like the old owners attitude. And they were SLOW>>>>. If they actually sold it I might try it again, we'll see.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    It's called Bulldog Express now. I've met them as well and they are super nice!!!

    Robbie, the post office is still ran my the same person who owned Buckaroo.
  4. m2475

    m2475 Well-Known Member

    They are very helpful at the post office. I've had no problems with their service there.
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I've had great service at the post office.
  6. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    I had terrible experiences with both Buckaroo AND the P.O. I swore never to go back to Buckaroo. I will definitelly try the new Bulldog.
    Thanks for the info :)
  7. forthekids

    forthekids Member

    They have always been super nice and extra helpful at the post office for me. Great service every time I go.
  8. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I was always happy at the PO and Buckaroo. The owner's daughter(?) was always great about helping choose the most efficient yet least expensive way to send stuff. They were very nice and so are the new owners.
  9. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    They have always been nice at the PO, especially Joe (I think thats his name).
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2007
  10. Rigmaster

    Rigmaster Well-Known Member

    If you have bad service or have a problem with a business, what good does it do to randomly complain about it here?? What EXACTLY was the bad service or the problem you had?? Did you complain to the people at the business?? I'm sure *most* business owners would be grateful to know if someone was not happy with their service and why. And I know that I, as a customer, would like to know SPECIFICALLY what people like and dislike about different businesses in the area.

    I've had nothing but GREAT service at the Cleveland PO. Joe is a super nice guy, kinda quiet but extremely helpful when I've had questions about different services, or the best way to mail something or whatever I've asked of him.

    I have not done much business with Buckaroo- but the times that I've been in there, I've been happy with the service. A couple of times they seemed to be extra busy and/or understaffed, but no biggie.

  11. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    I did complain to Buckaroo and was told I would get some compensation and was totally blown off.
    To be specific, I sent some packages. Spent a small fortune to get them there by a certain date (not overnight) and they did not get there on time. They got there DAYS late. I wanted to send them UPS and was talked out it (into Fed-Ex). I tried to work with them, but they had the attitude "too bad, so sad". So I didn't go back.
  12. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Actually, Fed Ex IS less expensive than UPS, and it is typically FASTER because they deliver on Saturdays.

    If your package got someplace late, it wasn't the fault of the shipping company you used (in this case - Buckaroo) but rather the fault of the carrier (Fed Ex). IMO, your complaint should have been to the folks at FedEx, not Buckaroo.

    I always had good service at Buckaroo - yes, at times they were jammed with people around the holidays - like any other business of it's kind.

    Joe at the P.O. is a really nice guy and is doing a great job. Our area needed a post office badly.

    ((now if we could get a Tag office in the area so we didn't have to drive to Smithfield, we'd be cookin' with gas!))
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2007
  13. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    That was just the short version above. I did complain to Fed-Ex. It was more the treatment I got from the merchant. It was a while ago, and I just stopped going there. The ony reason I brought it back up an earlier post that wanted specifics. It's water under the bridge right now.
  14. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    We utilize both the PO and the Express. Joe and Emily did a wonderful job at both. They still do a great job at the PO. I've met the new Express owners, who seem to be great folks as well.

    I commend those would open a business locally. Takes major league cojones to do so, as the profit model for this area is somewhat iffy. I recall the complaints shot towards the Express for charging over the cost of a stamp. My suggestion then, and still is, if you don't care who you spend your money, drive to Clayton and stand in line. Service is no better in town than here.

    Ditto for package shipping. We chose Fedex because their deliveries for us are less expensive and offer better scheduling, esp Saturday delivery. Before we opened the corporate account with Fedex, I ran into some serious delivery issues with UPS, paying for Saturday and overnight deliveries to Morehead City that didn't occur for several days afterwards.

    As an example, I sent a package from here to Morehead via UPS for next day delivery. It was dliverd three business days later, in the late pm, so for all practical purposes, it took four business days for my customer to get their goods.

    Last week, I sent a package to Harkers Island, east of Morehead. Dropped it off at Express with our ready made, already paid shipping on it. Express could have legitimately charged me the difference between the rate I paid and what they'd normally charge, but they did not. The package went from here to Durham to Charlotte to Wilmington and was on the truck heading to Morehead and Harkers Island at 746 am, the next day. Delivered 23 hours after I dropped it at Express.

    SO, for us, FEDEX and USPS are the best routes. And the local operators do a grand job of keeping us happy.

