I was wondering about how you can have a cat, but make it an outside only cat. I'd love to have one so the cat can keep the little critters (mice, etc) on our land under control. We live on several acres. I'm very much a city girl, now living on a few acres in the Cleveland area...I freaked out when I was told we had a mouse in our pantry, and the exterminator said the best thing to do would to have an outdoor cat. We've had indoor cats before, but my kids are allergic to the dander, so the cat would have to be outside only. Of course, I would keep the cat up on shots, and certainly neutered. Is this even a good idea to get a cat for this reason?
I grew up on a farm and we had two barn cats. They kept the critters away and we played with them everyday! We also had a guard dog on the property (expensive horses, etc.) and that dog would kill any other dog/cat that got within it's limits, except those barn cats, he would let them sleep in the dog house with him!
There are lots of different philosophies... Outside cats usually have shorter life spans, getting hit by car, fox, dogs etc... there are leash laws in most areas where it is illegal to let your cat roam, so if you have grumpy neighbors they can trap them and bring them to the shelter. (and some do repeatedly) But I have met plenty of cats who just prefer it outside. I would not convert an inside cat to an outside cat, just find an outside cat that needs a home. There are plenty on Craigslist.
Some things to think about before you decide to have an outdoor cat. Another thing to think about - there may already be feral cats in your neighborhood. You could encourage them by providing food and shelter. Check this out: http://www.indyferal.org/index.php?page=shelters&
I would agree it depends on where you live, etc. If you live in a neighborhood then I would suggest you not get an outside cat. There are some folks who have them in my subdivision (thank goodness not near me) but I hear other neighbors complaining about them getting on their cars and scratching the paint and digging up their mulch, children's sand boxes, etc. because they use that as their litter box. If you live on a farm with many acres, then go for it.
Put cat food out for a couple days to see if you already have feral cats in the vicinity. If you keep feeding them they'll stay around your place. If not, adopt one from a shelter. There are plenty..... PLEASE GET THEM FIXED HOWEVER YOU OBTAIN THEM!
Thanks for all the tips. We're on 4 acres, and our only neighbor is 2 acres away and they have horses, so I don't have to worry about the neighbors. I'm still in the 'thinking about it' stage.
Great idea, except most shelters will not allow you to adopt a cat if they know you will keep it outside.
you can dip your new cat's paws in melted butter, then place them down in your yard. As they clean themselves, they learn the scent of their new home. Supposed to help them get home again should they wander. A farmer who had several barn cats passed this tip onto me. Good Luck!
Wow! This is something my granny told me once and I thought she was CRAZY!! Thought she was just giving me one of those "ole' time remedies."
I have always said pet's should be inside, they are a part of the family, BUT.... I can definatley see your point. I've got plans eventually for an outside cat (not Mattie) and 2 guard dogs. (not Shelby)
my neighbors cat just had kitties, they are outside but very well cared for, and the kids in the neighborhood play with them, so i know they arnt mean, so if you are still thinking of getting one lat me know and i will let you know when they are ready to go. On the other hand i sure do wish they would get that cat fixed, this is her second litter in a year, I dont want to upset them by saying something but if it continues I just may have to give them a Phone number to the vet. (subtle hint)