    FWIW, the service at both the Express and the PO is much better than the service at a watering hole/restaurant that if frequently bragged about here.
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Mom and Dad had a house down there for years when I was in HS. They are down with little sista and her DH this weekend. I HATED not to go. :neutral:
    Not too many people knew about Harkers Island back in the mid 80's. We loved it down there, still wish we had the old house :-( :-(
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    if you want to hear some of that HI brogue, check out our website. have your volume on, but not way up. Works with IE..not sure w/ firefox.
  17. emilie

    emilie Well-Known Member

    Just a note...

    Someone sent me the like to this thread, so I figured it was a good opportunity to say a little something.

    Yes, we have sold Buckaroo to a wonderful couple and I do wish them well. I WAS preparing a written statement to mail out to the community but you know how word gets around and obviously have not gotten the opportunity to do it before it was posted.

    Buckaroo was an adventure. I met a lot a great people and made many friends. For those who don't know the history, the people before us had virtually abandoned it. I , a customer as well as a small business owner of Buckaroo Graphics already at a small place on 42 at the time, thought it was an opportunity to do something exciting and combine some of my loves (like Graphic Art, unique gifts, candles and other little things) with mail and shipping and mailbox rentals. We fixed the whole store up and those who remember it before, know how much we put into it. We changed, fixed and added a lot.

    I put a lot of love in that store and for two years we did the best we could for the community. We tried and I think we did good by our customers, though unforunately, no matter how hard you try you cannot make everyone happy. Buckaroo was good to us and we know it was because of the tremendous support of the community.

    Being there, I realized the need for actual retail post office services.
    It was a challenge but it was finally accomplished - in fact I was quite surprised but of course honored. On September 11th of last year the Post Office was opened. My husband, who most of you know, Joe, was running the PO six days a week from 9-6. He needed breaks and some help and soon I found myself back and forth and working 9am- 11pm. On top of that I was homeschooling (by the way, for those who know her she graduated middle school with awesome grades like 12th - 18 grade levels so it really paid off for both of us). Anyway...I did not want to put on employees all day at Buckaroo and lose that "personal touch". I wanted someone who could love that business as much as I did and continue to take care of the community and even take it to the next level.

    I am happy to say that Buckaroo is now Bulldog and owned by two in my opinion wonderful people who really do care a lot about the community and good customer service and a great attitude. They still will do packaging, USPS and FedEx (which btw we found to be GREAT shippers, and have an TERRIFIC track record. FedEx AND United States Postal Service were awesome during the holidays and we had a lot of happy customers). They still do copies, faxes, laminating, and mailbox rentals and pretty much the same things except I took Buckaroo Graphics with me.

    My heart is still there and I think about it a lot and it sounds crazy but its true. It was not just a business for me, it was a wonderful experience and met a lot of great people but its cool because we see everyone either around town or the PO as well so I feel good about that. We tried to please all, and if we didn't, I am sorry and I wish we could have left a better taste in your mouth but, like I said all in all, I think we did the best we could and did try real hard.

    I now work full time with Joe, and have more time with my family which I REALLY needed and was much of the reason for my decision. It feel weird not to work my 14 hours a day - 6 days a week and it feels good to sit at the table with my family every night and talk. I needed that - WE needed that.

    Though I don't OWE an explanation, I am giving one so you know the REAL story before one is made up for me or something.

    Well sorry to write so much but I like to get have my stories complete and records straight and make sure everyone gets the point. I thank you guys SOOO much for your support and from the heart is a big THANK YOU. You guys are so great. I really wouldn't want my business or my home anywhere else. I guess we will see you around town and at the Post Office also. Thanks for the online support as well, I don't know all of you by your screen names but I thank you for the kind words and even for the not so kind onew so I can make sure I always try as best as I can to make our customers happy.

    Bye for now....Em8)
  18. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member


    Very kind of you to add an explanation to everyone, and thank you for all your hard work and years of servicing the community.

    I absolutely LOVE that a PO is available in the Cleveland area and I really appreciate your being there. The service is great, quick lines, friendly faces... and I know Joe is really busy because I've stopped in at least 3-5 times to buy stamps and left empty-handed because you were out. :eek:

    I hope your being there will help in keeping stamps in stock. :p

    Thanks again for all you do.
  19. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    You & Joe are First Class to me!
  20. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    From what I understand, Cleveland PO is contractual. Is Bulldog an independent-owned company? Both of these places are filled with friendly staff. I enjoyed talking with them - they are super nice to their customers.

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